170 research outputs found

    Outside board memberships of CEOs: Expertise or entrenchment?

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    We investigate whether outside board memberships of CEOs signal expertise or entrenchment. The analysis is based on panel data of the largest German companies covering the period from 1996 to 2008. Supporting the entrenchment hypothesis, our analysis reveals that firms having a CEO with one or more outside mandates suffer from significantly weaker firm performance compared with firms having a CEO without any outside board mandates. Moreover, disciplinary CEO turnovers become less likely and turnover-performance sensitivity declines with rising board memberships of the top manager. We conclude that outside mandates enhance managerial power at the expense of the home firm's shareholders. --Corporate Governance,Entrenchment,Outside Board Memberships,CEO turnover

    How important is industry-specific managerial experience for innovative firm performance?

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    This study examines how industry-specific managerial experience affects firms’ innovation performance in the context of different institutional environments. Based on firm-level data from 27 Central and Eastern European countries we identify a robust positive relationship between industry-specific experience of the top-manager and the decision to innovate as well as the share of new product-related sales. These effects are particularly pronounced for small firms operating outside the European Union or, more generally, in institutionally less developed countries. The results suggest that managerial experience affects firm innovations largely indirectly, for example, by reducing uncertainty about future returns on innovations or by providing knowledge about how to cope with institutional shortfalls potentially hampering the commercial success of new products

    Ownership concentration, institutional development and firm performance in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This paper analyzes the relationship of ownership concentration and firm performance in the context of different institutional environments in 28 Central and Eastern European transition economies. Using the BEEPS data for the period from 2002 to 2009 we find an inverted u-shaped relation of ownership concentration and firm performance for those firms that operate in non-EU-member countries as well as those firms that are situated in less developed legal systems according to Freedom House ratings. We interpret these findings as evidence for a classic agency problem in the lower part of the ownership concentration distribution that is dominated by a ‘private benefits of control’ problem with rising ownership concentration

    Personelle Unternehmensverflechtung und VorstandsgehÀlter

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    Personal linkage between the biggest German corporations is subject to a special survey by the monopoly-commission every two years. For the latest reporting year 2004 linkage-data is used to examine the impact of personal linkage on the compensation of management board members. The assumed positive coherence approves in two ways. First, compensation of management board members rises with the amount of corporation-linkages by additional supervisory board mandates of the individual members of the management board. Second, the degree of personal supervisory board linkage by multi-mandates has a positive impact on the remuneration of the management board members. Estimation results turn out to be very robust compared to model-variations on the one hand and influence of different control variables on the other hand

    Personelle Unternehmensverflechtung und VorstandsgehÀlter

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    Personal linkage between the biggest German corporations is subject to a special survey by the monopoly-commission every two years. For the latest reporting year 2004 linkage-data is used to examine the impact of personal linkage on the compensation of management board members. The assumed positive coherence approves in two ways. First, compensation of management board members rises with the amount of corporation-linkages by additional supervisory board mandates of the individual members of the management board. Second, the degree of personal supervisory board linkage by multi-mandates has a positive impact on the remuneration of the management board members. Estimation results turn out to be very robust compared to model-variations on the one hand and influence of different control variables on the other hand. --Corporate Governance,Managerentlohnung,Unternehmensverflechtung

    Bestimmungsfaktoren des Erwerbs der allgemeinen Hochschulreife in Deutschland

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    FĂŒr Deutschland als ressourcenarmes Hochlohnland ist die Bildung von Humankapital ein bedeutender Faktor fĂŒr das Wirtschaftswachstum. Im Vergleich zu anderen entwickelten Volkswirtschaften ist der Anteil der Bevölkerung mit einem tertiĂ€ren Bildungsabschluss relativ gering. Durch die zunehmende Globalisierung und aufgrund des faktorverzerrenden technologischen Wandels zu Gunsten von hochqualifizierten ArbeitskrĂ€ften ist die relative Nachfrage nach gut ausgebildeten ArbeitskrĂ€ften gestiegen. Die Integration von gering qualifizierten ArbeitskrĂ€ften wird in Deutschand zunehmend schwieriger. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist eine gute schulische Ausbildung zukĂŒnftiger Generationen entscheidend fĂŒr die Entwicklung Deutschlands. Wir untersuchen mit einem Random-Effects Panel Probit Modell die Determinanten, erfolgreich die allgemeine Hochschulreife zu erlangen. Als Basisdatensatz wird hierzu der Jugenddatensatz des SOEP der Jahre 2000 bis 2007 herangezogen, den wir mit dem Hauptdatensatz und weiteren BiographiedatensĂ€tzen des SOEP zusammenfĂŒgen. Als Determinanten dienen umfangreiche Informationen ĂŒber die Charakteristika der Jugendlichen, der Eltern und der Großeltern. Wir finden deutliche Unterschiede zwischen MĂ€dchen und Jungen. Insbesondere haben Eltern und Großeltern einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren Einfluss auf die MĂ€dchen im Vergleich zu den Jungen. -- Investment in human capital is a crucial factor of economic growth for Germany as a highly developed high income country. Compared to other industrialized countries the proportion of the population with a tertiary educational attaimnent is low. Due to skill biased technical change and Globalization relative demand for highly qualified workers rises. Thus the integration of low qualified workers becomes more and more difficult. A high formal educational attainment of future generations is important for sustained economic growth in Germany. Using a Random-Effects Panel Probit Model we analyze determinants of successful high school graduation in Germany. As our main data set we use the SOEP youth biography data for the period ranging from 2000 until 2007. In our empirical model we include rich information of characteristics of the adolescents, their parents and grandparents. We find markedly different results for males and females. Especially the influence of parents and grandparents on female adolescents is higher relative to male adolescents.Abitur,Random-Effects Panel Probit Modell,Deutschland,High School,Random-Effects Panel Probit Model,Germany

    Outside board memberships of CEOs: Expertise or entrenchment?

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    We investigate whether outside board memberships of CEOs signal expertise or entrenchment. The analysis is based on panel data of the largest German companies covering the period from 1996 to 2008. Supporting the entrenchment hypothesis, our analysis reveals that firms having a CEO with one or more outside mandates suffer from significantly weaker firm performance compared with firms having a CEO without any outside board mandates. Moreover, disciplinary CEO turnovers become less likely and turnover-performance sensitivity declines with rising board memberships of the top manager. We conclude that outside mandates enhance managerial power at the expense of the home firm's shareholders

    Managerverschanzung durch spezifische Investitionen

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    By means of a simple economic model, Shleifer and Vishny (1989) describe how top managers can entrench themselves by specific overinvestment. An extension of the model with additional investments exposes interdependencies that exceed the primary value of explanation. The extension of the model focuses on investment behaviour and the impact of the market for corporate control on managerial entrenchment. Despite specific over-investment, total corporate investment does not change. Increased specific investments are balanced by appropriate disinvestments in other areas of the company. Additionally, more competition does not necessarily discipline the manager. In fact, a competitor can increase the divergence between managers and shareholders. An increase in managerial competence on the part of the competitor can even induce a loss of wealth for all actors. --

    Privacy In The Age Of Technology

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    The rapid developments in technology have brought increased convenience, but at the price of loss of privacy.  Consumers should be aware of the potential threat to their personal information and should learn the facts and take steps to protect themselves.
