283 research outputs found

    Climate Change Adaptive Livelihood Diversification Strategies and Food Security of Crop Farming Households in Rural Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Climate change has reduced farm output, food availability and food security (FS) among crop farming households (CFHHs) in Nigeria. Diversifying livelihood activities to cope with climate change may improve FS, although, literature is limited on the relationship between climate change adaptive livelihoods (CCAL) and food security. Hence, CCAL of crop farming households in rural Oyo state, Nigeria and its effects on their FS were assessed. Primary data was collected through a multi-stage sampling technique, using semi-structured questionnaire, from 260 CFHHs. Descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, Herfindahl–Simpson diversification index, Foster-Greer-Thorbecke FS measure, Tobit and logit regression models were used for data analysis. Results show that most CFHH heads were male (83%) and married (75.4%). Mean age was 58 years, while household size was five members. Majority (57.7%) of CFHH heads had a high perception of climate change, but did not diversify their livelihoods (58.1%), while the mean diversification index was 0.42. Most common CCAL was soil testing (16.5%), followed by agro-marketing (7.7%).  Formal education, primary occupation as trading and artisan, and access to credit significantly influenced the extent of CCAL undertaken by the CFHHs. Food security line was ₦1186.153 and 50.4% of the CFHHs were food insecure. Diversifying into CCAL, being a male-headed household, having formal education, being married, trading as a secondary occupation and change-in-income after diversification improved food security. Hence, climate change adaptive livelihoods should be encouraged among crop farming households to improve food security

    Evaluation of kinetic parameters of traps in thermoluminescence phosphors

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    A method for evaluating trap depth E, order of kinetics b and frequency factor s from a thermoluminescence (TL) glow peak has been developed. The method is based on using intensities and temperatures at any three points on the glow peak. Unlike similar techniques that provide no expression for frequency factor, the present formulation provides such an expression. The expression does not require knowledge of the temperature at which maximum intensity occurs, a parameter not usually known accurately from experimental glow peak data. For the method, it is found that use of points in the ascending part of the glow peak where the intensities are less than 10% maximum intensity gives parameter values closest to the true ones. Possible reasons for getting less accurate results when points are taken beyond this region are discussed. Values of the activation energy calculated using the present technique were always close to the true value. However, the frequency factor only approaches the true value as the dose given to the sample approaches saturation. When the three data points are selected in the initial-rise region, the equation for evaluating E in the method described in this paper becomes a two-point version of the initial-rise method. The advantage of the present technique over the initial-rise method is that it also gives b and hence s. The method is used to analyse the TL glow curve of a gamma-irradiated sample from Ijero-Ekiti, Nigeria

    Distribution of Enzymes (Rhodanese, 3-Mercaptopyruvate Sulphurtransferase, Arginase And Thiaminase) in Some Commonly Consumed Plant Tubers in Nigeria.

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    Four different enzymes (Rhodanese, 3-mercaptopyruvate sulphurtransferase (3-MST) , Arginase and thiaminase) activities were detected in crude plant extracts of nine randomly selected plant tubers which includes sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), irish potato (Solanum tuberosum), white yam, yellow yam, bitter yam (Diascorea bulbifera), sweet yam (Diascorea esculentu), water yam (Diascorea alata), cocoyam and cassava (Manihot esculentu) . In each case, the enzymes exhibited high activities. The p value activity of 3-MST varies significantly in the various plant tuber. White yam showed the highest activity with a mean of 0.2 which varies significantly when compared to, red cocoyam with a mean of 0.005. Arginase was also seen to vary significantly in the different plant samples with Irish potato having the highest mean value of activity while cassava showed the lowest mean value. Thiaminase activity varied significantly in the plant tubers. Cassava stem had the highest mean value of thiaminase activity while bitter yam peel showed the lowest mean value of activity. These studies confirm the activities and nutritional values of these enzymes in the commonly consumed plant tubers. Keywords: Plant Tubers, Arginase, Rhodanese, 3-Mercaptopyruvate Sulphurtransferase,        Thiaminase, Activity

    Assessment of Yield and Nutritional Qualities of Local and Improved Maize Varieties Cultivated in Wukari and Environement of the Nigerian Guinea Savanna Agro-Ecology

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    Two varieties of maize (quality protein and local) were cultivated and evaluated for nutritional qualities, agronomic traits performance and yield during the 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University Wukari. Wukari is situated on latitude 70 52’17.000N and longitude 90 46’40.300E. It falls within the guinea savannah of North-eastern Nigeria with the annual rainfall of 1058mm-1300mm and relative humidity dropping to about 15%, alongside an annual temperature of 280C and 300C. Its characteristic alfisol soil is clay enriched, with subsoil that has relatively high native fertility. Pollination was controlled in order to conserve the genetic purity of the two varieties. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (at p ≤ 0.05), using the 23rd edition of SPSS. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences among the varieties for grain yield, nutritional content, days to tasseling, days to silking, plant height at six weeks after planting, number of seed rows, number of nodes, seed length, hundred seed weight (g) and ear heights. Oba super 2 showed superiority (31.75g) over the local variety for seed yield (100 seed weight). Crude protein concentration in the two varieties varied significantly, with the local maize variety recording a higher value (7.21%)

    Does farmers’ entrepreneurial competencies explain their household poverty status? Evidence from rural areas of Kwara State, Nigeria

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    Ending poverty in all its forms and in all places by 2030 is number one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, in less than a decade to the time set for actualizing this goal, poverty is still pervasive in Nigeria and more endemic among farmers in rural areas. Entrepreneurship is seen as a veritable tool to alleviate poverty and stimulate economic growth in some developing countries including Nigeria. Howbeit, little is known about the relationship between farmers’ entrepreneurial competencies and poverty. Thus, this study examined the effects of farmers’ entrepreneurial competencies on household poverty status in rural areas of Kwara State, Nigeria. A three-stage sampling procedure was employed in selecting 272 farm households, with at least a member who was engaged in at least one other means of livelihood (enterprise). Data were collected between February and March 2019 and analysed with descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke (FGT) weighted poverty indices and probit regression at p = 0.05. At a daily poverty line of $1.90 (₦684.00) per capita, 55.15% of the households were poor. The findings indicate that poverty among farm households varied with their level of entrepreneurial competencies. Perseverance competence significantly increased household poverty, while social competence reduced it. The findings suggest poverty reduction strategies that come directly from farmers’ own initiative and their resilience which is rural focused regardless of other challenges that may exist

    Bacteriological pollution indicators in Ogun River flowing through Abeokuta Metropolis

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    Water resources are significant part of integrated community development policy and good health. Hence, the need to reduce the impact of natural and anthropogenic pollution causes so as to enhance water quality. The bacteriological quality of the Ogun River was investigated to determine the sanitary conditions of the water body between March and August, 2014. Total heterotrophic bacteria counts (THBC), total coliform counts (TCC) and total Escherichia coli counts (TEC) using standard plate count and Most Probable Number (MPN) techniques were determined. The isolates were identified using 16SrRNA gene. Total heterotrophic bacteria counts varied between 1.13 Ă— 106 and 4.1 Ă— 107 CFU/ml, TCC ranged between 2.5 Ă— 105 and 2.33Ă— 107 CFU/ml and TEC was between 5 Ă— 104 and 1.3 Ă— 106 CFU/ml. Most Probable Number of coliforms in all samples varied between 120 and 1600 MPN/100 ml. Isolated microorganisms include Escherichia coli strain SUS9EC, Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain SSI7, Escherichia coli strain BW25113, Escherichia coli strain C-X1B, and Klebsiella oxytoca strain KU-5. One-wayanalysis of variance showed significant difference within the samples at (P<0.05).The results revealed high bacteria counts which is higher than the recommended value of 1.2 Ă— 102 for THBC, a zero E. coli count and not more than 10 coliforms per 100 ml by World Health Organization standards for drinking water.Keywords: Water, bacteria, Escherichia coli, pollutio

    Physico-Chemical Properties of Yellow Oleander (Thevetia peruviana) and their effects on the Qualities of Biodiesel

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    This study investigated the effects of physico-chemical properties of Yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana) on quality of biodiesel. The seeds were processed and extraction of oil was carried out using solvent extraction method. Biodiesel was produced from the extracted oil using trans esterification process. Physical and chemical properties of Thevetia peruviana biodiesel were determined using the ASTM standard test procedures. Results showed that the biodiesel contained little sulphur (3.0 mg/kg) and exhibited a high cetane number of 55 that exceeded the standard limit of 47 and 51 prescribed for EN 14214 and EN 590 respectively, which is a good indication of fuel’s ignition and combustion quality. Kinematic viscosity of the biodiesel at 40°C was 4.81 mm2/s, which was within the range specified by EN 14214. The density at 15°C was found to be 0.89g/cm3 which was well within the range specified by EN 14214. 0.16 mg/g of acid level was obtained for the bio-diesel, which conformed to the standard set by  Calorific value of the biodiesel produced from Yellow oleander seed oil was obtained as 40.42 kJ/g which indicated good fuel properties such as density, ignition quality, viscosity, cetane number, heating value and flash point. Carbon residue of the biodiesel was 0.14 mass %. Quality of the biodiesel produced conform to biodiesel and petroleum diesel standards of EN14214 and EN590 respectively

    Econometric analysis of profit efficiency of broiler farms in Ondo state, Nigeria

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    Researchers have recently focused their attention on the chicken producers' inability to produce in sufficient quantities and quality, which contributes to the high price of locally produced chickens. The study investigated the profit efficiency of broiler farms in Ondo state, Nigeria. In order to collect cross-sectional data from sixty owners of broiler poultry farms in the study area between October 2021 and January 2022 for the 2021 production year, a multistage survey technique was used. The data were an-alyzed using descriptive statistics, gross margin and Cobb-Douglas stochastic profit frontier model. Average stock size and mortality rate of farmers were 1826 birds and 3.3% respectively while Ross strain of birds was most preferred birds. The result indicated that broiler farming is a lucrative busi-ness with a profitability index of 45.5 %. The results reveal that the cost of feed, cost of labour used and day-old chicks were the variables that significantly explained the profit efficiency of broiler poul-try farms while household size, years of experience and other income source were the profit inefficien-cy variables. The study recommends government supports to broiler farms in form of input subsidies to enhance efficienc

    Synthesis, physicochemical characterization, toxicity and efficacy of a PEG conjugate and a hybrid PEG conjugate nanoparticle formulation of the antibiotic moxifloxacin

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    Antibiotic resistance is increasing at such an alarming rate that it is now one of the greatest global health challenges. Undesirable toxic side-effects of the drugs lead to high rates of non-completion of treatment regimens which in turn leads to the development of drug resistance. We report on the development of delivery systems that enable antibiotics to be toxic against bacterial cells while sparing human cells. The broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic moxifloxacin (Mox) was successfully conjugated to poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) which was further encapsulated into the hydrophobic poly(3- caprolactone) (PCL) nanoparticles (NPs) with high efficiency, average particle size of 241.8 4 nm and negative zeta potential. Toxicity against erythrocytes and MDBK cell lines and drug release in human plasma were evaluated. Hemocompatibility and reduced cytotoxicity of the PEG–Mox and PCL(PEG– Mox) NPs were demonstrated in comparison to free Mox. Antimicrobial activity was assessed against drug sensitive and resistant: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The antibacterial activity of Mox was largely maintained after conjugation. Our data shows that the toxicity of Mox can be effectively attenuated while, in the case of PEG–Mox, retaining significant antibacterial activity. At the conditions employed in this study for antimicrobial activity the encapsulated conjugate (PCL(PEG–Mox) NPs) did not demonstrate, conclusively, significant antibacterial activity. These systems do, however, hold promise if further developed for improved treatment of bacterial infections.The National Research Foundation of South Africa and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt.http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/raam2021Chemistr
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