285 research outputs found

    The fish fauna of the river Someş/Szamos basin

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    The fish fauna of the Criş/Körös river basin

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    Fish fauna of the Upper Tisa

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    Case-report: a case of peritoneal tuberculosis in young women without lung lesion

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    Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea unui caz dificil de diagnostic diferențiat cu stabilirea afecțiunii tuberculoase extrapulmonare peritoneale. Materiale și metode. Pacientă tânără fără semne de leziuni pulmonare și alte comorbidități, cu leziuni neclare peritoneale. Rezultate. A fost aplicat algoritmul complet de examinare pentru cancer ovarian și anume: analize clinice generale, ecografie transvaginala ale organelor bazinului mic, tomografie computerizată a toracelui, abdomenului si bazinului mic cu contrastare intravenoasă, rezonanță magnetică nucleară a bazinului mic cu contrastare intravenoasă, endoscopie digestivă superioară și inferioară, markerii tumorali CA 125, HE4, indicele ROMA, examenul citologic al lichidului ascitic. Diagnosticul definitivat după biopsie peritoneala în cadrul laparoscopiei diagnostice, examenul patomorfologic și imunohistochimic fiind unul de tuberculoza peritoneală. Concluzii. Procesul de diagnostic și apreciere a tacticii de tratament pacienților cu suspiciune de carcinomatoză peritoneală necesită abordare multidisciplinară și imperative sunt dependente de rezultatele examinărilor patomorfologice și imunohistochimice ale probelor bioptice.Aim of study. To demonstrate a diagnostically hard case of peritoneal tuberculosis without pulmonary manifestations. Materials and methods. We perform diagnostically hard cases of peritoneal tuberculosis in young women without pulmonary lesions or other comorbidities. Results. We performed a full plan of investigations that are typical for ovarian cancer. Clinical signs and investigations results were mostly corresponded to ovarian cancer: routine blood analyses, transvaginal US, CT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast, MRI of pelvis with contrast, video gastroscopy, video colonoscopy, markers CA 125, HE4, ROMA index, laparocentesis with cytological investigation of peritoneal fluid. The diagnosis was made only after diagnostic laparoscopy, random peritoneal biopsy and subsequent pathology and immunohistochemistry. Conclusions. All diagnosis for peritoneal canceromatosis and choice of treatment must be based on multidisciplinary approach and results of pathology and immunohistochemistry of peritoneal biopsies

    Zur Kenntnis der Fischfauna des Theissbeckens

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    Genie: A Generator of Natural Language Semantic Parsers for Virtual Assistant Commands

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    To understand diverse natural language commands, virtual assistants today are trained with numerous labor-intensive, manually annotated sentences. This paper presents a methodology and the Genie toolkit that can handle new compound commands with significantly less manual effort. We advocate formalizing the capability of virtual assistants with a Virtual Assistant Programming Language (VAPL) and using a neural semantic parser to translate natural language into VAPL code. Genie needs only a small realistic set of input sentences for validating the neural model. Developers write templates to synthesize data; Genie uses crowdsourced paraphrases and data augmentation, along with the synthesized data, to train a semantic parser. We also propose design principles that make VAPL languages amenable to natural language translation. We apply these principles to revise ThingTalk, the language used by the Almond virtual assistant. We use Genie to build the first semantic parser that can support compound virtual assistants commands with unquoted free-form parameters. Genie achieves a 62% accuracy on realistic user inputs. We demonstrate Genie's generality by showing a 19% and 31% improvement over the previous state of the art on a music skill, aggregate functions, and access control.Comment: To appear in PLDI 201