15 research outputs found


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    New media is focusing on new technologies and digitizing their content which has both good and bad effects, that individuals and society as a whole, are exposed to. Digitizing intrapersonal communication brings about simultaneous digatilization of culture and society. Technology, besides a plethora of its undoubtedly good features, also demonstrates the negative effects underpinned by the ā€˜migration processā€™ of individuals to virtual spaces, that are contributing to the transformation of existing culture into virtual culture. Culture in transition to the digital age is transformed into a culture of forgetting and is faced with the interruption of continuity of the role an individual plays in preserving of the existing traditional cultural values. The aim of this paper is to present the views of respondents who are using virtual social networks on the culture that is being created in a virtual environment and their attitudes about whether virtual networking leads to the changes in their relation to traditional culture and social relationships in the real world.Novi mediji se orijentiraju na nove tehnologije i digitalizaciju svojih sadržaja koja ima dobre i loÅ”e efekte kojima su izloženi pojedinci, ali i druÅ”tvo u cjelini. Digitalizacijom intrapersonalne komunikacije dolazi istovremeno i do digitalizacije kulture i druÅ”tva. Tehnologija, pored svih, nesumnjivo dobrih karakteristika, ima također i negativne refleksije jer ā€˜seobomā€™ u virtualne prostore pojedinci doprinose transformiranju postojeće kulture u virtualnu kulturu. Kultura u tranziciji prema digitalnom dobu prerasta u kulturu zaboravljanja i suočena je sa prekidom kontinuiteta uloge pojedinca u očuvanju postojećih tradicionalnih kulturnih vrijednosti. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati stavove ispitanika koji koriste virtualne socijalne mreže o kulturi koja se stvara u virtualnom okruženju i njihovo miÅ”ljenje o tome da li virtualno umrežavanje dovodi do promjena u njihovom odnosu sa tradicionalnom kulturom i druÅ”tvenim odnosima u realnom svijetu

    Knowledge Management as Imperative for Economic Growth and Development

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    We are now living in times of global business activity and the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based resources represent the organizational Know-how as the knowledge of employees, organizational production processes, and overall knowledge of one collective. Knowledge management has long been recognized as a factor necessary for the development of business organizations. Only those managers that embrace knowledge as the most important resource can expect to be better positioned than the competition. Know-how is very important segment of overall knowledge that is deposited within the organization. The value of knowledge is much more important than all other forms of assets that an organization possesses. But knowledge cannot be communicated without the interested employees. So, managers have to create the business environment which uses adequate business communication. Good communication stimulates ideas and creativity of employees. Management must be able to manage business information and achieve active participation in communication with employees and exchange the intellectual capital values with them

    The video gaming industry: From play to revenue

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    The game is constantly present in the life of a man and is needed both for the individual and the society, primarily because of the social connections that the participants of the game accomplish. The development of technology and the Internet has empowered the emergence of a new kind of game. Video games are increasingly replacing traditional games and have a direct impact on how internet users fill their free time. Availability of platform and game delivery technologies is an important factor in the emergence of massive interest in video games. The growing demand for video games opens a new industrial branch. The gaming industry, which involves creative professionals, in recent years, has become a leading one. The digital game sector remains very strong, even as other media industries suffer decline which represents a rapidly growing business branch and opens a broad platform of new businesses

    The Invisible Entrepreneurs - the Neglect of Women Business in Serbian Mass Media

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    Rapid development of technology and communication science enable high mobility of people, goods, capital, managers, workers in globalized market. Entrepreneurship became synonymous for corporate communications including Public Relations, marketing, advertising, corporate social responsibility and similar disciplines. In such communication system it is almost impossible to isolate women`s from man`s communication activities. Or it isn`t so hard? Among communication channels necessary for market promotion, branding and advertising of women entrepreneurship mass media are often the weakest link. Topic of this paper are mass media in Serbia, and their influence on transition economic processes, public opinion, based on ownership concentration and inappropriate media laws, self censure, stereotypes, prejudice, etc. Analysis of media content in several daily newspapers from Serbia during one week in February 2014, qualitatively and quantitatively show ways mass media engage emotions instead of information to influence public in case of economy

    Virtual organisation and motivational business management

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    New technologies have led to a new information and knowledgebased economy. In this context, technology has changed the work environment, where organisations have become increasingly complex and competitive. Namely, the technologically induced a ā€œvirtualā€ environment has resulted in the adoption of new organisational structures and work skills and practices. On the one hand, the workplace increasingly requires employee to work in teams, collaborating across companies, communities, and continents. These changes and the new organisational structures have also made an impact on role of managers and their management styles, on the other hand. In line with this, the book is a very rich collection of thinking and empirical research findings on the subject. The literature review suggests researchers should approach the book topic through the lens of knowledge, motivation, and communication skills. The chapters of the book cover the topics as: communication, motivation, organisational structure, workplace behaviors, virtual teams, organisational culture and diversity, organisational change and learning organisation, and more. Our central finding is that, in the context of our new model dedicated to virtual teams and skills competencies measurement that a competent virtual team can be assembled. The study also includes several case studies that contribute to the quality of this publication. Therefore it deserves serious consideration by anyone interested in the future of organisations in terms of digitalization and fast changes in business environment. Furthermore, for the organisational theorists, managers, students and others, this book can serve as a reference source

    Virtual organisation and motivational business management

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    New technologies have led to a new information and knowledgebased economy. In this context, technology has changed the work environment, where organisations have become increasingly complex and competitive. Namely, the technologically induced a ā€œvirtualā€ environment has resulted in the adoption of new organisational structures and work skills and practices. On the one hand, the workplace increasingly requires employee to work in teams, collaborating across companies, communities, and continents. These changes and the new organisational structures have also made an impact on role of managers and their management styles, on the other hand. In line with this, the book is a very rich collection of thinking and empirical research findings on the subject. The literature review suggests researchers should approach the book topic through the lens of knowledge, motivation, and communication skills. The chapters of the book cover the topics as: communication, motivation, organisational structure, workplace behaviors, virtual teams, organisational culture and diversity, organisational change and learning organisation, and more. Our central finding is that, in the context of our new model dedicated to virtual teams and skills competencies measurement that a competent virtual team can be assembled. The study also includes several case studies that contribute to the quality of this publication. Therefore it deserves serious consideration by anyone interested in the future of organisations in terms of digitalization and fast changes in business environment. Furthermore, for the organisational theorists, managers, students and others, this book can serve as a reference source

    Intellectual property in the context of the contemporary society

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    The intellectual creators are, with their creations, bringing comparative advantages to products, contributing to employment, strengthening the economic basis and in the best way representing the state. Intellectual Property, together with other intangible assets, in developed countries accounts for more than half of the total investment. In the modern world, we are completely surrounded by various categories of intellectual property that often exceed the value of the thing in which they are contained, but the problem is that we are either unaware of it, or are ignoring this fact. A particular problem is the economic potential of the country that prevents poor countries to adopt intellectual capital as an essential economic resource, and the lack of will to protect intellectual creators. In recent decades, because of that, has been opened dilemma whether to change the concept of intellectual property in the sense of intellectual creativity to be equally available both to developed countries and developing countries

    Privacy protection on the internet: The European model

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    The Internet has a huge impact on all areas of social activity. Everyday life, social interaction and economics are directed to new information and communication technologies. A positive aspect of the new technology is reflected in the fact that it has created a virtual space that has led to the elimination of the various barriers, which has enabled interaction and information exchange across the world. Inclusion in the virtual social network provides connectivity for communicators who are looking for space that allows them freedom of expression and connect them with new ' friends'. Because of the feeling of complete freedom and the absence of censorship on the network communicators leave many personal details and photos, without thinking about the possible abuses of privacy. Recording of the different incidents on the network has resulted in the need to take precaution measures, in order to protect the users and the rule of law, given that freedom on the network is only possible with the existence of an adequate system of safety and security. In this paper we deal with the problem of the protection of personal data of users of virtual social networks against malicious activity and abuse, with special reference to the activities of the European Union in an effort to regulate this area. The European Commission has concentrated on finding the best solutions to protect the user's virtual space for more than two decades, starting from 1995 until a directive on security of networks and information systems, which was adopted in the first half of 2016


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    With the emergence of digital media, traditional sport got computer platforms as a new kind of gaming space. eSports, as a modern form of gaming, has become an inevitable part of the digital game culture. The aim of this research is to determine if there is a connection between playing eSports video games and sport knowledge, competition skills, social interaction, skill building for problem solving and pleasurable stimulation which leads to emotional well-being. The survey encompassed 256 respondents who filled out a questionnaire that provided answers to questions that enabled us to look at the attitudes of respondents who were tested in relation to the hypotheses set out in this paper. The research has shown that respondents believe that this type of game and the amateur competition has a positive impact on players and helps them advance their knowledge of sports, cognitive skills for competition and socialization, as well as helps them to feel good in the role of players.Tradicionalni sport pojavom digitalnih medija dobija kompjuterske platforme kao novu vrstu prostora za igru. eSports, kao savremeni oblik igre postao je nezaobilazan deo kulture digitalne igre. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li postoji povezanost između igranja eSports video igara i znanja u oblasti sporta, takmičarske veÅ”tine, druÅ”tvene interakcije, izgradnje veÅ”tina zarad reÅ”avanja problema i podsticanja prijatne stimulacije koja dovodi do emocionalnog blagostanja. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 256 ispitanika koji su popunjavali upitnik koji je obezbedio odgovore na pitanja koja su omogućila da sagledamo stavove ispitanika koji su testirani u odnosu na hipoteze postavljene u ovom radu. Istraživanje je pokazalo daĀ  ispitanici smatraju da ova vrsta igre,Ā  i amatersko takmičenje ima pozitivan uticaj na igrače i da im pomaže da unaprede svoja znanja o sportu i kognitivne sposobnosti za takmičenje i socijalizaciju, kaoĀ  i da se dobro osećaju u ulozi igrača

    Political Marketing in Digital Games: ā€˜Game Overā€™ for Traditional Political Marketing Methods

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    This study focuses on digital games that have become powerful persuasion tools which can be utilized for political marketing purposes. The authors believe that these media have to be thoroughly explored, because of the great potential of these platforms to become very useful tools for setting up political messages and the outreach capacity to the voting segment being difficult to achieve if only traditional media are used. The paper provides a set of theoretical views on political marketing in digital games. There are many examples analyzed in the paper, proving that the techniques of political marketing can create big benefits and that they can help politicians achieve their goals. So, we hypothesized a new phase of political marketing, underpinned by the utilization of digital games. As a methodology, we used content analysis of various digital games. The aim of this paper is to offer a better understanding of the benefits of political marketing campaigns in the digital gaming industry and to explore the role and impact of these techniques, as well as to provide potential future directions of this form of marketing