177 research outputs found

    Constraining the Inflationary Equation of State

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    We explore possible constraints on the inflationary equation state: p=w\rho. While w must be close to -1 for those modes that contribute to the observed power spectrum, for those modes currently out of experimental reach, the constraints on w are much weaker, with only w<-1/3 as an a priori requirement. We find, however, that limits on the reheat temperature and the inflationary energy scale constrain w further, though there is still ample parameter space for a vastly different (accelerating) equation of state between the end of quasi-de Sitter inflation and the beginning of the radiation-dominated era. In the event that such an epoch of acceleration could be observed, we review the consequences for the primordial power spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figur

    A Simple n-Dimensional Intrinsically Universal Quantum Cellular Automaton

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    We describe a simple n-dimensional quantum cellular automaton (QCA) capable of simulating all others, in that the initial configuration and the forward evolution of any n-dimensional QCA can be encoded within the initial configuration of the intrinsically universal QCA. Several steps of the intrinsically universal QCA then correspond to one step of the simulated QCA. The simulation preserves the topology in the sense that each cell of the simulated QCA is encoded as a group of adjacent cells in the universal QCA.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Journal version: arXiv:0907.382

    Bounds on masses of bulk fields in string compactifications

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    In string compactification on a manifold X, in addition to the string scale and the normal scales of low-energy particle physics, there is a Kaluza-Klein scale 1/R associated with the size of X. We present an argument that generic string models with low-energy supersymmetry have, after moduli stabilization, bulk fields with masses which are parametrically lighter than 1/R. We discuss the implications of these light states for anomaly mediation and gaugino mediation scenarios.Comment: 15 page

    Epidemiology of lobomycosis-like disease in bottlenose dolphins <i>Tursiops</i> spp. from South America and southern Africa

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    We report on the epidemiology of lobomycosis-like disease (LLD), a cutaneous disorder evoking lobomycosis, in 658 common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus from South America and 94 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins T. aduncus from southern Africa. Photographs and stranding records of 387 inshore residents, 60 inshore non-residents and 305 specimens of undetermined origin (inshore and offshore) were examined for the presence of LLD lesions from 2004 to 2015. Seventeen residents, 3 non-residents and 1 inshore dolphin of unknown residence status were positive. LLD lesions appeared as single or multiple, light grey to whitish nodules and plaques that may ulcerate and increase in size over time. Among resident dolphins, prevalence varied significantly among 4 communities, being low in Posorja (2.35%, n = 85), Ecuador, and high in Salinas, Ecuador (16.7%, n = 18), and Laguna, Brazil (14.3%, n = 42). LLD prevalence increased in 36 T. truncatus from Laguna from 5.6% in 2007-2009 to 13.9% in 2013-2014, albeit not significantly. The disease has persisted for years in dolphins from Mayotte, Laguna, Salinas, the Sanquianga National Park and Bahía Málaga (Colombia) but vanished from the Tramandaí Estuary and the Mampituba River (Brazil). The geographical range of LLD has expanded in Brazil, South Africa and Ecuador, in areas that have been regularly surveyed for 10 to 35 yr. Two of the 21 LLD-affected dolphins were found dead with extensive lesions in southern Brazil, and 2 others disappeared, and presumably died, in Ecuador. These observations stress the need for targeted epidemiological, histological and molecular studies of LLD in dolphins, especially in the Southern Hemisphere

    Supersymmetric string model with 30 kappa--symmetries in an extended D=11 superspace and 30/ 32 BPS states

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    A supersymmetric string model in the D=11 superspace maximally extended by antisymmetric tensor bosonic coordinates, Σ(52832)\Sigma^{(528|32)}, is proposed. It possesses 30 κ\kappa-symmetries and 32 target space supersymmetries. The usual preserved supersymmetry-κ\kappa-symmetry correspondence suggests that it describes the excitations of a BPS state preserving all but two supersymmetries. The model can also be formulated in any Σ(n(n+1)2n)\Sigma^{({n(n+1)\over 2}|n)} superspace, n=32 corresponding to D=11. It may also be treated as a `higher--spin generalization' of the usual Green--Schwarz superstring. Although the global symmetry of the model is a generalization of the super--Poincar\'e group, Σ(n(n+1)2n)×Sp(n){\Sigma}^{({n(n+1)\over 2}|n)}\times\supset Sp(n), it may be formulated in terms of constrained OSp(2n|1) orthosymplectic supertwistors. We work out this supertwistor realization and its Hamiltonian dynamics. We also give the supersymmetric p-brane generalization of the model. In particular, the Σ(52832)\Sigma^{(528|32)} supersymmetric membrane model describes excitations of a 30/32 BPS state, as the Σ(52832)\Sigma^{(528|32)} supersymmetric string does, while the supersymmetric 3-brane and 5-brane correspond, respectively, to 28/32 and 24/32 BPS states.Comment: 23 pages, RevTex4. V2: minor corrections in title and terminology, some references and comments adde

    The Ekpyrotic Universe: Colliding Branes and the Origin of the Hot Big Bang

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    We propose a cosmological scenario in which the hot big bang universe is produced by the collision of a brane in the bulk space with a bounding orbifold plane, beginning from an otherwise cold, vacuous, static universe. The model addresses the cosmological horizon, flatness and monopole problems and generates a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of density perturbations without invoking superluminal expansion (inflation). The scenario relies, instead, on physical phenomena that arise naturally in theories based on extra dimensions and branes. As an example, we present our scenario predominantly within the context of heterotic M-theory. A prediction that distinguishes this scenario from standard inflationary cosmology is a strongly blue gravitational wave spectrum, which has consequences for microwave background polarization experiments and gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 67 pages, 4 figures. v2,v3: minor corrections, references adde

    Baryogenesis in Models with a Low Quantum Gravity Scale

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    We make generic remarks about baryogenesis in models where the scale MsM_s of quantum gravity is much below the Planck scale. These correspond to M-theory vacua with a large volume for the internal space. Baryogenesis is a challenge, particularly for M_s \lappeq 10^5 GeV, because there is an upper bound on the reheat temperature of the Universe, and because certain baryon number violating operators must be suppressed. We discuss these constraints for different values of MsM_s, and illustrate with a toy model the possibility of using horizontal family symmetries to circumvent them.Comment: 15 pages, latex, one figure. References adde

    Black Hole Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

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    We have known for more than thirty years that black holes behave as thermodynamic systems, radiating as black bodies with characteristic temperatures and entropies. This behavior is not only interesting in its own right; it could also, through a statistical mechanical description, cast light on some of the deep problems of quantizing gravity. In these lectures, I review what we currently know about black hole thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, suggest a rather speculative "universal" characterization of the underlying states, and describe some key open questions.Comment: 35 pages, Springer macros; for the Proceedings of the 4th Aegean Summer School on Black Hole

    Modern temporal network theory: A colloquium

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    The power of any kind of network approach lies in the ability to simplify a complex system so that one can better understand its function as a whole. Sometimes it is beneficial, however, to include more information than in a simple graph of only nodes and links. Adding information about times of interactions can make predictions and mechanistic understanding more accurate. The drawback, however, is that there are not so many methods available, partly because temporal networks is a relatively young field, partly because it more difficult to develop such methods compared to for static networks. In this colloquium, we review the methods to analyze and model temporal networks and processes taking place on them, focusing mainly on the last three years. This includes the spreading of infectious disease, opinions, rumors, in social networks; information packets in computer networks; various types of signaling in biology, and more. We also discuss future directions.Comment: Final accepted versio

    Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel

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    A major use of the 1000 Genomes Project (1000GP) data is genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we develop a method to estimate haplotypes from low-coverage sequencing data that can take advantage of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray genotypes on the same samples. First the SNP array data are phased to build a backbone (or 'scaffold') of haplotypes across each chromosome. We then phase the sequence data 'onto' this haplotype scaffold. This approach can take advantage of relatedness between sequenced and non-sequenced samples to improve accuracy. We use this method to create a new 1000GP haplotype reference set for use by the human genetic community. Using a set of validation genotypes at SNP and bi-allelic indels we show that these haplotypes have lower genotype discordance and improved imputation performance into downstream GWAS samples, especially at low-frequency variants. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved