10 research outputs found

    Development of microcomputer-based mental acuity tests for repeated-measures studies

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    The purpose of this report is to detail the development of the Automated Performance Test System (APTS), a computer battery of mental acuity tests that can be used to assess human performance in the presence of toxic elements and environmental stressors. There were four objectives in the development of APTS. First, the technical requirements for developing APTS followed the tenets of the classical theory of mental tests which requires that tests meet set criteria like stability and reliability (the lack of which constitutes insensitivity). To be employed in the study of the exotic conditions of protracted space flight, a battery with multiple parallel forms is required. The second criteria was for the battery to have factorial multidimensionality and the third was for the battery to be sensitive to factors known to compromise performance. A fourth objective was for the tests to converge on the abilities entailed in mission specialist tasks. A series of studies is reported in which candidate APTS tests were subjected to an examination of their psychometric properties for repeated-measures testing. From this work, tests were selected that possessed the requisite metric properties of stability, reliability, and factor richness. In addition, studies are reported which demonstrate the predictive validity of the tests to holistic measures of intelligence

    Aftereffects from Virtual Environment Exposure: How Long do They Last?

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    The duration of the aftereffects from virtual environment (VE) exposure are not well characterized to date. Yet information concerning the incidence and enduring nature of these effects is essential to delimit the effective and safe use of VE technology. This study examined the aftereffects from VE exposure after three different exposure periods ranging from 15 to 45 minutes. Sixty participants were randomly assigned to one of the exposure periods, twenty to each condition. Sickness symptomatology, eye-hand coordination, and postural stability were measured before and after exposure. There were five measurements taken after exposure at 15 minute intervals. The results from the sickness symptomatology have been analyzed to date and show significantly higher symptomatology that persists for the entire post-exposure period in which measurements were taken. One hour after exposure the Total Severity of symptoms were 12 times higher than pre-exposure levels. Examining the three sub-dimensions of these symptoms indicated that one hour after exposure Nausea symptoms were 10x\u27s higher, Oculomotor disturbances were 7x\u27s higher and Disorientation was 95x\u27s higher than pre-exposure levels. The very high levels of reported Disorientation are consistent with other studies that indicate that VE systems engender high levels of dizziness and vertigo upon post-exposure. The tangible and persistent aftereffects raise concerns for the safety and well being of VE system users and suggest that their activities should be monitored upon post exposure

    Unreplicable state-dependent effects on start-box emergence latency in wild-origin sticklebacks

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    Animals are predicted to adjust their behaviour in relation to their bodily energetic state. Adjustment can be driven by either positive feedbacks (e.g. increased risk-taking with higher energetic status; "state-dependent safety") or negative feedbacks (e.g. reduced risk-taking with higher status; "asset protection"). This study investigated effects of food restriction and subsequent refeeding on boldness-like behaviour in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius). The same experimental design was run in 2 consecutive years, using a start-box emergence test to score behaviour, aiming for an exact replication in the second year. Results indicate that the results from the original and the replicated experiment did not match. Both years there was support for treatment effects, but the effects were qualitatively and quantitatively different. In 2012, the fish on a continuous high ration had longer emergence times than restricted-refed fish (suggesting asset protection as the feedback mechanism), while in 2013, this pattern is reversed (suggesting state-dependent safety as the feedback mechanism). In 2013, the general emergence time was also generally shorter than in 2012. These effects suggest that the methodology used may not be particularly robust. Subject fish were wild-caught, and differences in the populations across years, or in the individuals' prior experience, may have influenced the results. Alternatively, the start-box emergence test could be sensitive to minor (unperceived) alterations in procedures. Regardless, the present study suggests that the robustness of the start-box emergence test, which is a commonly used test (e.g. to score "boldness" in animal personality experiments) needs further investigation. In addition to the behavioural experiment, fish going through the refeeding protocol were shown to have higher body water content than fish on a continuously high food ration in both species. Food restriction also decreased relative liver mass in the short term, but it was restored during refeeding

    Chitosan Nanoparticles as a Novel Drug Delivery System: A Review Article

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