26,620 research outputs found

    Doubly nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation and the emergence of species

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    The paper is devoted to a reaction-diffusion equation with doubly nonlocal nonlinearity arising in various applications in population dynamics. One of the integral terms corresponds to the nonlocal consumption of resources while another one describes reproduction with different phenotypes. Linear stability analysis of the homogeneous in space stationary solution is carried out. Existence of travelling waves is proved in the case of narrow kernels of the integrals. Periodic travelling waves are observed in numerical simulations. Existence of stationary solutions in the form of pulses is shown, and transition from periodic waves to pulses is studied. In the applications to the speciation theory, the results of this work signify that new species can emerge only if they do not have common offsprings. Thus, it is shown how Darwin's definition of species as groups of morphologically similar individuals is related to Mayr's definition as groups of individuals that can breed only among themselves.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Qubit rotation and Berry Phase

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    A quantized fermion can be represented by a scalar particle encircling a magnetic flux line. It has the spinor structure which can be constructed from quantum gates and qubits. We have studied here the role of Berry phase in removing dynamical phase during one qubit rotation of a quantized fermion. The entanglement of two qubit inserting spin-echo to one of them results the change of Berry phase that can be considered as a measure of entanglement. Some effort is given to study the effect of noise on the Berry phase of spinor and their entangled states.Comment: 12 page

    Data-Efficient Quickest Change Detection with On-Off Observation Control

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    In this paper we extend the Shiryaev's quickest change detection formulation by also accounting for the cost of observations used before the change point. The observation cost is captured through the average number of observations used in the detection process before the change occurs. The objective is to select an on-off observation control policy, that decides whether or not to take a given observation, along with the stopping time at which the change is declared, so as to minimize the average detection delay, subject to constraints on both the probability of false alarm and the observation cost. By considering a Lagrangian relaxation of the constraint problem, and using dynamic programming arguments, we obtain an \textit{a posteriori} probability based two-threshold algorithm that is a generalized version of the classical Shiryaev algorithm. We provide an asymptotic analysis of the two-threshold algorithm and show that the algorithm is asymptotically optimal, i.e., the performance of the two-threshold algorithm approaches that of the Shiryaev algorithm, for a fixed observation cost, as the probability of false alarm goes to zero. We also show, using simulations, that the two-threshold algorithm has good observation cost-delay trade-off curves, and provides significant reduction in observation cost as compared to the naive approach of fractional sampling, where samples are skipped randomly. Our analysis reveals that, for practical choices of constraints, the two thresholds can be set independent of each other: one based on the constraint of false alarm and another based on the observation cost constraint alone.Comment: Preliminary version of this paper has been presented at ITA Workshop UCSD 201

    Data-Efficient Quickest Outlying Sequence Detection in Sensor Networks

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    A sensor network is considered where at each sensor a sequence of random variables is observed. At each time step, a processed version of the observations is transmitted from the sensors to a common node called the fusion center. At some unknown point in time the distribution of observations at an unknown subset of the sensor nodes changes. The objective is to detect the outlying sequences as quickly as possible, subject to constraints on the false alarm rate, the cost of observations taken at each sensor, and the cost of communication between the sensors and the fusion center. Minimax formulations are proposed for the above problem and algorithms are proposed that are shown to be asymptotically optimal for the proposed formulations, as the false alarm rate goes to zero. It is also shown, via numerical studies, that the proposed algorithms perform significantly better than those based on fractional sampling, in which the classical algorithms from the literature are used and the constraint on the cost of observations is met by using the outcome of a sequence of biased coin tosses, independent of the observation process.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Nov 2014. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1408.474

    Magnetic glass in Shape Memory Alloy : Ni45Co5Mn38Sn12

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    The first order martensitic transition in the ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Ni45Co5Mn38Sn12 is also a magnetic transition and has a large field induced effect. While cooling in the presence of field this first order magnetic martensite transition is kinetically arrested. Depending on the cooling field, a fraction of the arrested ferromagnetic austenite phase persists down to the lowest temperature as a magnetic glassy state, similar to the one observed in various intermetallic alloys and in half doped manganites. A detailed investigation of this first order ferromagnetic austenite (FM-A) to low magnetization martensite (LM-M) state transition as a function of temperature and field has been carried out by magnetization measurements. Extensive cooling and heating in unequal field (CHUF) measurements and a novel field cooled protocol for isothermal MH measurements (FC-MH) are utilized to investigate the glass like arrested states and show a reverse martensite transition. Finally, we determine a field -temperature (HT) phase diagram of Ni45Co5Mn38Sn12 from various magnetization measurements which brings out the regions where thermodynamic and metastable states co-exist in the HT space clearly depicting this system as a 'Magnetic Glass'.Comment: Magnetic field tunes kinetic arrest and CHUF shows devitrification and melting of Magnetic glas

    Aging and Death under a Dollar a Day

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    This paper uses household survey data form several developing countries to investigate whether the poor (defined as those living under 1or1 or 2 dollars a day at PPP) and the non poor have different mortality rates in old age. We construct a proxy measure of longevity, which is the probability that an adult's mother and father are alive. The non-poor's mothers are more likely to be alive than the poor's mothers. Using panel data set for Indonesia and Vietnam, we also find that older adults are significantly more likely to have died five years later if they are poor. The direction of causality is unclear: the poor may be poor because they are sick (and thus more likely to die), or they could die because they are poor.
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