10 research outputs found

    Late Cretaceous and Paleogene radiolaria from the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: A tectonostratigraphic application

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    Detailed field mapping and paleontological dating in the central and southeastern Nicoya Peninsula has revealed Late Cretaceous and Paleogene radiolarian-bearing siliceous mudstones. These rocks belong to two terranes (Matambú and Manzanillo) that are partially contemporaneous with the Nicoya Complex, but are genetically different. While the Nicoya Complex is formed exclusively by intraplate igneous rocks with associated radiolarites, the studied sections include variable amounts of arc-derived volcanic and terrigenous materials. These fore-arc terranes include mafic to intermediate volcaniclastics and associated pelagic and hemipelagic rocks rich in biogenic silica. Radiolarian preservation in these sediments is often enhanced by the presence of silica-saturated volcanic tuffs and debris. Seven out of 29 samples from different outcrops yielded relatively well-preserved radiolarian faunas. In total, 60 species belonging to 34 genera were present in these faunas, ranging in age from middle Turonian-Santonian to late Thanetian-Ypresian

    Late Cretaceous and Paleogene Radiolaria from the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: a tectonostratigraphic application

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    Detailed field mapping and paleontological dating in the central and southeastern Nicoya Peninsula has revealed Late Cretaceous and Paleogene radiolarian-bearing siliceous mudstones. These rocks belong to two terranes (Matambfi and Manzanillo) that are partially contemporaneous with the Nicoya Complex, but are genetically different. While the Nicoya Complex is formed exclusively by intraplate igneous rocks with associated radiolarites, the studied sections include variable amounts of are-derived volcanic and terrigenous materials. These fore-arc terranes include mafic to intermediate volcaniclastics and associated pelagic and hemipelagic rocks rich in biogenic silica. Radiolarian preservation in these sediments is often enhanced by the presence of silica-saturated volcanic tuffs and debris. Seven out of 29 samples from different outcrops yielded relatively well-preserved radiolarian faunas. In total, 60 species belonging to 34 genera were present in these faunas, ranging in age from middle Turonian-Santonian to late Thanetian-Ypresian

    Turonian radiolarians from Karnezeika, Argolis Peninsula, Peloponnesus (Greece)

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    Near Karnezeika a roughly 140 m thick Upper Cretaceous section consists of interbedded pelagic limestones, cherts and coarse polymict breccias including ophiolites and shallow water limestones. At the base, pink pelagic limestones rest on deeply altered and fractured Lower Jurassic Pantokrator Limestone. This first pelagic facies is dated as middle Turonian, based on planktonic Foraminifera. Over 100 m of coarse ophiolite-carbonate breccias, interpreted as a channel or canyon fill in a pelagic environment, document the erosion of the Late Jurassic nappe edifice along the Cretaceous Pelagonian margin. Above these breccias, we mesured 16 m of principally pink and red pelagic limestones and radiolarian cherts, in which we recovered well-preserved radiolarians discussed here. In this interval, the presence of planktonic Foraminfera allows to state a late Turonian to Coniacian age. More than 40 radiolarian species are described and figured in this work. The radiolarian chronostratigraphy established by 10 different authors in 11 publications was compared for this study and used to establish radiolarian ranges. This exercise shows major discrepancies between authors for the radiolarian ranges of the studied assemblage. Nevertheless, a Turonian age can be stated based on a synthesis of cited radiolarian ranges. This age is consistent with the age based on planktonic foraminifera. In combining the ages of both Radiolaria and planktonic Foraminifera, the studied samples can be restricted to the late Turonian. However, the discrepancies of published radiolarian ranges call for an urgent, major revision of the Late Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology. The integration of planktonic foraminifera with radiolarians may greatly enhance biochronologic resolution in sections where both groups occur

    A new low-latitude Late Paleocene-Early Eocene radiolarian biozonation based on Unitary Associations: Applications for accreted terranes.

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    The late Paleocene - early Eocene sequences of DSDP Leg 10 Sites 86, 94, 95, and 96, Leg 43 Site 384 and ODP Leg 171B Hole 1051A have been re-sampled and re-examined for radiolarians. A new late Paleocene to early Eocene low-latitude radiolarian zonation suited for the correlation of accreted terranes is established by using the Unitary Association (UA) method. This method has the property of attributing equal weight to each species occurrence, which has the advantage of not being dependant on a limited set of key datums. Twenty-two UAs have been erected and correlated to the existing age models (given by nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera and radiolarians) for each site. The 22 UAs have been united into seven Unitary Associations Zones (UA Zones) (JP10-JE4) to increase lateral traceability. Herein we present the resulting composite range chart and correlation between the studied cores. The position of the UA Zones in the Paleogene timescale of.Berggren et al. (1995) have been estimated using a general consensus correlation with calcareous microfossil groups and the existing radiolarian zonation. Reproducible radiolarian events identified in the present work are bound to directly tied and compiled absolute ages given by Nigrini et al. (2006) and Sanfilippo and Nigrini (1998a). The RP zones (Sanfilippo and Nigrini 1998a) and the UA Zones are consistent. Unitary Associations permit to distinguish supplementary zonal subdivisions within RP7 and RP6. Topotypes from DSDP Leg 10 have been illustrated using mainly SEM imaging to facilitate the identification of re-crystallized forms

    Early Jurassic to Early late Cretaceous radiolarians from the Santa Rosa accretionary complex (Northwestern Costa Rica)

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    In the circum-Pacific ophiolitic belts, when no other biogenic constituents are found, radiolarians have the potential to provide significant biostratigraph- ic information. The Santa Rosa Accretionary Complex, which crops out in several half-windows (Carrizal, Sitio Santa Rosa, Bahia Nancite, Playa Naranjo) along the south shores of the Santa Elena Peninsula in northwestern Costa Rica, is one of these little-known ophiolitic mélanges. It contains various oceanic assemblages of alkaline basalt, radiolarite and polymictic breccias. The radiolarian biochronology presented in this work is mainly based by correlation on the biozonations of Carter et al. (2010), Baumgartner et al. (1995b), and O'Dogherty (1994) and indicate an Early Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (early Pliensbachian to earliest Turonian) age for the sediments associated with oceanic basalts or recovered from blocks in breccias or megabreccias. The 19 illus- trated assemblages from the Carrizal tectonic window and Sitio Santa Rosa contain in total 162 species belonging to 65 genera. The nomenclature of tecton- ic units is the one presented by (Baumgartner and Denyer, 2006). This study brings to light the Early Jurassic age of a succession of radiolarite, which was previously thought to be of Cretaceous age, intruded by alkaline basalts sills (Unit 3). The presence of Early Jurassic large reworked blocks in a polymictic megabreccia, firstly reported by De Wever et al. (1985) is confirmed (Unit 4). Therefore, the alkaline basalt associated with the radiolarites of these two units (and maybe also Units 5 and 8) could be of Jurassic age. In the Carrizal tectonic window, Middle to early Late Jurassic radiolarian chert blocks associ- ated with massive tholeitic basalts and Early Cretaceous brick-red ribbon cherts overlying pillow basalts are interpreted as fragments of a Middle Jurassic oceanic basement accreted to an Early Cretaceous oceanic Plate, in an intra-oceanic subduction context. Whereas, the knobby radiolarites and black shales of Playa Carrizal are indicative of a shallower middle Cretaceous paleoenvironment. Other remnants of this oceanic basin are found in Units 2, 6, and 7, which documented the rapid approach of the depocentre to a subduction trench during the late Early Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian), to possibly early Late Cretaceous (Turonian)

    Upper Triassic to Cretaceous radiolaria from Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica - The Mesquito composite oceanic terrane

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    We propose a new terrane subdivision of Nicaragua and Northern Costa Rica, based on Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of ribbon radiolarites, the newly studied Siuna Serpentinite Mélange, and published 40Ar/39Ar dating and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic igneous rock units of the area. The new Mesquito Composite Oceanic Terrane (MCOT) comprises the southern half of the Chortis Block, that was assumed to be a continental fragment of N-America. The MCOT is defined by 4 corner localities characterized by ultramafic and mafic oceanic rocks and radiolarites of Late Triassic, Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age: 1. The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (NE-Nicaragua), 2. The El Castillo Mélange (Nicaragua/Costa Rica border), 3.The Santa Elena Ultramafics (N-Costa Rica) and, 4. DSDP Legs 67/84. 1. The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange contains, high pressure metamorphic mafics and Middle Jurassic (Bajocian-Bathonian) radiolarites in original, sedimentary contact with arc-metandesites. The Siuna Mélange also contains Upper Jurassic black detrital chert formed in a marginal (fore-arc?) basin shortly before subduction. A phengite 40Ar/39Ar -cooling age dates the exhumation of the high pressure rocks as 139 Ma (earliest Cretaceous). 2. The El Castillo Mélange comprises a radiolarite block tectonically embedded in serpentinite that yielded a diverse Rhaetian (latest Triassic) radiolarian assemblage, the oldest fossils recovered so far from S-Central America. 3. The Santa Elena Ultramafics of N-Costa Rica together with the serpentinite outcrops near El Castillo (2) in Southern Nicaragua, are the southernmost outcrops of the MCOT. The Santa Elena Unit (3) itself is still undated, but it is thrust onto the middle Cretaceous Santa Rosa Accretionary Complex (SRAC), that contains Lower to Upper Jurassic, highly deformed radiolarite blocks, probably reworked from the MCOT, which was the upper plate with respect to the SRAC. 4. Serpentinites, metagabbros and basalts have long been known from DSDP Leg 67/84 (3), drilled off Guatemala in the Nicaragua-Guatemala forearc basement. They have been restudied and reveal 40Ar/39Ar dated Upper Triassic to middle Cretaceous enriched Ocean Island Basalts and Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous depleted Island arc rocks of probable Pacific origin. The area between localities 1-4 is largely covered by Tertiary to Recent arcs, but we suspect that its basement is made of oceanic/accreted terranes. Earthquake seismic studies indicate an ill-defined, shallow Moho in this area. The MCOT covers most of Nicaragua and could extend to Guatemala to the W and form the Lower (southern) Nicaragua Rise to the NE. Some basement complexes of Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico may also belong to the MCOT. The Nicoya Complex s. str. has been regarded as an example of Caribbean crust and the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP). However, 40Ar/39Ar - dates on basalts and intrusives indicate ages as old as Early Cretaceous. Highly deformed Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous radiolarites occur as blocks within younger intrusives and basalts. Our interpretation is that radiolarites became first accreted to the MCOT, then became reworked into the Nicoya Plateau in Late Cretaceous times. This implies that the Nicoya Plateau formed along the Pacific edge of the MCOT, independent form the CLIP and most probably unrelated with he Galapagos hotspot. No Jurassic radiolarite, no older sediment age than Coniacian-Santonian, and no older 40Ar/39Ar age than 95 Ma is known from S-Central America between SE of Nicoya and Colombia. For us this area represents the trailing edge of the CLIP s. str

    Late Cretaceous to Miocene seamount accretion and mélange formation in the Osa and Burica Peninsulas (Southern Costa Rica): Episodic growth of a convergent margin

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    Multidisciplinary study of the Osa and Burica peninsulas, Costa Rica, recognizes the Osa Igneous Complex and the Osa Mélange – records of a complex Late Cretaceous–Miocene tectonic–sedimentary history. The Igneous Complex, an accretionary prism (sensu stricto) comprises mainly basaltic lava flows, with minor sills, gabbroic intrusives, pelagic limestones and radiolarites. Sediments or igneous rocks derived from the upper plate are absent. Four units delimited on the base of stratigraphy and geochemistry lie in contact along reactivated palaeo-décollement zones. They comprise fragments of a Coniacian–Santonian oceanic plateau (Inner Osa Igneous Complex) and Coniacian–Santonian to Middle Eocene seamounts (Outer Osa Igneous Complex). The units are unrelated to other igneous complexes of Costa Rica and Panama and are exotic with respect to the partly overthickened Caribbean Plate; they formed by multiple accretions between the Late Cretaceous and Middle Eocene, prior to the genesis of the mélange. Events of high-rate accretion alternated with periods of low-rate accretion and tectonic erosion. The NW Osa Mélange in contact with the Osa Igneous Complex has a block-in-matrix texture at various scales, produced by sedimentary processes and later tectonically enhanced. Lithologies are mainly debris flows and hemipelagic deposits. Clastic components (grains to large boulders) indicate Late Eocene mass wasting of the Igneous Complex, forearc deposits and a volcanic arc. Gravitational accumulation of a thick pile of trench sediments culminated with shallow-level accretion. Mass-wasting along the margin was probably triggered by seamount subduction and/or plate reorganization at larger scale. The study provides new geological constraints for seamount subduction and associated accretionary processes, as well as on the erosive/accretionary nature of convergent margins devoid of accreted sediments

    Catalogue of Mesozoic radiolarian genera. Part 2: Jurassic-Cretaceous

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    The catalogue of Mesozoic radiolarian genera is a revision of all described genera with re-illustration of their type species. This project was organized under the auspices of the International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists (Inter-Rad), and was carried out by the Mesozoic Working Group. This is the second of two contributions, this one devoted to the Jurassic-Cretaceous period. It contains 581 genera with re-illustration of their type species. This part shares 30 genera in common with the Triassic catalogue, most of which arose in the Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian. The sharp difference manifested between the Triassic fauna and the Jurassic-Cretaceous fauna is so evident that it justifies two independent catalogues. A comparable division between the Jurassic and Cretaceous could not be justified however, because of the similarity of the fauna, and by the greater number of genera crossing the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary which is three times that for the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. A distinct characteristic of Jurassic-Cretaceous genera is the high number of nomina dubia (up to 131), contrary to the low number in the Triassic interval. This reflects, in part, the influence of Haeckelian taxonomy in earlier research on Jurassic-Cretaceous faunas prior to the application of SEM techniques. The Mesozoic Working Group has carefully reviewed and re-examined the taxonomy of all available genera, their family assignment and stratigraphic ranges. Following careful comparisons, 91 genera were declared as synonyms. The review has noted 26 homonyms which were duly notified to their corresponding authors, and were corrected previous to the publication of this catalogue. In spite of this effort, unfortunately nine homonyms still remain. Two invalid nominal genera, and two nomina nuda are also reported. The systematic revisions have validated 341 genera for the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval. At the end of this catalogue 24 additional are resented as support for those genera having a poor photographs p original illustration of the type species

    Catalogue of Mesozoic radiolarian genera. Part 1: Triassic

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    International audienc

    Radiolarian paleobiogeography in the late Albian–Santonian

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