65 research outputs found

    Equivalence of modified gravity equation to the Clausius relation

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    We explicitly show that the equations of motion for modified gravity theories of F(R)F(R)-gravity, the scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, F(G)F(\mathcal{G})-gravity and the non-local gravity are equivalent to the Clausius relation in thermodynamics. In addition, we discuss the relation between the expression of the entropy and the contribution from the modified gravity as well as the matter to the definition of the energy flux (heat).Comment: 6 pages, no figure, several statements clarified, references adde

    Inflationary universe from perfect fluid and F (R) gravity and its comparison with observational data

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    © 2014 American Physical Society. We investigate the descriptions for the observables of inflationary models, in particular, the spectral index of curvature perturbations, the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and the running of the spectral index, in the framework of perfect fluid models and F(R) gravity theories through the reconstruction methods. Furthermore, the perfect fluid and F(R) gravity descriptions of inflation are compared with the recent cosmological observations such as the Planck satellite and BICEP2 experiment. It is demonstrated with explicit examples that perfect fluid may lead to the inflationary universe consistent with the Planck data. It is also shown that several F(R) gravity models, especially, a power-law model gives the best fit values compatible with the spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio within the allowed ranges suggested by the Planck and BICEP2 results

    Future of the universe in modified gravitational theories: Approaching to the finite-time future singularity

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    We investigate the future evolution of the dark energy universe in modified gravities including F(R)F(R) gravity, string-inspired scalar-Gauss-Bonnet and modified Gauss-Bonnet ones, and ideal fluid with the inhomogeneous equation of state (EoS). Modified Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) dynamics for all these theories may be presented in universal form by using the effective ideal fluid with an inhomogeneous EoS without specifying its explicit form. We construct several examples of the modified gravity which produces accelerating cosmologies ending at the finite-time future singularity of all four known types by applying the reconstruction program. Some scenarios to resolve the finite-time future singularity are presented. Among these scenarios, the most natural one is related with additional modification of the gravitational action in the early universe. In addition, late-time cosmology in the non-minimal Maxwell-Einstein theory is considered. We investigate the forms of the non-minimal gravitational coupling which generates the finite-time future singularities and the general conditions for this coupling in order that the finite-time future singularities cannot emerge. Furthermore, it is shown that the non-minimal gravitational coupling can remove the finite-time future singularities or make the singularity stronger (or weaker) in modified gravity.Comment: 25 pages, no figure, title changed, accepted in JCA

    On thermodynamics second law in the modified Gauss Bonnet gravity

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    The second law and the generalized second law of thermodynamics in cosmology in the framework of the modified Gauss-Bonnet theory of gravity are investigated. The conditions upon which these laws hold are derived and discussed.Comment: 9pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Conformal transformation in f(T)f(T) theories

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    It is well-known that f(R)f(R) theories are dynamically equivalent to a particular class of scalar-tensor theories. In analogy to the f(R)f(R) extension of the Einstein-Hilbert action of general relativity, f(T)f(T) theories are generalizations of the action of teleparallel gravity. The field equations are always second order, remarkably simpler than f(R)f(R) theories. It is interesting to investigate whether f(T)f(T) theories have the similar conformal features possessed in f(R)f(R) theories. It is shown, however, that f(T)f(T) theories are not dynamically equivalent to teleparallel action plus a scalar field via conformal transformation, there appears an additional scalar-torsion coupling term. We discuss briefly what constraint of this coupling term may be put on f(T)f(T) theories from observations of the solar system.Comment: 4 pages, Revision to be publishe

    Inflation and late-time cosmic acceleration in non-minimal Maxwell-F(R)F(R) gravity and the generation of large-scale magnetic fields

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    We study inflation and late-time acceleration in the expansion of the universe in non-minimal electromagnetism, in which the electromagnetic field couples to the scalar curvature function. It is shown that power-law inflation can be realized due to the non-minimal gravitational coupling of the electromagnetic field, and that large-scale magnetic fields can be generated due to the breaking of the conformal invariance of the electromagnetic field through its non-minimal gravitational coupling. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that both inflation and the late-time acceleration of the universe can be realized in a modified Maxwell-F(R)F(R) gravity which is consistent with solar system tests and cosmological bounds and free of instabilities. At small curvature typical for current universe the standard Maxwell theory is recovered. We also consider classically equivalent form of non-minimal Maxwell-F(R)F(R) gravity, and propose the origin of the non-minimal gravitational coupling function based on renormalization-group considerations.Comment: 20 pages, no figure, JCAP versio

    Cosmological evolution, future singularities, Little Rip and Pseudo-Rip in viable f(R) theories and their scalar-tensor counterpart

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    Modified f(R) gravity is one of the most promising candidates for dark energy, and even for the unification of the whole cosmological evolution, including the inflationary phase. Within this class of theories, the so-called viable modified gravities represent realistic theories that are capable of reproducing late-time acceleration, and satisfy strong constraints at local scales, where General Relativity is recovered. The present manuscript deals with the analysis of the cosmological evolution for some of these models, which indicates that the evolution may enter into a phantom phase, but the behavior may be asymptotically stable. Furthermore, the scalar-tensor equivalence of f(R) gravity is considered, which provides useful information about the possibility of the occurrence of a future singularity. The so-called Little Rip and Pseudo-Rip are also studied in the framework of this class of modified gravities.Comment: 20 pages. Extended version, new figures and additional analysis. Version to be published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Oscillations of the F(R) dark energy in the accelerating universe

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    Oscillations of the F(R)F(R) dark energy around the phantom divide line, ωDE=−1\omega_{DE}=-1, both during the matter era and also in the de Sitter epoch are investigated. The analysis during the de Sitter epoch is revisited by expanding the modified equations of motion around the de Sitter solution. Then, during the matter epoch, the time dependence of the dark energy perturbations is discussed by using two different local expansions. For high values of the red shift, the matter epoch is a stable point of the theory, giving the possibility to expand the F(R)F(R)-functions in terms of the dark energy perturbations. In the late-time matter era, the realistic case is considered where dark energy tends to a constant. The results obtained are confirmed by precise numerical computation on a specific model of exponential gravity. A novel and very detailed discussion is provided on the critical points in the matter era and on the relation of the oscillations with possible singularities.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, version to appear in EPJ

    LambdaCDM epoch reconstruction from F(R,G) and modified Gauss-Bonnet gravities

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    Dark energy cosmology is considered in a modified Gauss-Bonnet model of gravity with and without a scalar field. It is shown that these generalizations of General Relativity endow it with a very rich cosmological structure: it may naturally lead to an effective cosmological constant, quintessence or phantom cosmic acceleration, with the possibility to describe the transition from a decelerating to an accelerating phase explicitly. It is demonstrated here that these modified GB and scalar-GB theories are perfectly viable as cosmological models. They can describe the LambdaCDM cosmological era without any need for a cosmological constant. Specific properties of these theories of gravity in different particular cases, such as the de Sitter one, are studied.Comment: 14 page
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