21 research outputs found

    Deciphering the network effects of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease

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    Introduction Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) is an established therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). However, a more detailed characterization of the targeted network and its grey matter (GM) terminals that drive the clinical outcome is needed. In this direction, the use of MRI after DBS surgery is now possible due to recent advances in hardware, opening a window for the clarification of the association between the affected tissue, including white matter fiber pathways and modulated GM regions, and the DBS-related clinical outcome. Therefore, we present a computational framework for reconstruction of targeted networks on postoperative MRI. Methods We used a combination of preoperative whole-brain T1-weighted (T1w) and diffusion-weighted MRI data for morphometric integrity assessment and postoperative T1w MRI for electrode reconstruction and network reconstruction in 15 idiopathic PD patients. Within this framework, we made use of DBS lead artifact intensity profiles on postoperative MRI to determine DBS locations used as seeds for probabilistic tractography to cortical and subcortical targets within the motor circuitry. Lastly, we evaluated the relationship between brain microstructural characteristics of DBS-targeted brain network terminals and postoperative clinical outcomes. Results The proposed framework showed robust performance for identifying the DBS electrode positions. Connectivity profiles between the primary motor cortex (M1), supplementary motor area (SMA), and DBS locations were strongly associated with the stimulation intensity needed for the optimal clinical outcome. Local diffusion properties of the modulated pathways were related to DBS outcomes. STN-DBS motor symptom improvement was highly associated with cortical thickness in the middle frontal and superior frontal cortices, but not with subcortical volumetry. Conclusion These data suggest that STN-DBS outcomes largely rely on the modulatory interference from cortical areas, particularly M1 and SMA, to DBS locations

    Deficient interhemispheric connectivity underlies movement irregularities in Parkinson's disease

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    Background Movement execution is impaired in patients with Parkinson's disease. Evolving neurodegeneration leads to altered connectivity between distinct regions of the brain and altered activity at interconnected areas. How connectivity alterations influence complex movements like drawing spirals in Parkinson's disease patients remains largely unexplored. Objective We investigated whether deteriorations in interregional connectivity relate to impaired execution of drawing. Methods Twenty-nine patients and 31 age-matched healthy control participants drew spirals with both hands on a digital graphics tablet, and the regularity of drawing execution was evaluated by sample entropy. We recorded resting-state fMRI and task-related EEG, and calculated the time-resolved partial directed coherence to estimate effective connectivity for both imaging modalities to determine the extent and directionality of interregional interactions. Results Movement performance in Parkinson's disease patients was characterized by increased sample entropy, corresponding to enhanced irregularities in task execution. Effective connectivity between the motor cortices of both hemispheres, derived from resting-state fMRI, was significantly reduced in Parkinson's disease patients in comparison to controls. The connectivity strength in the nondominant to dominant hemisphere direction in both modalities was inversely correlated with irregularities during drawing, but not with the clinical state. Conclusion Our findings suggest that interhemispheric connections are affected both at rest and during drawing movements by Parkinson's disease. This provides novel evidence that disruptions of interhemispheric information exchange play a pivotal role for impairments of complex movement execution in Parkinson's disease patients

    Treadmill training in Parkinson's disease is underpinned by the interregional connectivity in cortical-subcortical network

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    Treadmill training (TT) has been extensively used as an intervention to improve gait and mobility in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Regional and global effects on brain activity could be induced through TT. Training effects can lead to a beneficial shift of interregional connectivity towards a physiological range. The current work investigates the effects of TT on brain activity and connectivity during walking and at rest by using both functional near-infrared spectroscopy and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Nineteen PD patients (74.0 ± 6.59 years, 13 males, disease duration 10.45 ± 6.83 years) before and after 6 weeks of TT, along with 19 age-matched healthy controls were assessed. Interregional effective connectivity (EC) between cortical and subcortical regions were assessed and its interrelation to prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity. Support vector regression (SVR) on the resting-state ECs was used to predict prefrontal connectivity. In response to TT, EC analysis indicated modifications in the patients with PD towards the level of healthy controls during walking and at rest. SVR revealed cerebellum related connectivity patterns that were associated with the training effect on PFC. These findings suggest that the potential therapeutic effect of training on brain activity may be facilitated via changes in compensatory modulation of the cerebellar interregional connectivity

    Increased migraine-free intervals with multifocal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

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    Introduction Episodic migraine is a debilitating condition associated with vast impairments of health, daily living, and life quality. Several prophylactic treatments exist, having a moderate ratio of action related to side effects and therapy costs. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is an evidence based therapy in several neuropsychiatric conditions, showing robust efficacy in alleviating specific symptoms. However, its efficacy in migraine disorders is unequivocal and might be tightly linked to the applied rTMS protocol. We hypothesized that multifocal rTMS paradigm could improve clinical outcomes in patients with episodic migraine by reducing the number of migraine days, frequency and intensity of migraine attacks, and improve the quality of life. Methods We conducted an experimental, double-blind, randomized controlled study by applying a multifocal rTMS paradigm. Patients with episodic migraine with or without aura were enrolled in two centers from August 2018, to December 2019, and randomized to receive either real (n = 37) or sham (sham coil stimulation, n = 28) multifocal rTMS for six sessions over two weeks. Patients, physicians, and raters were blinded to the applied protocol. The experimental multifocal rTMS protocol included two components; first, swipe stimulation of 13 trains of 140 pulses/train, 67 Hz, 60% of RMT, and 2s intertrain interval and second, spot burst stimulation of 33 trains of 15 pulses/train, 67 Hz, 85% of RMT, and 8s intertrain interval. Reduction >50% from the baseline in migraine days (as primary outcome) and frequency and intensity of migraine attacks (as key secondary outcomes) over a 12-week period were assessed. To balance the baseline variables between the treatment arms, we applied the propensity score matching through the logistic regression. Results Among 65 randomized patients, sixty (age 39.7 ± 11.6; 52 females; real rTMS n = 33 and sham rTMS n = 27) completed the trial and five patients dropped out. Over 12 weeks, the responder's rate in the number of migraine days was significantly higher in the real rTMS compared to the sham group (42% vs. 26%, p < 0.05). The mean migraine days per month decreased from 7.6 to 4.3 days in the real rTMS group and from 6.2 to 4.3 days in the sham rTMS group, resulting in a difference with real vs. sham rTMS of −3.2 days (p < 0.05). Similarly, over the 12-week period, the responder's rate in the reduction of migraine attacks frequency was higher in the real rTMS compared to the sham group (42% vs 33%, p < 0.05). No serious adverse events were observed. Conclusion Our pilot study shows compelling evidence in a double placebo-controlled trial that multifocal rTMS is an effective and well-tolerated preventive treatment in patients with episodic migraine

    Dynamic control of decision and movement speed in the human basal ganglia

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    To optimally adjust our behavior to changing environments we need to both adjust the speed of our decisions and movements. Yet little is known about the extent to which these processes are controlled by common or separate mechanisms. Furthermore, while previous evidence from computational models and empirical studies suggests that the basal ganglia play an important role during adjustments of decision-making, it remains unclear how this is implemented. Leveraging the opportunity to directly access the subthalamic nucleus of the basal ganglia in humans undergoing deep brain stimulation surgery, we here combine invasive electrophysiological recordings, electrical stimulation and computational modelling of perceptual decision-making. We demonstrate that, while similarities between subthalamic control of decision- and movement speed exist, the causal contribution of the subthalamic nucleus to these processes can be disentangled. Our results show that the basal ganglia independently control the speed of decisions and movement for each hemisphere during adaptive behavior

    Subthalamic stimulation modulates context-dependent effects of beta bursts during fine motor control.

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    Increasing evidence suggests a considerable role of pre-movement beta bursts for motor control and its impairment in Parkinson's disease. However, whether beta bursts occur during precise and prolonged movements and if they affect fine motor control remains unclear. To investigate the role of within-movement beta bursts for fine motor control, we here combine invasive electrophysiological recordings and clinical deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus in 19 patients with Parkinson's disease performing a context-varying task that comprised template-guided and free spiral drawing. We determined beta bursts in narrow frequency bands around patient-specific peaks and assessed burst amplitude, duration, and their immediate impact on drawing speed. We reveal that beta bursts occur during the execution of drawing movements with reduced duration and amplitude in comparison to rest. Exclusively when drawing freely, they parallel reductions in acceleration. Deep brain stimulation increases the acceleration around beta bursts in addition to a general increase in drawing velocity and improvements of clinical function. These results provide evidence for a diverse and task-specific role of subthalamic beta bursts for fine motor control in Parkinson's disease; suggesting that pathological beta bursts act in a context dependent manner, which can be targeted by clinical deep brain stimulation

    Biotic and abiotic responses to soilborne pathogens and environmental predictors of soil health

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    Soilborne pathogens affect agricultural productivity and soil functions, yet their specific impacts of pathogen infections on the soil and plant root-associated microbiomes, the key determinants of plant health, remain unclear. Filling this knowledge gap is required to understanding microbial ecological responses, and to developing biological tools to manage and predict the prevalence and severity of soilborne diseases, which can improve soil health, and plant yield. We hypothesized that soilborne pathogens impact the diversity, function, and ecological interactions in soil microbiomes and form a pathobiome. To test the hypothess, we conducted field sampling in 35 cotton fields in Australia and collected a total of 560 soil samples, which included samples from the rhizosphere (the area in close contact with the roots) and bulk soils. We aimed to investigate how soil microbiomes and key soil properties respond to Verticillium wilt (VW) of cotton, which is caused by the soilborne pathogen Verticillium dahliae. We found that the presence of the pathogen altered the microbiome structure in both bulk and rhizosphere soils. Notably, healthy soils exhibited more complex microbial networks then diseased soils. Furthermore, a putative pathobiome consisting of various microbial taxa that could influence pathogen infection was identified. Specific pathobiome taxa, such as Gibellulopsis spp., displayed a positive association with V. dahliae. In contrast, known biocontrol agents (BCAs) such as Bacillus spp., Fusarium spp., and Talaromyces spp., were negatively correlated with pathogen abundance. After isolation, pathobiome BCA members demonstrated strong biocontrol activity against V. dahliae in vitro, indicating their potential for enhancing resistance to pathogen invasion in agricultural soils. Moreover, shotgun sequencing analysis revealed a gene encoding beta-glucosidase as a putative indicator of soil health. Structural Equation Modelling showed that VW disease incidence is significantly influenced by several factors, including the relative abundance of V. dahliae, the pathobiome, and various abiotic factors such as precipitation, soil moisture, and pH. Taken together, our findings offer novel field evidence for the key biotic and abiotic drivers of a soilborne pathogen. This knowledge could facilitate the development of biological tools to control soilborne diseases and predict soil health and disease incidence, thus providing innovative strategies for sustainable agricultural disease management.This work has been funded by Cotton Research and Development Corporation and Australian Research Council (DP210102081; DP230101448). We thank the Cotton Info team for their generous help with field survey.Peer reviewe