4,096 research outputs found

    Sex linked dwarf gene (dw) in White Leghorn laying hens under normal or hot temperature

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    White Leghorn females from 7 sire families segregating at the sex-linked dwarf locus (Dw and dw) were studied in individual cages at moderate (13-23 °C) and high (25-34 °C) temperature from 18 to 39 weeks of age. Traits concerning body weight, feed efficiency, egg production to 39th week of age, egg quality along with plasma uric acid and glucose at 18 weeks were measured. In heated group plasma uric acid at 39 weeks, dry matter and moisture in faeces along with daily water intake were also recorded. Results are as follows : 1. Adult body weight in dwarfs was 38 p. 100 lower than that of normals in control and 32 p. 100 in heated group whereas food consumption of dwarfs was respectively 36 and 37 p. 100 less than of normals in control and in heated group. 2. Reduction of egg number from age at first egg to 39th week of age in dwarfs was 20 and 41 p. 100 of normals in control and heated group respectively. Total egg mass per 28 days in dwarfs was reduced by 34 p. 100 as compared to normals in control group and by 37 p .100 in heated group. dw/Dw egg weight ratio increased from 0.85 to 0.89 from 27th to 39th week of age. During the first 7 weeks of laying in control group p. 100 double yolk, soft and broken eggs were highly significantly lower in dwarfs ; in both groups clutch size was significantly lower, but days of laying pauses were not significantly higher. 3. Age at sexual maturity in dwarfs was only one day later than for normals (156 v. 155) in control group while in heated group and unusual delay of sexual maturity in both normal and dwarfs was observed which appears to be due to an effect other than heat (201 and 182 days for dwarfs and normals respectively). 4. Egg shell thickness was lower for dw hens in both environments, the difference being higher and highly significant in heated group. 5. A very highly significant effect of genotype was observed in rectal temperature in both control and heated group, dwarf having a lower rectal temperature than normals. 6. A very significant effect of genotype and sire family was observed in plasma uric acid measured at 39 weeks in heated group. The difference between genotypes was in the same direction (higher value for dwarfs) but comparatively less than that observed at 18 weeks. Mean level of plasma uric acid at 39 weeks was increased compared to that at 18 weeks. 7. Phenotypic correlations of egg shell traits with body weight, observed food consumption, egg mass, egg number and clutch size were all positive and mostly significant in dwarfs while they are unsignificant and generally negative in Dw genotype. 8. In general plasma uric acid at 18 weeks and at 39 weeks was negatively associated with egg number, egg mass and clutch size. These correlations were more pronounced in control group for Dw genotype. 9. The especially large reduction of body weight and laying performance and the lowering of egg shell traits by the dw gene may correspond to the small size of the Leghorn stock used in the present study.Des poules Leghorn blanches, issues de 7 familles de pères en ségrégation au locus de nanisme lié au sexe (Dw et dw), ont été contrôlées en cages individuelles à température modérée (lot témoin, 13 à 23 °C) ou élevée (lot chauffé, 25 à 34 °C) de 18 à 39 semaines d’âge. Les mesures enregistrées concernent le poids corporel, l’efficacité alimentaire, la production d’oeufs jusqu’à la 38e semaine d’âge, des facteurs de qualité des oeufs, l’acide urique et le glucose plasmatique à 18 semaines. Dans le lot « chauffé », l’acide urique plasmatique à 39 semaines, la consommation journalière d’eau, la matière sèche et le pourcentage d’eau des déjections, ont également été mesurés. Les résultats sont les suivants : 1. Le poids corporel adulte chez les naines était de 38 p. 100 inférieur à celui des normales dans le lot témoin et 32 p. 100 dans le lot chauffé, alors que la consommation alimentaire des poules naines était respectivement de 36 et 37 p. 100 inférieure en lot témoin et en lot chauffé. 2. Le nombre d’oeufs pondus entre le 1er oeuf et 39 semaines d’âge chez les naines était de 20 et de 41 p. 100 inférieur à celui des poules de taille normale respectivement en lot témoin et en lot chauffé. La masse totale d’oeufs produite par 28 jours chez les premières présentait une réduction de 34 p. 100 par comparaison aux normales dans le lot témoin et de 37 p. 100 dans le lot chauffé. Le rapport du poids moyen des oeufs des naines à celui des normales augmentait de 0,85 à 0,89 de la 27e à la 39e semaine d’âge (lot témoin). Durant les 7 premières semaines de ponte, le pourcentage d’oeufs à deux jaunes, sans coquilles ou fêlés (observé en lot témoin seulement) était très significativement inférieur chez les poules naines. Dans les deux groupes, la taille moyenne des séries de ponte était significativement plus faible pour ces dernières. Par contre, la durée totale des « pauses » n’était pas significativement plus élevée pour le génotype dw. 3. L’âge à maturité sexuelle des naines n’était retardé que d’un jour (non significatif) par rapport aux normales dans le groupe témoin. Dans le lot chauffé, un retard inhabituel était observé tant chez les naines que chez les normales (201 et 182 jours en moyenne respectivement pour les deux génotypes). Ceci ne paraît pas être dû uniquement à la température. 4. L’épaisseur des coquilles était inférieure chez les poules naines dans les deux environnements, la différence étant plus élevée et hautement significative en lot chauffé. 5. Un effet hautement significatif du génotype était observé pour la température rectale à la fois dans le lot témoin et le lot chauffé. La valeur de ce paramètre était inférieure pour les poules naines comparées aux normales. 6. Un effet hautement significatif du génotype et de la famille de père était observé pour le taux d’acide urique plasmatique mesuré à 39 semaines en lot chauffé. La différence entre génotypes était de même sens (valeur plus élevée pour les poules dw) mais comparativement moindre que celle observée à 18 semaines. Dans l’ensemble, le taux d’acide urique du plasma à 39 semaines était augmenté par rapport à la valeur obtenue à 18 semaines. 7. Les corrélations phénotypiques du pourcentage ou de l’épaisseur de coquille avec le poids corporel, la consommation d’aliment, la masse d’oeufs, le nombre d’oeufs pondus et la taille des séries de ponte étaient toutes positives et pour la plupart significatives chez les naines ; chez le génotype Dw, elles étaient non-significatives et généralement négatives. 8. En général, l’acide urique plasmatique à 18 et 39 semaines était en corrélation négative avec le nombre et la masse d’oeufs et la taille des séries de ponte. Ces corrélations semblaient plus accentuées en lot témoin et pour le génotype Dw. 9. La réduction spécialement importante du poids corporel et des performances de ponte et l’abaissement des caractéristiques de coquille associés au gène dw peuvent correspondre à la petite taille de la population Leghorn utilisée dans l’étude présente

    The effect of temperature and genotype on growth traits, plasma glucose and uric acid in Dwarf and Normal White Leghorn females

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    Day old White Leghorn female chicks of 7 sire families and two genotypes at the sex-linked dwarfism locus (Dw and dw) were reared on deep litter under normal (around 15-20 °C after 4 weeks) and hot temperature (around 25-30 °C) from 0-18 weeks of age. Body weights at 4, 8, 12 and 18 weeks of age, shank lengths at 12 weeks, plasma glucose and uric acid levels at 18 weeks were measured. Results are as follows : 1) A very highly significant difference between genotypes was obtained in plasma uric acid level at 18 weeks, dwarfs having almost the double values than normals. As expected body weight and shank length differences were very highly significant. A difference for plasma glucose was found significant at 5 p. 100 level only with pooled environments. 2) Plasma uric acid was found to be appreciably elevated in the hot temperature group (increase being relatively more in normals than in dwarfs). Hot temperature had a very highly significant depressent effect on 8 and 12 weeks body weight. The effect was observed to be less significant at 4 weeks while it was non-significant for 18 weeks body weight and for plasma glucose level. 3) Effect of sire family was found to be significant for all the traits measured. No trait showed any genotype X family interaction. 4) Very highly significant interaction between genotype at Dw locus and temperature treatment was observed for body weights at 8, 12, 18 weeks and plasma uric acid level, these traits being less affected at high temperature for dwarfs. Four week body weight and shank length were also found to show significant interaction whereas such effect was non-significant for plasma glucose level.Des Poussins femelles de race Leghorn blanche, issus de 7 familles de père, appartenant aux deux génotypes Dw ou dw (taille normale ou naines) au locus Dw lié au sexe, ont été élevés sur litière, une moitié d’entre eux à température « normale » après 4 semaines (15 à 20 °C), l’autre moitié à température élevée (environ 25 à 30 °C), de 0 à 18 semaines d’âge. Le poids corporel à 4, 8, 12 et 18 semaines, la longueur des tarses à 12 semaines, et le taux plasmatique de glucose et d’acide urique à 18 semaines ont été mesurés. Les résultats sont les suivants : 1) Entre génotypes, une différence très hautement significative a été obtenue pour le taux d’acide urique plasmatique à 18 semaines, les poulettes naines ayant en moyenne des valeurs presque doubles des normales. Comme prévu, les différences pour les poids corporels et pour la longueur des tarses étaient hautement significatives. Une différence pour le glucose plasmatique n’apparaît significative que lorsqu’on réunit les deux environnements 2) L’acide urique plasmatique augmentait de façon appréciable dans le groupe maintenu à température élevée. La chaleur avait un effet dépressif très hautement significatif sur les poids corporels à 8 et 12 semaines. Cet effet était moins significatif à 4 semaines et devenait non significatif à 18 semaines. 3) L’effet de la famille de père a été trouvé significatif pour tous les caractères mesurés. Par contre, aucun caractère ne montre d’interaction génotype X famille. 4) Une interaction très hautement significative entre génotype au locus Dw et traitement a été observée pour le poids corporel à l’âge de 8, 12 et 18 semaines, et le taux plasmatique d’acide urique, ces paramètres étant moins affectés à température élevée pour les naines. Le poids corporel à 4 semaines et la longueur des tarses présentaient aussi cette interaction, mais pas le taux plasmatique du glucose

    Egg and yolk production traits in relation to ovum development, liver and liver moisture weight in dwarf and normal White Leghorns

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    Data on egg and yolk production and on ovum development were obtained from White Leghorn Dw and dw hens belonging to 4 sire families between 52 and 56 weeks of age. Ovum development was followed by the fat-soluble dye incorporation technique. At the end of this perdiod, the birds were killed and body weight, liver weight and liver water content, as well as rapidly growing ovum weight and ovum number, were recorded. We obtained the following results. 1) Average daily yolk production and weight of active ova were higher in the Dw genotype. The number of actively developing ova was higher in Dw hens, but the difference between genotypes was significant only on postmortem examination. 2) The average number of follicles undergoing rapid development at any time, estimated from eggs laid during the dye-feeding period and the number observed on postmortem examination, corresponded well in both Dw and dw genotypes, suggesting that there was no intra-peritoneal absorption of yolk in this stock. 3) For cultch sizes greater than one, the dwarfs took 3 h longer than the normals to lay their first egg. This might be due to a longer stay in the oviduct or to delayed ovulation. 4) Although the overall difference was not significant, it was noticed that the rapid development of the ova in clutches of all lengths and at any position in the clutch was shorter in dwarfs. 5) The time between the end of ovum yolk deposition and the laying of the resulting egg was significantly longer in dwarfs. 6) The weight of the liver was significantly correlated with yolk weight and the duration of rapid ovum development in both Dw and dw genotypes. The laying rate was not correlated with liver weight, while the rate of yolk production was positively but nonsignificantly correlated with this trail. in both Dw and dw genotypes.Des données sur la production d’oeufs et de vitellus et sur le développement des ovules ont été obtenues sur des poules Leghorn blanches Dw et dw appartenant à 4 familles de pères, entre les âges de 52 et 56 semaines. Le développement des jaunes était, suivi par la technique d’incorporation de colorants liposolubles. A la fin de cette période, les poules étaient abattues et le poids corporel, le poids et la teneur en eau du foie, le poids et le nombre des ovules en phase degrand accroissement, étaient enregistrés. Les résultats suivants ont été obtenus : 1) La production moyenne journalière de jaune et le poids des ovules en accroissement rapide étaient plus élevés dans le génotype Dw. Le nombre des ovules en développement actif était plus grand chez les poules Dw, mais la différence entre génotypes n’était significative qu’à partir de l’examen post-mortem. 2) Le nombre moyen de follicules en développement rapide à un moment donné, estimé d’après la ponte durant la période d’ingestion des colorants, et le nombre observé à partir de l’examen après abattage, concordaient de façon satisfaisante dans les deux génotypes Dw et dw, suggérant l’absence de résorption intra-péritonéales de jaunes dans cette population. 3) Pour les séries de ponte de plus d’un œuf, les naines pondaient le 1er œuf de la série 3 h plus tard que les normales. Ceci peut provenir d’un séjour plus prolongé dans l’oviducte ou d’un retard à l’ovulation. 4) Quoique la différence ne soit pas significative dans l’ensemble, on remarque que la durée de la phase d’accroissement rapide des ovules dans les séries de toutes tailles, et dans toutes les positions à l’intérieur de chaque série, était plus courte chez les poules naines. 5) L’intervalle de temps entre la fin du dépôt de vitellus dans l’ovule et l'oviposition était significativement plus long chez les naines. 6) Le poids du foie montrait une corrélation significative avec le poids des jaunes et la durée de la phase de développement rapide, à la fois chez les poules Dw et dw. Il n’était pas en corrélation avec le taux de ponte, et présentait une corrélation positive, mais non significative, avec le taux de production du vitellus dans les deux génotypes

    Graphene films printable on flexible substrates for sensor applications

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    Fifteen-layered graphene films have been successfully deposited onto flexible substrates using a commercial ink consisting of graphene particles dispersed in an acrylic polymer binder. A value of 74.9 × 105cm−2 was obtained for the density of defects, primarily located at the flake edges, from the ratio of the D and G Raman peaks located at 1345cm1 and 1575cm1 respectively. 0.5μm thick drop-cast films on interdigitated silver electrodes exhibited Ohmic conduction with a small activation energy of 12meV over the temperature range from 260K to 330K . The photo-thermoelectric effect is believed to be responsible for photoconduction through graphene films under illumination intensity of 10mWm-2 at 270 nm, corresponding to the UV absorption peak. The photo-transient decay at the bias of 1V involves two relaxation processes when the illumination is switched off and values of 8.9 × 103 and 4.3 × 104 are found for the relaxation time constant using the Kohlrauch stretched exponential function analysis.Dr. Indrani Banerjee is grateful to Commonwealth Association, UK for funding the present research work under the fellowship placement scheme (Grant reference INCF-2014-66). The studentship of Ms Faris is partially sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Material Command, USAF, under Grant No. FA9550-15-1-0123. We are also thankful to Miss V. M. Torrejon of Brunel University for support in computer graphics

    Incisional negative pressure wound therapy dressings (iNPWTd) in routine primary hip and knee arthroplasties: A randomised controlled trial.

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    OBJECTIVES: Wound complications are reported in up to 10% hip and knee arthroplasties and there is a proven association between wound complications and deep prosthetic infections. In this randomised controlled trial (RCT) we explore the potential benefits of a portable, single use, incisional negative pressure wound therapy dressing (iNPWTd) on wound exudate, length of stay (LOS), wound complications, dressing changes and cost-effectiveness following total hip and knee arthroplasties. METHODS: A total of 220 patients undergoing elective primary total hip and knee arthroplasties were recruited into in a non-blinded RCT. For the final analysis there were 102 patients in the study group and 107 in the control group. RESULTS: An improvement was seen in the study (iNPWTd) group compared to control in all areas. Peak post-surgical wound exudate was significantly reduced (p = 0.007). Overall LOS reduction (0.9 days, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.2 to 2.5) was not significant (p = 0.07) but there was a significant reduction in patients with extreme values of LOS in the iNPWTd group (Moses test, p = 0.003). There was a significantly reduced number of dressing changes (mean difference 1.7, 95% CI 0.8 to 2.5, p = 0.002), and a trend to a significant four-fold reduction in reported post-operative surgical wound complications (8.4% control; 2.0% iNPWTd, p = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results of this RCT incisional negative pressure wound therapy dressings have a beneficial role in patients undergoing primary hip and knee arthroplasty to achieve predictable length of stay, especially to eliminate excessive hospital stay, and minimise wound complications.Cite this article: S. L. Karlakki, A. K. Hamad, C. Whittall, N. M. Graham, R. D. Banerjee, J. H. Kuiper. Incisional negative pressure wound therapy dressings (iNPWTd) in routine primary hip and knee arthroplasties: A randomised controlled trial. Bone Joint Res 2016;5:328-337. DOI: 10.1302/2046-3758.58.BJR-2016-0022.R1

    Vitamin D deficiency, endothelial function and bone biomarkers in post-kidney transplantation patients from North India.

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    PURPOSE: CKD patients after kidney transplantation continue to suffer from elevated CV events which may be related to low vitamin D and its adverse impact on vascular function. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in North Indian kidney transplantation patients and its impact on vascular and bone biomarkers is unknown which this study investigated. METHODS: Non-diabetic, stable, > 6 months post-kidney transplantation patients, not on vitamin D supplementation, were recruited after informed consent. Data on demographics, anthropometrics and treatment were collected. Blood samples were stored at - 80 °C until analysis for bone and endothelial cell biomarkers using standard ELISA techniques. RESULTS: The clinical characteristics were: age 37.4 ± 9.9 years, 80% men, 27% ex-smokers, BP 125.5 ± 15.7/78.6 ± 9.7 mmHg, cholesterol 172.0 ± 47.8 mg/dL, hemoglobin 12.6 ± 2.3 g/dL, calcium 9.5 ± 0.6 mg/d and iPTH 58.4 ± 32.9 ng/mL and vitamin D 36.5 ± 39.8 nmol/L. Patients with vitamin D < 37.5 nmol/L (66%) had similar age, serum creatinine, serum phosphate, iPTH, blood pressure but lower calcium (9.3 ± 0.7 vs. 9.6 ± 0.5 mg/dL; p = 0.024), lower FGF23 (median 18.8 vs. 80.0 pg/mL; p = 0.013) and higher E-selectin (15.8 ± 7.9 vs. 13.0 ± 5.5 ng/mL; p = 0.047). On Univariate analysis, E-selectin (r = - 0.292; p = 0.005), FGF23 (r = 0.217; p = 0.036) and calcium (r = 0.238; p = 0.022) were significantly correlated with vitamin D levels. On stepwise multiple regression analysis, only E-selectin was associated with vitamin D levels (β = - 0.324; p = 0.002). CONCLUSION: Vitamin D deficiency was common in kidney transplant recipients in North India, associated with low FGF23 and high E-selectin. These findings suggest further investigations to assess the role of vitamin D deficiency-associated endothelial dysfunction, its implications and reversibility in kidney transplantation recipients

    Effect of vitamin D supplementation on serum sclerostin levels in chronic kidney disease.

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    Vitamin D deficiency, cardiovascular disease and abnormal bone mineral metabolism are common in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Abnormal bone mineral metabolism has been linked to vascular calcification in CKD. Sclerostin has emerged as an important messenger in cross talk between bone-vascular axis. We analyzed sclerostin in subjects who participated in the randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial investigating the effect of cholecalciferol supplementation on vascular function in non-diabetic CKD stage G3-4 and vitamin D ≤20ng/ml [CTRI/2013/05/003648]. Patients were randomized (1:1) to receive either two directly observed oral doses of 300,000 IU of cholecalciferol or matching placebo at baseline and 8 weeks. Of the 120 subjects enrolled, 58 in the cholecalciferol group and 59 in the placebo group completed the study. At baseline, serum levels of sclerostin were similar in both groups (cholecalciferol - median;190pg/ml, IQR;140-260pg/ml and placebo - median;180pg/ml, IQR; 140-240pg/ml, p=0.67). 16 weeks after cholecalciferol supplementation, there was no change in level of sclerostin (mean change;1.10 pg/ml, 95%CI; -27.34 to 29.34 pg/ml, p=0.25). However, a significant decrease in sclerostin level was noted in the placebo group (mean change; -31.94pg/ml, 95%CI; -54.76 to -9.13 pg/ml, p=0.002). Change (Δ) in sclerostin level at 16 weeks correlated negatively with Δ eGFR (r=-0.20, p=0.03) and positively with Δuric acid (r=0.37, p<0.001) but not with Δ25(OH) D (r=0.06, p=0.54), Δ iPTH (r=-0.03, p=0.78) ΔFGF23 (r=-0.08, p=0.38) and Δ1,25 (OH)2 D (r=-0.04, p=0.65). In conclusion, high dose cholecalciferol supplementation did not change sclerostin levels in non-diabetic stage 3-4 CKD subjects
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