120 research outputs found

    Migration in the Nordic political discourse : towards a revised approach

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę przybliżenia specyfiki kontekstu, w jakim od kilku lat (2008-2014) prowadzony jest dyskurs dotyczący imigrantów oraz ich obecności w krajach nordyckich. Na przykładzie Danii, Szwecji oraz Finlandii zostały przedstawione rysy charakterystyczne sposobu argumentowania zwolenników oraz przeciwników liberalnej polityki migracyjnej. Analiza wybranych wypowiedzi polityków oraz osób aktywnych politycznie dostarczyła wniosków wskazujących na radykalizowanie się postaw niechętnych imigrantom.The article offers an inside perspective on the political and cultural context that has been shaping the discourse about immigration and immigrants in the Nordic countries for several years (2008-2014). The case of Denmark, Sweden and Finland serve to exemplify countries which still experience vivid debates on whether or not the immigration policy should be made more restrictive. Analyzing pro and con arguments used by several politicians and politically active individuals allows to identify radicalization of anti-immigration attitudes

    Selected areas of intercultural relations : possible theoretical and analytical approach

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    Broadly understood intercultural relations characterizing all individual and collective interactions occur in various differentiated areas like inter alia: politics, social life, labor market, education or housing. These areas constitute exemplification of dimensions in which intercultural relations can be studied and analyzed in detail. For instance: who and on what condition is granted access to basic/medium/high education of good quality; what can be said about the circumstances determining entering of foreigners on the local labor market; is the political participation a common practice among members of a given society, and in terms of housing - how it is arranged to meet particular and collective needs of a community/society constructed to be mono- or multiethnic groups. The paper tries to deliver possible theoretical approaches for analysis

    Symbol and language in action public discourse in Poland in the context of uncertainty and unrest

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    The paper critically analyses forms and structure of public discourse in Poland in the context of recent crises and uncertainty. By focusing on language, symbols and metaphors used by dominant media, the author draws attention to processes and trends emerging in contemporary cultural-political narratives in Poland in 2020-2022. The analysis invites for a broader and deeper study of strategies used by post-media delivering infotainment instead of objective information

    Culture, politics, political culture : interconnections and bridges

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    The article discusses the concept of political culture, derived from its two basic components: culture and politics. By referring to selected concepts of culture and politics presented over the centuries by distinguished thinkers, scholars and researchers in humanities (especially in philosophy), this article attempts to identify elements or factors that interweave these two apparently separate spheres. Political culture observed in contemporary postmodern societies raises questions about the changing values, beliefs and goals that shape our individual and collective behaviour

    Kultúra, migrácia a integrácia a politický diskurz

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    Nature-based education in the process of immigrant integration : the case of Sweden

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    The Nordic countries, among them Sweden, were among the most popular destinations for refugees over the past decade. From the beginning of the so-called migration crisis, since 2015, Sweden received nearly 218,000 asylum applications.1 This number should be seen in the context of the entire Swedish population of some 10.2 million, 18.5% of which are former immigrants and their second and third generation descendants born already in Sweden.2 Contemporary Nordic societies, due to the migration processes, changed their ethnic compositions, becoming multicultural and multiethnic. Over the past 50 years the Nordic states and other non-state entities including NGOs co-shaping the social, economic, political and cultural order have been trying to develop integration policies aiming to include immigrants effectively into the mainstream society. Proposed solutions concerned primarily quick introduction of immigrants into the labour market and in the social and cultural life of the host country. However, not all solutions proposed as part of the integration policies have been successful. Most of them did not put enough emphasis on the sphere of education. Currently, a modified form of integration policies makes the educational aspects more visible and prominent. The article focuses on the most important solutions within the Nordic educational systems, which aim to accelerate and facilitate integration of immigrants. The subject is discussed in detail based on an example from Sweden where a specific type of education was developed heavily relying on the relationship and interactions between humans and nature/natural environment. This unusual way of teaching introduced into the educational practice in Sweden and other Nordic countries attracts significant attention among academics and politicians. It provides evidence which allows proposing a hypothesis that it is indeed a highly effective new approach to education and integration