46 research outputs found

    Aspectos clínicos e patológicos de linfoma bovino afetando a medula espinhal

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    Clinical and pathological features of bovine lymphoma involving the spinal cord were evaluated through a retrospective study of the necropsy database from 2005 to 2017. Thirty-four cases of bovine lymphoma were found, 24 of which had central nervous system involvement restricted to the spinal cord. All cattle were Holstein cows 2.5-12 years-old (median age, six years-old). The clinical course was 7-21 days, and the main neurological sign was pelvic limb paresis (81.8%). The lymphoma often affected the spinal cord in a multifocal manner. Lumbar segments were the mostly affected sites (23/24), followed by the sacral segments and cauda equina (20/24), cervical (5/24) and thoracic (5/24) segments. Tumors were in the epidural space, peripheral to the pachymeninges (extradural) and between layers of adipose tissue. In addition, two cases had progressive hemorrhagic myelomalacia. Further organs affected included the lymph nodes (100%), abomasum (79.2%), heart (75%) and kidneys (45.8%). Microscopically, all lymphomas had a diffuse pattern, with no meningeal or medullar infiltration. According to the REAL/WHO classification, all these neoplasms were mature B-cell lymphomas. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was observed in 95.8% (23/24) of the cases. The following subtypes were observed in the DLBCL group in descending order: immunoblastic (60.9%, 14/23), centroblastic (26.1%, 6/23), anaplastic (8.7%, 2/23) and T-cell rich (4.3%, 1/23).Os aspectos clínicos e patológicos do linfoma bovino afetando a medula espinhal foram avaliados através de um estudo retrospectivo dos protocolos de necropsia durante o período de 2005-2017. De um total de 34 bovinos com linfoma, 24 apresentaram afecção do sistema nervoso central (SNC) restrito a medula espinhal. Todos os bovinos afetados eram fêmeas, da raça Holandesa, com 2,5 a 12 anos de idade (idade mediana de seis anos). Clinicamente, os casos tiveram uma evolução de sete a 21 dias, com a principal alteração neurológica caracterizada por paresia de membros pélvicos, a qual foi observada em 81,8% dos casos. O linfoma afetou frequentemente a medula espinhal de maneira multifocal. Os segmentos lombares foram os mais envolvidos (23/24), seguidos pelos sacrais e cauda equina (20/24), cervicais (5/24) e torácicos (5/24). Os tumores estavam localizados no espaço epidural, periférica à paquimeninge (extradural) e associada ao tecido adiposo. Em dois casos foi também observada mielomalacia hemorrágica progressiva. Os órgãos acometidos com maior frequência, concomitantemente ao espaço epidural, foram os linfonodos (100%), abomaso (79,2%), coração (75%) e rins (45,8%). Microscopicamente, todos os linfomas exibiam um padrão difuso, sem infiltração em meninges e medula espinhal (extradural). De acordo com a classificação da REAL/WHO, todos esses neoplasmas foram incluídos como linfomas de células B maduras. O linfoma difuso de grandes células B (LDGCB) foi observado em 95,8% (23/24) dos casos. Os subtipos classificados dentro do grupo dos LDGCB’s foram em ordem decrescente: imunoblástico (60,9%; 14/23), centroblástico (26,1%; 6/23), anaplásico (8,7%; 2/23), e rico em células T (4,3%; 1/23)

    Neurofibroma orbitofacial espontâneo em uma matriz suína

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    Neurofibromas are neoplasms derived from nerve bundles and are frequent in humans but not common in animals. This report described the macroscopic, histologic, and immunohistochemistry findings of an orbitofacial neurofibroma in a sow. The sow presented left eyelids with marked expansion, associated with severe ectropion and reddening of both conjunctival mucosae. The mass on the cutting surface was homogeneous, with a light tan, and shiny, measuring 9.0 x 7.0 x 7.0 cm in width, compressing the eyeball. Microscopically, there was paucicellular neoplastic proliferation of elongated cells amid the accentuated myxoid matrix. There were multifocal areas where welldifferentiated nervous fascicles and skeletal musculature were seen. Neoplastic cells were immunostained positive for GFAP, neurofilament, S-100, Sox-10, and vimentin. Cytokeratin showed immunolabeling around primitive nerve bundles and desmin around neoformed vessels and muscle bundles within the tumor. Orbitopalpebral and orbitofacial neurofibroma, despite being common in humans, have not been described in domestic pigs and should be considered as a differential diagnosis in eyelid tumors in pigs.Neurofibromas são neoplasias derivadas dos feixes nervosos e são frequentes em humanos, mas incomuns em espécies animais domésticos. Esse relato tem como objetivo descrever os achados macroscópicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de um neurofibroma orbitofacial em uma matriz suína. O animal apresentava as pálpebras esquerdas acentuadamente expandidas, associada a severo ectrópio e avermelhamento de ambas as mucosas conjuntivais. A tumoração palpebral, na superfície de corte, era homogênea, levemente acastanhada e brilhante, medindo 9,0 x 7,0 x 7,0 cm, e comprimia o globo ocular. Microscopicamente foi observada uma proliferação neoplásica pobremente celular de células alongadas no meio de uma acentuada quantidade de matriz mixoide. Havia áreas intratumorias multifocais onde fascículos nervosos bem diferenciados e musculatura esquelética foram observados. As células neoplásicas foram positivas na imuno-histoquímica para GFAP, neurofilamento, S-100, Sox-10 e vimentina. Citoqueratina mostrou uma imunomarcação ao redor de feixes nervosos primitivos e desmina ao redor de vasos neoformados e feixes musculares dentro do tumor. O neurofibroma orbitofacial, apesar de comum em humanos, nunca foi descrito em suínos domésticos e deve ser considerado um diagnóstico diferencial para neoplasias palpebrais em suínos

    Tenossinovite vilonodular pigmentada (tumor de células gigantes da bainha tendínea) tarsal em um cão

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    A 12-year-old female mixed-breed dog presented with lameness, pain, and an enlarged, non-ulcerated, nodular mass in the region proximal to the tarsal joint of the right pelvic limb. Surgical excision was performed, revealing a 6.5 cm mass adherent to the deep flexor tendon and adjacent tissues. The cut section had cysts filled with blackened clotted material, which exuded reddish serous fluid. Microscopically, the cysts were filled with red blood cells and were either denuded or covered by synoviocytes. In addition, the mass was characterized by marked fibrovascular connective tissue associated with siderophages and multinucleated giant cells. These findings were consistent with those of pigmented villonodular tenosynovitis, a rare condition affecting several animal species and humans.Uma cadela de 12 anos, sem raça definida, apresentou claudicação, algia e aumento de volume não ulcerado, de aspecto nodular, na região proximal à articulação do tarso do membro pélvico direito. A excisão cirúrgica foi optada e revelou uma massa de 6,5 cm de diâmetro, aderida ao tendão flexor profundo e aos tecidos adjacentes. Ao corte, exsudava líquido seroso avermelhado e cistos preenchidos por material coagulado enegrecido foram observados. Microscopicamente, a massa apresentava formações císticas frequentemente preenchidas por hemácias, que encontravam-se ora revestidas por sinoviócitos, ora desnudas. Havia ainda acentuada quantidade de tecido fibrovascular associado a siderófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas. Esses achados foram consistentes com tenossinovite vilonodular pigmentada, uma rara condição que afeta diversas espécies de animais e humanos

    Verminotic pneumonia in South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) in Southern Brazil

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    Verminotic pneumonia caused by Parafilaroides spp. nematodes is an underreported disease in beached South American fur seals, with scant literature available on the characteristics of parafilaroidiasis, the nematode itself, as well as its occurrence in pinnipeds in Brazil. The present work aims to identify, describe and detail the histological features of the infection and molecular characteristics of verminotic pneumonia in the South American fur seal. Twenty-six specimens of Arctocephalus australis, found dead on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul in 2021, were analysed. These animals were identified and submitted to necropsy and histology. For the molecular identification of metastrongylids, lung fragments were subjected to DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction targeting the Internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) gene and subsequent sequencing. In total, 12 animals presented with parasites in the lung parenchyma on histological evaluation, and only 1 showed a granulomatous lung lesion at necropsy. Microscopically, the nematodes were found mainly in the alveoli, associated with little or no inflammatory response, and they had morphological characteristics compatible with metastrongylids. Six ITS-2 gene quality sequences were obtained; after comparative analysis via BLAST, they showed similarity with sequences obtained from Parafilaroides sp. Therefore, verminotic pneumonia caused by Parafilaroides represents an important differential diagnosis of lung disease in South American fur seals found on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul

    Estudo retrospectivo de lesões em baços de caninos esplenectomizados: 179 casos

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    Alterações de tamanho e forma em baços são frequentemente identificadas em cães e esplenectomia é medida terapêutica usual. Esse trabalho inclui as alterações detectadas em amostras de baços de cães esplenectomizados. Os casos foram avaliados quanto aos dados gerais, clínicos e patológicos. De um total de 9.085 amostras de tecidos caninos, 179 (2%) foram provenientes de baços de cães com esplenectomia total. A idade média dos cães foi 9,9 anos. Do total analisado, obteve-se 173 diagnósticos conclusivos, dos quais 120 (69,3%) corresponderam a doenças neoplásicas e, 53 (30,6%), doenças não neoplásicas. Dentre os diagnósticos neoplásicos, 92,5% (111/120) eram neoplasmas malignos e, 7,5% (9/120), benignos. As principais alterações identificadas foram hemangiossarcoma 44,1% (79/179), hiperplasia linfoide nodular 20,1% (36/179), fibrossarcoma 10,6% (19/179), hemangioma 3,9% (7/179) e doenças hemolíticas imunomediadas 3,9% (7/179), além de metástases de diferentes neoplasias 3,3% (6/179).Gross changes in spleen size and shape are frequently recognized in dogs, and splenectomy is the usual measure adopted in such cases. This study includes the changes observed in spleen samples excised from dogs. Cases were evaluated on the basis of general, clinical, and histopathological findings. In the 2000-2010 period, 9085 samples of canine tissues were evaluated, 179 (2%) of which were taken from total surgical spleen removal. The mean age of dogs studied was 9.9 years. A conclusive diagnosis was obtained in 173 spleen samples, of which 120 (69.3%) were neoplastic disorders and 53 (30.6%), non-neoplastic diseases. Malignant changes corresponded to 92.5% (111/120) of the neoplastic cases, and benign ones to 7.5% (9/120). The main changes observed in spleen samples were hemangiosarcoma 44.1% (79/179), nodular lymphoid hyperplasia 20.1% (36/179), fibrosarcoma 10.6% (19/179), hemangioma 3.9% (7/179), and immune-mediated hemolytic diseases 3.9% (7/179), apart of different metastatic neoplasms 3.3% (6/179)