4 research outputs found

    Science outreach for the improvement of resilience in hydrological high-risk environment

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    L’Italia è uno dei paesi del mondo a più elevato rischio idrogeologico; ciò è dovuto sicuramente alle caratteristiche geologiche e geomorfologiche della nostra penisola, ma soprattutto all’utilizzo scorretto che è stato fatto del nostro territorio. Dalla ricerca bibliografica è emerso che l’origine più profonda del problema risiede nell’atteggiamento culturale della società nei confronti dei rischi geologici. Per la parte sperimentale, ai fini del miglioramento della resilienza, è stato sviluppato un lavoro di ricerca nel campo l’educazione al rischio. In particolare è stato elaborato il primo esempio di strumento didattico per gli insegnanti della scuola primaria italiana che riguardi in modo specifico il rischio di frana con un'ampia scelta di contenuti e tipologie didattiche. Durante i Laboratori pedagogico-didattici del corso di Elementi di Fisica e Didattica della Fisica, del corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università di Bologna, il materiale didattico è stato strumento sia di lavoro per gli studenti, sia di ricerca e raccolta dati per l’autore. Lo stesso materiale successivamente è diventato anche oggetto di un progetto didattico in una classe IV di scuola primaria, come tirocinio di una studentessa di Scienze della Formazione e, nella stessa occasione, oggetto di una ricerca-azione. Nella seconda parte sperimentale della tesi, sono descritte le caratteristiche e i contributi personali della dottoranda all’interno di due progetti del gruppo di ricerca in Geologia Applicata del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra di Firenze, che hanno permesso di ampliare la prospettiva dell’autrice della tesi sul problema del miglioramento della resilienza nei confronti del rischio idrogeologico.Italy is one of the world higher hydrological hazards countries. This is certainly due to the geological and geomorphological features of our peninsula, but mainly to the incorrect use made of our territory. From the literature research is emerged that the root cause of the problem lies in the cultural attitude of the society toward the geological hazards. For the research experimental part, for the improvement of the resilience, a research work has been developed in the field of risk education. More in detail, the work that was developed constitutes the first example of educational tool for Italian Primary School teachers that concerns specifically the landslide risk with a wide choice of contents and learning variety. During the laboratory sessions of the course Elements of Physics and Physics Teaching, of the degree course in Primary Teacher Education of Bologna, the teaching material was at the same time a work tool for students, and a research tool and data collection tool for the author. After that the same material later became the subject of an educational project in a 4th primary class, as a stage for a Primary Teacher Education student of and in the same occasion, as an action research. The second experimental part of the thesis, deals with the features of the PhD student projects and her personal contributions within two projects of the Engineering Geology research group of the Earth Sciences Department of Florence. Those projects allowed to widen the author's outlook toward the problem of the resilience improvement toward the hydrological hazards

    Laboratori pedagogico-didattici sul rischio idrogeologico a Scienze della Formazione Primaria Un esempio di integrazione tra ricerca, didattica, tirocinio e professione insegnante.

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    Il lavoro presentato \ue8 caratterizzato da una forte integrazione tra ricerca, didattica, tirocinio e professione insegnante. All\u2019interno di un percorso di Dottorato di Ricerca sul miglioramento della resilienza in ambienti ad alto rischio geologico, finanziato dal Dip. di Scienze della Terra di Firenze, \ue8 stato elaborato il primo esempio di strumento didattico per gli insegnanti della scuola primaria italiana che riguardi in modo specifico il rischio di frana con un'ampia scelta di contenuti e tipologie didattiche. Durante i Laboratori pedagogico-didattici del corso di Elementi di Fisica e Didattica della Fisica di SFP di Bologna, il materiale didattico \ue8 stato strumento sia di lavoro per gli studenti, sia di ricerca e raccolta dati per l\u2019autore. Lo stesso materiale successivamente \ue8 diventato anche oggetto di un progetto didattico in una classe IV, come tirocinio di una studentessa di SFP e, nella stessa occasione, di una ricerca- azione. Dai risultati derivanti dall\u2019elaborazione dei dati raccolti si evince fra l\u2019altro l\u2019efficacia di unire, in un\u2019ottica di stimolo reciproco, la ricerca, la didattica, il tirocinio e i materiali utili per lo svolgimento della professione di insegnante

    A multidimensional and interdisciplinary strategy for geo-hydrological risk reduction oriented towards minors

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    One of the targets of the Sendai Framework is to reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services, in particular educational facilities, developing their resilience. In this perspective, we involved 40 school (Central Italy) in a three-year project, which aims at assessing the real safety to which all the school occupants (students, teachers and auxiliary personnel) are subjected. This project was structured in three complementary lines of work: 1) improvement of the school buildings safety; 2) improvement of school occupants awareness; 3) improvement of the measures for the minors protection within the Territorial Civil Protection Plans. The first one consists in rapid and low cost instrumental surveys on built structures that are combined with the observation of all natural features possibly related to local geo-hydrological risks, as well as the ordinary habits and the planned behaviours in case of emergency. The compendium of the main results, which is represented by the Geohazard Safety Classification (GSC), and a list of technical recommendations, is useful to inform the official security managers that can implement the existing risk assessment documents of their school building and related emergency plans. The second line of work consists in increasing and improving the geological risks awareness of the students through both the involvement during the survey and the administration of questionnaires focused on the local geo-hydrological risk perception. Therefore, the questionnaires help to assess the current resilience degree that is included in the GSC definition and are conceived as a didactic instrument, since they allow students to reflect on these problems. All the questionnaires are calibrated for age groups. Some unbiased and expert school educators collaborated in assessing and testing them in advance. After the results delivery, a public meeting was held each year. All the interested teachers, concerned operators, security supervisors and school managers were involved. The goals of the meetings were: a) to explain the executed working methods, b) to have an open discussion about the priorities of school security, c) to convey ideas that will serve the professional growth of teachers and the process of transmission to students during their educational path in addition to the planned practice exercise like evacuations. Finally, since the full management of emergencies in a school must necessarily be linked to the territorial civil protection plans, the third line of work consists in verifying, in some sample municipalities throughout Italy, the minimum standards for the protection of minors during emergencies. This was realized opening a dialogue with the public administrations and looking for the presence of some specific "indicators" in their plans and operative activities. This analytical process had also the function: i) to sensitise the local institutions of adopting suitable measures for the protection of minors in emergency within the Civil Protection Plans; ii) to promote a culture of safety and risk prevention, in which children are considered active subjects; iii) to disseminate the contents of the already existing guidelines concerning the minors' rights; iv) to highlight good practices already experimented by institutions