54 research outputs found
Double beta decay of Ca
Ca, the lightest double beta decay candidate, is the only one simple
enough to be treated exactly in the nuclear shell model. Thus, the
half-life measurement, reported here, provides a unique test
of the nuclear physics involved in the matrix element calculation.
Enriched Ca sources of two different thicknesses have been exposed in a
time projection chamber, and yield T years, compatible with the shell
model calculations.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, 3 figures imbedded, PRL forma
On the Erasure and Regeneration of the Primordial Baryon Asymmetry by Sphalerons
We show that a cosmological baryon asymmetry generated at the GUT scale,
which would be destroyed at lower temperatures by sphalerons and possible new
B- or L-violating effects, can naturally be preserved by an asymmetry in the
number of right-handed electrons. This results in a significant softening of
previously derived baryogenesis-based constraints on the strength of exotic B-
or L-violating interactions.Comment: 10 pp. LaTex (2 figures, included) UMN-TH-1201/9
Fast-Neutron Activation of Long-Lived Isotopes in Enriched Ge
We measured the production of \nuc{57}{Co}, \nuc{54}{Mn}, \nuc{68}{Ge},
\nuc{65}{Zn}, and \nuc{60}{Co} in a sample of Ge enriched in isotope 76 due to
high-energy neutron interactions. These isotopes, especially \nuc{68}{Ge}, are
critical in understanding background in Ge detectors used for double-beta decay
experiments. They are produced by cosmogenic-neutron interactions in the
detectors while they reside on the Earth's surface. These production rates were
measured at neutron energies of a few hundred MeV. We compared the measured
production to that predicted by cross-section calculations based on CEM03.02.
The cross section calculations over-predict our measurements by approximately a
factor of three depending on isotope. We then use the measured cosmic-ray
neutron flux, our measurements, and the CEM03.02 cross sections to predict the
cosmogenic production rate of these isotopes. The uncertainty in extrapolating
the cross section model to higher energies dominates the total uncertainty in
the cosmogenic production rate.Comment: Revised after feedback and further work on extrapolating cross
sections to higher energies in order to estimate cosmic production rates.
Also a numerical error was found and fixed in the estimate of the Co-57
production rat
On nuclear matrix element uncertainties in short range 0vBB decay
The evaluation of short range contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay
has been challenged due to critics of the ansatz of the nuclear matrix element
calculations. We comment on the critics and uncertainties of these calculations
and the effect on the derived limits.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, new arguments adde
Limits on the Majorana neutrino mass in the 0.1 eV range
The Heidelberg-Moscow experiment gives the most stringent limit on the
Majorana neutrino mass. After 24 kg yr of data with pulse shape measurements,
we set a lower limit on the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay in
76Ge of T_1/2 > 5.7 * 10^{25} yr at 90% C.L., thus excluding an effective
Majorana neutrino mass greater than 0.2 eV. This allows to set strong
constraints on degenerate neutrino mass models.Comment: 6 pages (latex) including 3 postscript figures and 2 table
SMMC method for two-neutrino double beta decay
Shell Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) techniques are used to calculate two-neutrino
double beta decay matrix elements. We validate the approach against direct
diagonalization for Ca in the complete -shell using the KB3
interaction. The method is then applied to the decay of Ge in the
model space using a newly calculated realistic
interaction. Our result for the matrix element is MeV, in
agreement with the experimental value.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures available at
Chaotic Amplification of Neutrino Chemical Potentials by Neutrino Oscillations in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
We investigate in detail the parameter space of active-sterile neutrino
oscillations that amplifies neutrino chemical potentials at the epoch of Big
Bang Nucleosynthesis. We calculate the magnitude of the amplification and show
evidences of chaos in the amplification process. We also discuss the
implications of the neutrino chemical potential amplification in the Big Bang
Nucleosynthesis. It is shown that with a eV \nue, the amplification
of its chemical potential by active-sterile neutrino oscillations can lower the
effective number of neutrino species at Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to
significantly below 3.Comment: Revtex 20 pages, 7 postscript figures. Also by
ftp://astro.queensu.ca/pub/shi/ . Submitted to PR
The Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment with enriched 76Ge. First results
Abstract The status of the Heidelberg-Moscow ββ-experiment using isotopically enriched 76Ge is reported. The results of 14.8 mol yr (or 1.29 kg yr) of operation are presented. From these data a new half life time for the ββ0v-decay of 76Ge to the ground state of 76Se of T 1 2 1.4 (2.5) X 10 24 yr with 90% (68%) CL can be deduced. For a possible neutrinoless decay to the first excited state a half life of 4.3(8.2)X1023 yr can be excluded with 90% (68%) CL
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