10 research outputs found

    Socio-demographic and sex work related characteristics of female sex workers, Karnataka, India, 2007.

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    *<p>SD: Standard Deviation.</p>$<p>Unweighted numbers.</p>1<p>A traditional form of sex work where females are married to God in childhood and at puberty they start selling sex.</p

    Percent of female sex workers reporting unprotected sex, concurrent sexual relationships, anal sex and consumption of alcohol prior to sex in Karnataka, India, 2007.

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    <p><b>Note:</b> The P-values were arrived at using Pearson’s Chi-square test and indicates the strength of association between background characteristics and HIV-related sexual risk factors.</p>$<p>Unweighted numbers.</p

    HIV prevalence trends using HSS-ANC and PPTCT data sets.

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    <p>Prevalence of HIV among pregnant women from the HSS-ANC (green lines) and PPTCT data sets (red lines). Diamonds are prevalence (95% CI). P indicates p-value for trend.</p

    Crude (OR) and Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) from weighted logistic regression models examining correlates of sexual violence among men who have sex with men and transgenders (MSM-T), stratified by sex work status, Karnataka, South India (2008)<sup>*</sup>.

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    *<p>All percentages are weighted percentages;</p>**<p>P-value reported for adjusted analyses only.</p>***<p>Kothis: those who primarily practice receptive anal sex; Hijras: transgenders who often self-identify as female; Panthis: those who primarily practice insertive anal sex; Double-deckers: those who practice both insertive/receptive anal sex.</p