8,316 research outputs found

    Urban crime and labor mobility

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    We present a model of crime where two municipalities exist within a metro area (MSA). Consistent with the literature, local law enforcement has a crime reduction effect and a crime diversion effect. The former confers a spillover benefit to the other municipality, while the latter a spillover cost. If the net spillovers are positive (negative), then the respective Nash enforcement levels are too low (high) from the perspective of the MSA. When we allow for Tiebout type mobility, labor will move to the location offering lower disutility crime (including the tax burden). To attract labor both jurisdictions would like to raise the relative crime that exists in the competing region. Interestingly, this could raise or reduce enforcement compared to the immobility case. If it was too high (low) under immobility, it will be raised (reduced) further under mobility. In the symmetric case, neither can gain any labor, but the competition for it pushes the jurisdictions further away from the efficient (cooperative) outcome. Thus, mobility must be welfare reducing. We also consider asymmetry in the context of differences in efficiency of enforcement. The low cost municipality has the lower crime damage (inclusive of the tax burden) and attracts labor. Mobility is necessarily welfare reducing for the high cost municipality and for the MSA, but it has an ambiguous effect on the low cost municipality.Crime - Economic aspects ; Labor mobility - United States

    Quantum heat transfer in harmonic chains with self consistent reservoirs: Exact numerical simulations

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    We describe a numerical scheme for exactly simulating the heat current behavior in a quantum harmonic chain with self-consistent reservoirs. Numerically-exact results are compared to classical simulations and to the quantum behavior under the linear response approximation. In the classical limit or for small temperature biases our results coincide with previous calculations. At large bias and for low temperatures the quantum dynamics of the system fundamentally differs from the close-to-equilibrium behavior, revealing in particular the effect of thermal rectification for asymmetric chains. Since this effect is absent in the classical analog of our model, we conclude that in the quantum model studied here thermal rectification is a purely quantum phenomenon, rooted in the quantum statistics

    Charge and Statistics of Quasiparticles in Fractional Quantum Hall Effec

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    We have studied here the charge and statistics of quasiparticle excitations in FQH states on the basis of the Berry phase approach incorporating the fact that even number of flux quanta can be gauged away when the Berry phase is removed to the dynamical phase. It is observed that the charge qq and statistical parameter θ\theta of a quasiparticle at filling factor ν=n2pn+1\nu=\frac{n}{2pn+1} are given by q=(n2pn+1)eq=(\frac{n}{2pn+1})e and θ=n2pn+1\theta=\frac{n}{2pn+1}, with the fact that the charge of the quasihole is opposite to that of the quasielectron. Using Laughlin wave function for quasiparticles, numerical studies have been done following the work of Kj{\o}nsberg and Myrheim \cite{KM} for FQH states at ν=1/3\nu=1/3 and it is pointed out that as in case of quasiholes, the statistics parameter can be well defined for quasielectrons having the value θ=1/3\theta=1/3.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Single spin universal Boolean logic

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    Recent advances in manipulating single electron spins in quantum dots have brought us close to the realization of classical logic gates based on representing binary bits in spin polarizations of single electrons. Here, we show that a linear array of three quantum dots, each containing a single spin polarized electron, and with nearest neighbor exchange coupling, acts as the universal NAND gate. The energy dissipated during switching this gate is the Landauer-Shannon limit of kTln(1/p) [T = ambient temperature and p = intrinsic gate error probability]. With present day technology, p = 1E-9 is achievable above 1 K temperature. Even with this small intrinsic error probability, the energy dissipated during switching the NAND gate is only ~ 21 kT, while today's nanoscale transistors dissipate about 40,000 - 50,000 kT when they switch

    Quantum thermodynamics of a charged magneto-oscillator coupled to a heat bath

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    Explicit results for various quantum thermodynamic function (QTF) of a charged magneto-oscillator coupled to a heat bath at arbitrary temperature are demonstrated in this paper. Discernible expressions for different QTF in the two limits of very low and very high temperatures are presented for three popular heat bath models : Ohmic, single relaxation time and blackbody radiation. The central result is that the effect of magnetic field turns out to be important at low temperatures yet crucial at high temperatures. It is observed that the dissipation parameter, γ\gamma, and the cyclotron frequency, ωc\omega_c, affect the decaying or rising behaviour of various QTF in just the opposite way to each other at low temperatures. In the high temperature regime, the effect of γ\gamma is much pronounced than that of ωc\omega_c.Comment: 26 Pages, 18 Figure

    Infrared Spectroscopy of GX 1+4/V2116 Oph: Evidence for a Fast Red Giant Wind?

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    We present infrared spectroscopy of the low-mass X-ray binary GX 1+4/V2116 Oph. This symbiotic binary consists of a 2-min accretion-powered pulsar and an M5 III red giant. A strong He I 1.083 micron emission line with a pronounced P Cygni profile was observed. From the blue edge of this feature, we infer an outflow velocity of 250(50) km/s. This is an order of magnitude faster than a typical red giant wind, and we suggest that radiation from the accretion disk or the neutron star may contribute to the acceleration of the outflow. We infer a wind mass loss rate of around 10^-6 Msun/yr. Accretion from such a strong stellar wind provides a plausible alternative to Roche lobe overflow for supplying the accretion disk which powers the X-ray source. The H I Paschen beta and He I 1.083 micron lines showed no evidence for the dramatic changes previously reported in some optical lines, and no evidence for pulsations at the 2-min pulsar period.Comment: 11 pages including 2 PS figures. To appear in ApJ Letter

    Study of electron spin dynamics in grain aligned LaCoPO: an itinerant ferromagnet

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    139La NMR study was performed in grain aligned (c|| H0) sample of LaCoPO and polycrystalline LaFePO. Knight shift is isotropic and temperature independent in LaFePO. It is strongly temperature dependent and anisotropic in LaCoPO. The spin-lattice relaxation rate in LaCoPO clearly reveals the existence of 3D spin fluctuations both in the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic state over and above the dominant 2D spin fluctuations in the paramagnetic state, observed earlier from 31P NMR measurements in the same oriented sample. The spin fluctuation parameters in LaCoPO determined from 139La NMR relaxation and magnetization data, using the self consistent renormalization (SCR) theory, are in close agreement and follow the universal Rhodes-Wohlfarth curve.Comment: Accepted in PR

    Entanglement production in Quantized Chaotic Systems

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    Quantum chaos is a subject whose major goal is to identify and to investigate different quantum signatures of classical chaos. Here we study entanglement production in coupled chaotic systems as a possible quantum indicator of classical chaos. We use coupled kicked tops as a model for our extensive numerical studies. We find that, in general, presence of chaos in the system produces more entanglement. However, coupling strength between two subsystems is also very important parameter for the entanglement production. Here we show how chaos can lead to large entanglement which is universal and describable by random matrix theory (RMT). We also explain entanglement production in coupled strongly chaotic systems by deriving a formula based on RMT. This formula is valid for arbitrary coupling strengths, as well as for sufficiently long time. Here we investigate also the effect of chaos on the entanglement production for the mixed initial state. We find that many properties of the mixed state entanglement production are qualitatively similar to the pure state entanglement production. We however still lack an analytical understanding of the mixed state entanglement production in chaotic systems.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Pramana:Journal of Physic

    Abatement of particulate-laden SO2 in tapered bubble column with internals

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    The performance of particulate-laden SO2 scrubbing in a modified tapered bubble column with internals is reported in this article. The presence of particles improved the particulate-laden SO2 removal efficiency to about 15% that was elucidated by the facilitated adsorptive mass transport. Experimentation revealed that nearly 100% removal efficiency of particulate-laden SO2 was achievable without any additives or pretreatment under certain operating condition of the scrubber. An empirical correlation was developed to predict the performance of the modified tapered scrubber. Experimental values fitted excellently well with the predicted values through the correlation (within ±5% deviation). The performance of the modified tapered bubble scrubber with column internals has been found to be better than a tapered bubble column without any internals
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