98 research outputs found

    I’m stuck! How to efficiently debug computational solid mechanics models so you can enjoy the beauty of simulations

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    A substantial fraction of the time that computational modellers dedicate to developing their models is actually spent trouble-shooting and debugging their code. However, how this process unfolds is seldom spoken about, maybe because it is hard to articulate as it relies mostly on the mental catalogues we have built with the experience of past failures. To help newcomers to the field of material modelling, here we attempt to fill this gap and provide a perspective on how to identify and fix mistakes in computational solid mechanics models. To this aim, we describe the components that make up such a model and then identify possible sources of errors. In practice, finding mistakes is often better done by considering the symptoms of what is going wrong. As a consequence, we provide strategies to narrow down where in the model the problem may be, based on observation and a catalogue of frequent causes of observed errors. In a final section, we also discuss how one-time bug-free models can be kept bug-free in view of the fact that computational models are typically under continual development. We hope that this collection of approaches and suggestions serves as a “road map” to find and fix mistakes in computational models, and more importantly, keep the problems solved so that modellers can enjoy the beauty of material modelling and simulation.EC and JPP wish to thank their former supervisor Paul Steinmann for the inspiration to write this paper, which can be traced back to the talk we prepared for the ECCM-ECFD conference held in Glasgow in 2018. EC’s work was partially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 841047. WB’s work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under award OAC-1835673; by award DMS-1821210; by award EAR-1925595; and by the Computational Infrastructure in Geodynamics initiative (CIG), through the National Science Foundation under Award EAR-1550901 and The University of California – Davis .Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimating and using information in inverse problems

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    In inverse problems, one attempts to infer spatially variable functions from indirect measurements of a system. To practitioners of inverse problems, the concept of "information" is familiar when discussing key questions such as which parts of the function can be inferred accurately and which cannot. For example, it is generally understood that we can identify system parameters accurately only close to detectors, or along ray paths between sources and detectors, because we have "the most information" for these places. Although referenced in many publications, the "information" that is invoked in such contexts is not a well understood and clearly defined quantity. Herein, we present a definition of information density that is based on the variance of coefficients as derived from a Bayesian reformulation of the inverse problem. We then discuss three areas in which this information density can be useful in practical algorithms for the solution of inverse problems, and illustrate the usefulness in one of these areas -- how to choose the discretization mesh for the function to be reconstructed -- using numerical experiments

    Statistics of Parameter Estimates: A Concrete Example

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    Benchmarking the accuracy of higher-order particle methods in geodynamic models of transient flow

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    Numerical models are a powerful tool for investigating the dynamic processes in the interior of the Earth and other planets, but the reliability and predictive power of these discretized models depends on the numerical method as well as an accurate representation of material properties in space and time. In the specific context of geodynamic models, particle methods have been applied extensively because of their suitability for advection-dominated processes and have been used in applications such as tracking the composition of solid rock and melt in the Earth's mantle, fluids in lithospheric- and crustal-scale models, light elements in the liquid core, and deformation properties like accumulated finite strain or mineral grain size, along with many applications outside the Earth sciences. There have been significant benchmarking efforts to measure the accuracy and convergence behavior of particle methods, but these efforts have largely been limited to instantaneous solutions, or time-dependent models without analytical solutions. As a consequence, there is little understanding about the interplay of particle advection errors and errors introduced in the solution of the underlying transient, nonlinear flow equations. To address these limitations, we present two new dynamic benchmarks for transient Stokes flow with analytical solutions that allow us to quantify the accuracy of various advection methods in nonlinear flow. We use these benchmarks to measure the accuracy of our particle algorithm as implemented in the ASPECT geodynamic modeling software against commonly employed field methods and analytical solutions. In particular, we quantify if an algorithm that is higher-order accurate in time will allow for better overall model accuracy and verify that our algorithm reaches its intended optimal convergence rate. We then document that the observed increased accuracy of higher-order algorithms matters for geodynamic applications with an example of modeling small-scale convection underneath an oceanic plate and show that the predicted place and time of onset of small-scale convection depends significantly on the chosen particle advection method. Descriptions and implementations of our benchmarks are openly available and can be used to verify other advection algorithms. The availability of accurate, scalable, and efficient particle methods as part of the widely used open-source code ASPECT will allow geodynamicists to investigate complex time-dependent geodynamic processes such as elastic deformation, anisotropic fabric development, melt generation and migration, and grain damage
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