537 research outputs found

    The Disclosure of Carbon Emission in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This study aims to provide a systematic review of research on carbon emission disclosures in the context of Indonesia. Thirty articles published in Indonesian Journals indexed by Science and Technology Index (SINTA) were selected using mapping approach (charting the field). The review found that 87% of the studies employing secondary data based quantitative method, while the other 10% studies used survey method. The resarch findings also revealed two group of determinants of carbon emission disclosure in Indonesia. 53% of the reviewed articles tested the impact of non-financial variables, for example firm age, type of industry. Meanwhile, 47% of the studies investigated the influence of financial variables (for example, leverage, firm value, and profitability) for the carbon emission disclosure. The results of this study provide an updated evaluation of prior studies and research agend for further research in carbon emission

    Analisis Sea Level Rise Menggunakan Data Satelit Altimetri Jason-2 Periode 2008-1012 (Studi Kasus: Laut Utara Jawa Dan Laut Selatan Jawa)

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    Sea level changes carried by tidal observations at the beach. But, the method as it still has some shortcomings in some ways such as limited coverage areas around the coast so the sea face of changing data is only accurate for a relatively shallow sea close to the shore. The existence of tidal palm should be tied to the tidal station and measured by GPS in order to be bound by such a reference ellipsoid..Advances in the development of satellite technology, especially satellite altimetry is intended to observe ocean phenomena, has helped many observations of sea level temporally. To see the trend of changes in sea level rise do linear regression. Calculating the regression process SLA and linear trend analysis of the data altimetry satellite Jason 2. In this final project the results of this regression will be used also to compare the differences in sea level rise in the North Sea Java and South Sea Java. As long years 2008-2012 with satellite altimetry abservations shows that the phenomenon of sea level rise occurred in the North Sea Java and South Sea Java. Sea level rise occurred in the North Sea Java is equal +10.77 mm/yr. Lowest values occurred in Waters Semarang on pass number 64 is equal to +7.92 mm/yr and the highest occurred in the Waters of Madura on pass number 203 is equal to +15.84 mm/yr. For in the sea south of Java, sea level rise is at +16.79 mm/yr. Lowest values occurred in Waters Prigi on pass number 203 is equal to +12.60 mm/yr. As for the sea level rise occurred in the Waters of Cilacap is at +23.04 mm/yr

    Identifikasi Kawasan Upwelling Berdasarkan Variabilitas Klorofil-a, Suhu Permukaan Laut Dari Data Citra Aqua Modis Tahun 2003-2015 Dan Arus (Studi Kasus: Perairan Nusa Tenggara Timur)

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    The existence of Indonesian sea which is widely and strategic becoming Indonesia as the world maritime axis that is why Indonesia have potential sea natural resources, one of them is East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) where have great fish potential. A lot of fish potential is related to fitoplankton existence which can know from chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature by remote sensing with using Aqua MODIS imagery and also complemented with the wind vector and wind velocity from QuickScat Imagery in NTT sea.The data processing method in this research was used IDL to process sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and tide from 2013 until 2015, therefore sea surface temperature distribution spatial pattern, chlorophyll-a, vector and speed of wind to identify upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea which proven a lot of nutrition and a lot of fitoplankton as natural feed for fish therefore it can get impact for rising fish productivity in NTT sea. The test of data is required by analyzed distribution of clorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and wind to fish potential area in NTT sea.This research product are sea surface temperature distribution map and tide map, based on climatology this is to know cause and effect of upwelling in NTT sea. Upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea is happened on May until december. When the upwelling happens, chlorophyll-a value is about 0,223 until 0,413 mg/m3with the average is 0,329 mg/m3, the highest distribution of chlorophyll-a is on September. Sea surface temperature value distribution between 26,768-28,689 ⁰C with the average is 27,548 ⁰C, and The lowest distribution is on August and wid speed when upwelling happens is about 3,654-5,351 m/s with the average is 4,715 m/s, The highest wind speed is on July. Therefore, it makes upwelling time late in NTT sea

    Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sig Untuk Pemetaan Kawasan Potensi Sumber Plts Di Pulau Jawa

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    The increasing population density which happened in Java Island as central of government, education, social and politics is caused by inequality distribution of population. Those are led to bump the vital needs, one of them is eletric current. Electric energy wtih the new and renewable resources has not yet reach the optimization, one of them is solar energy. The mapping of solar power energy generator potential is needed for accelerate identification potential areas.The purpose of reasearch is get distribution solar power energy generator location with remote sensing and GIS. The methods which will be used are classification method, overlay, scoring and weighting each parameters. Parameters which is used are monthly rainfall accumulation, monthly average cloud distribution, land surface temperature class map, land use map, and slope map. Determination of solar power energy generator potential on chosen regency is computed by weighting land surface temperature parameter, land use and landslide in 4 classes potential.These classes were defined very low potential, low potential, medium potential, and high potential.Based on monthly rainfall accumulation and cloud distribution overlay are resulted 4 regencies with drought month and most cloud free area Gresik, Lamongan, Rembang, and Sampang regency. From the rainfall accumulation, Rembang regency is the lowest rainfall accumulation on one year periode. Spatial analysis, weighting addition, and also scoring on land surface temperature, land use and land slide are done only on Rembang regency. The results are 2,085.153Ha or 2 % very low potential area, 70,877.295 Ha or 69% low potential area, 3,509.407Ha or 3% medium potential area, 27,162.458 Ha or 26% high potential area

    Aplikasi Terrestrial Laser Scanner Untuk Pemodelan Tampak Muka Bangunan (Studi Kasus: Gedung PT. Almega Geosystems, Kelapa Gading-Jakarta)

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    Perkembangan dunia survei dan pemetaan sangatlah pesat. Di era sekarang ini, pemanfaatan teknologi Terrestrial Laser Scanner dapat memberikan solusi untuk pendokumentasian suatu bangunan maupun pengukuran topografi. Teknologi ini dinilai sangat efisien jika dibandingkan dengan teknologi pengukuran lainnya. Hasil pengukuran Terrestrial Laser Scanner berupa point clouds yang mempunyai koordinat 3 dimensi. Dalam tugas akhir ini, metode pengukuran Terrestrial Laser Scanner digunakan untuk pemodelan tampak muka bangunan gedung PT. Almega Geosystems, Kelapa Gading-Jakarta. Proses akuisisi data di lapangan dan pengolahan data menggunakan software Cyclone V.7.4 (compatible with Leica Scan Station 2). Hasil akhir dalam penelitian ini adalah model tampak muka bangunan gedung PT. Almega Geosystems, Kelapa Gading-Jakarta. Pengujian hasil pengolahan model dilakukan dengan dua pengujian, yaitu perbandingan jarak antar sisi gedung hasil pengukuran Electronic Total Station dan laser disto meter. Nilai rata-rata kesalahan dari perbandingan jarak antar sisi mengunakan Electronic Total Station sebesar 0.00527 meter dan nilai rata-rata kesalahan dari perbandingan jarak antar sisi dengan laser disto meter sebesar 0.00708 meter

    Analisis Perbandingan Data Citra Satelit Eos Aqua/terra Modis Dan Noaa Avhrr Menggunakan Parameter Suhu Permukaan Laut

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    Sea surface temperature (SST) is one of the parameters which can be used to detect the potential of fish distribution in the sea. One of method which can be used to measure the SST to utilize remote sensing satellite imagery. The data used in this study are the Aqua, Terra and NOAA satellite imagery from 2010 until 2012. This study purpose is to find out the value of SST in the northern region of Papua in 2010 to 2012 from satellite imagery and also to compare the satellite imagery with Buoy data as a field validation data.The methode of processing is used a script programming language by using the programming software which built to get the SST value by compiling data. The next step when the previous processing result has out are selecting the data, emulating the time between the satellite imagery with the Buoy Data, average monthly and yearly SST calculation, noise and RMSE value calculation, making the graphic and scatterplot, and also the depiction of SST distribution maps.The result shows the value of SST in northern Papua has decreased every year with a random pattern. From the three satellite imagery which are used in this research, NOAA imagery is the most imagery which can represent the condition of the SST on real field. It is due to the value of the noise and RMSE on NOAA are about -0.43 and 0.2228. Based on statistic test, there is a correlation between the Aqua, Terra and NOAA imagery and Buoy Data. Then, there is a difference between the value of the average SST temperature data from satellite imagery and Buoy with a confidence level of 95%

    Aplikasi Fotogrammetri Rentang Dekat Untuk Pemodelan 3d Gedung a Lawang Sewu

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    [Close Range Photogrammetry Application for 3D Modelling of Lawang Sewu Building A] Close range photogrammetry is a one of photogrammetry applications. It can be used for the object measurement that is less than 100 meters. It also usualy used in 3D modeling of buildings, vehicles or bridges etc. In this final task, close range photogrammetry method was used for 3D modeling of Lawang Sewu Building A using non-metric digital camera. Initially, the camera must through of calibration process to determine the camera internal parameters. The process of calibration and data processing in this final task are using PhotoModeler Scanner v.7 2013 software. Phase of buildings modeling contain of marking and referencing, calculating and 3D modeling, transformation of 3D coordinate and visualization of 3D models. The data used are the photos that taken all around Lawang Sewu building A. The final results in this research are 3D model of Lawang Sewu Building A. Testing of the results in 3D modelling processing were done by comparing the 3D model distance referenced to Electronic Total Station measurement and statistics test with level of trust 95%. The statistics test in this research shows that there are no significant difference between ETS measurement