16 research outputs found

    Impact of Model Complexity on CO2 plume modeling at Sleipner

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    AbstractThe goal of geologic carbon sequestration (GCS) is to store carbon dioxide (CO2) in the subsurface for time periods on the order of thousands of years. Mathematical modeling is an important tool to predict the migration of both CO2 and brine to ensure safe and permanent storage. Many modeling approaches with different levels of complexity have been applied to the problem of GCS ranging from simple analytic solutions to fully-coupled three-dimensional reservoir simulators. The choice of modeling approach is often a function of the spatial and temporal scales of the problem, reservoir properties, data availability, available computational resources, and the familiarity of the modeler with a specific modeling approach. In this study we apply a series of models with different levels of model complexity to the 9th layer of the Utsira Formation. The list of modeling approaches includes (from least complex to most complex): numerical vertical-equilibrium model with sharp-interface, numerical vertical-equilibrium model with capillary transition zone, vertically-integrated model with dynamic vertical pressure and saturation reconstruction, and fully- coupled three-dimensional model. The model domain consists of a 3 x 6km section of the 9th layer, as described in the IEAGHG benchmark dataset. The layer thickness varies in space, ranging from 5 to 30 m, while porosity and permeability are close to constant at 0.36 and 1.8 Darcy, respectively. The models are all based on the same input data, and initial and boundary conditions are chosen in a way that ensures the different models are comparable. In addition, a simple box model is used for preliminary simulations. The models are compared based on the predicted CO2 plume footprints and saturation cross-sections. The predicted CO2 plumes are also compared to the actual CO2 plume footprint from seismic surveys to determine the ability of the different models to predict the actual CO2 plume footprint. The results show that vertical-equilibrium models are sufficient to model CO2 migration in the 9th layer of Sleipner, due to the formation's higher permeability and relatively thin capillary transition zone. None of the models used in this study was able to accurately predict the actual plume footprint; this suggests the modeling approaches used here are missing essential physics or that some parameters in the site model (e.g., topography of the caprock) are inaccurate

    Numerical Modeling of Gas and Water Flow in Shale Gas Formations with a Focus on the Fate of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid

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    Hydraulic fracturing in shale gas formations involves the injection of large volumes of aqueous fluid deep underground. Only a small proportion of the injected water volume is typically recovered, raising concerns that the remaining water may migrate upward and potentially contaminate groundwater aquifers. We implement a numerical model of two-phase water and gas flow in a shale gas formation to test the hypothesis that the remaining water is imbibed into the shale rock by capillary forces and retained there indefinitely. The model includes the essential physics of the system and uses the simplest justifiable geometrical structure. We apply the model to simulate wells from a specific well pad in the Horn River Basin, British Columbia, where there is sufficient available data to build and test the model. Our simulations match the water and gas production data from the wells remarkably closely and show that all the injected water can be accounted for within the shale system, with most imbibed into the shale rock matrix and retained there for the long term

    A Model To Estimate Carbon Dioxide Injectivity and Storage Capacity for Geological Sequestration in Shale Gas Wells

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    Recent studies suggest the possibility of CO<sub>2</sub> sequestration in depleted shale gas formations, motivated by large storage capacity estimates in these formations. Questions remain regarding the dynamic response and practicality of injection of large amounts of CO<sub>2</sub> into shale gas wells. A two-component (CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub>) model of gas flow in a shale gas formation including adsorption effects provides the basis to investigate the dynamics of CO<sub>2</sub> injection. History-matching of gas production data allows for formation parameter estimation. Application to three shale gas-producing regions shows that CO<sub>2</sub> can only be injected at low rates into individual wells and that individual well capacity is relatively small, despite significant capacity variation between shale plays. The estimated total capacity of an average Marcellus Shale well in Pennsylvania is 0.5 million metric tonnes (Mt) of CO<sub>2</sub>, compared with 0.15 Mt in an average Barnett Shale well. Applying the individual well estimates to the total number of existing and permitted planned wells (as of March, 2015) in each play yields a current estimated capacity of 7200–9600 Mt in the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and 2100–3100 Mt in the Barnett Shale

    Effective Permeabilities of Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells: Analysis of Data from Pennsylvania

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    Abandoned oil and gas (AOG) wells can provide pathways for subsurface fluid migration, which can lead to groundwater contamination and gas emissions to the atmosphere. Little is known about the millions of AOG wells in the U.S. and abroad. Recently, we acquired data on methane emissions from 42 plugged and unplugged AOG wells in five different counties across western Pennsylvania. We used historical documents to estimate well depths and used these depths with the emissions data to estimate the wells’ effective permeabilities, which capture the combined effects of all leakage pathways within and around the wellbores. We find effective permeabilities to range from 10<sup>–6</sup> to 10<sup>2</sup> millidarcies, which are within the range of previous estimates. The effective permeability data presented here provide perspective on older AOG wells and are valuable when considering the leakage potential of AOG wells in a wide range of applications, including geologic storage of carbon dioxide, natural gas storage, and oil and gas development