46 research outputs found

    The information concept of managing the process of aging of the human organism

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    Information physician-biological technology psihofiziologicheskih studies

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    Monitoring of dentistry department students study progress on normal physiology as the important component of education efficiency

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    The academic progress is reflecting the level of educational achievements in the course of training at the department of normal physiology is one of the important components of dentistry department students success. The correcting actions of the study based on the results of the analysis of educational progress developed by the staff of normal physiology chair allow significantly increase efficiency of the training process.Академическая успеваемость, отражающая уровень учебных достижений в процессе обучения на кафедре нормальной физиологии, является одним из важных компонентов успешности студентов стоматологического факультета. Разрабатываемые кафедрой нормальной физиологии корректирующие мероприятия по результатам анализа учебной успеваемости позволяют повысить эффективность процесса обучения

    Determination of functional properties of drinking water

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    Developed registration methodology of structural-functional water “imprint” gives an opportunity to comparatively grade the water quality for array of life support systems, and this “imprint” by itself can be used as functional criterion for water mode.Разработана методология регистрации «структурно-функционального отпечатка» питьевой воды, которая позволяет в системе сравнения оценить качество воды, используемой в разных отраслях жизнеобеспечения, а сам «отпечаток» может являться функциональным критерием состояния питьевой воды

    The significance of normal physiology study for future clinical education of medical doctor

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    The clinical education of the medical doctor should be based upon the exact and right knowledge of the mechanisms of organs and whole body functions. The course of normal physiology focused on the continuous relationship between physiology and clinical thinking of medical students.Клиническое образование будущего врача должно базироваться на четком представлении о закономерностях функционирования органов и всего организма человека. Курс нормальной физиологии УГМУ ориентирован на постоянную связь изучаемого предмета с формированием клинического мышления у студентов

    Bulgarian sport policy 1945-1989: A strategic relation perspective

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    The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games have stimulated discussions about the success of different sport systems and the Chinese model in particular. Revisiting explanations of sport in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe during the Cold War seems timely, as the current Chinese model of sport was largely designed after the Soviet example established in this period. This paper examines Bulgarian sport policy between 1945 and 1989. It employs a Strategic Relation approach (Jessop, 1990) to analyse sport policy making as a strategic relation closely linked to the dominant state project of building a new stateness. It goes beyond ideological interpretations and argues that the state represents a strategic terrain where these relations have to be established in struggles, the outcomes of which are always uncertain. Furthermore, past and present struggles and their outcomes create various socio-political environments that presuppose the forms of state selectivity and intervention in sport. The process of constructing sport policy was influenced by two main categories of strategic relations: intra-state, including political, organisational and personal relations between the Party, state apparatus and various sport and non-sport organisations and their managers, and transnational, concerning ideological, political, economic and organisational relations with both communist and western countries and international sport organisations

    A study on the effects of water of different hardness on the functional state of blood

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    The purpose of the study - to study the effect of drinking water of different hardness on the functional state of human blood.Цель исследования – изучить влияние питьевой воды разной степени жесткости на функциональное состояние крови человека

    Dehydration as a cause of nutritional obesity

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    The purpose of the study purposeed to study dehydration effect on homeostasis.Цель исследования – изучить влияние обезвоживания на гомеостаз

    Psychological and pedagogical evaliation of dentistry students by questionnaire

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    The quality of physiological education was evaluated by 73 dentistry students using special questionnaire. The majority of the students (70%) are positively assessing the educational process, which is not easy for 72% of them. The good contact between teachers and students was reported in 99%. Also the department of physiology is well methodologically equipped. The recommendation of the shift the beginning of physiology course for dentistry students from second to third semester is based on the study resultsВ статье рассмотрена проблема оценки студентами стоматологического факультета качества образовательного процесса на кафедре нормальной физиологии методом анкетирования. Большинство респондентов это хорошо успевающие студенты, в 70% случаев дающие положительную оценку образовательному процессу. Анализ анкет показал, что в силу сокращения времени освоения предмета нормальная физиология, физиология челюстно-лицевой области (один семестр), у 72% студентов обучение вызывает значительное напряжение. Однако отмечается хороший контакт (99%) обучающихся студентов с преподавателями и достаточное методическое оснащение кафедры. По результатам исследования сформулированы рекомендации по сдвигу начала изучения студентами стоматологического факультета дисциплины нормальная физиология, физиология челюстно-лицевой области со второго на третий семестр