147 research outputs found

    Vitamin and Mineral Compositions of Local Spices, Vegetables and Fish Wastes

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    High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine the vitamins and minerals content of some locally sourced ingredients such as fish liver oil, Baobab (Adansonia digitata) , Fluted pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis), Cockcomb (Celosia spp), Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) leaves, Ethiopian pepper (Xylopia aetiopica), Red pepper (capsicum frutenscen), Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevicae), rice bran, palm oil and colostrums. The results indicated that fish liver oil was the most potent source of vitamins A, D, E and B12 represented by 9x10 6 iu/100g, 48000icu/100g, 30mg/100g, and 40.5mg/100g, respectively. B-Complex vitamins were present among the spices and vegetables analyzed. Saccharomyces cerevicae was observed to a potent source of thiamin (9.4mg /100g) and niacin (41.8 mg / 100g). Capsicum spp and Telfaria occidentalis had ample amounts of riboflavin, thiamin and niacin. Rice bran had the highest amount of pyridoxine, 28.6mg/100g, while pantothenate was present more in the milk (8.2mg/100g) than other materials analysed. The mineral composition of the materials analysed showed that they have fairly uniform potency. Amaranthus cruentus was found to contain more mineral with 3.0, 1.4, 5.13, 1.10, 5.04 and 1.09% for copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), respectively. The results of the analysis indicated that vitamins and minerals potencies of these ingredients can be harnessed for the production of vitamin and mineral premix for animal feed formulation.Keywords: HPLC, Minerals, Natural ingredients, Spices, Vegetables, Vitamin

    Entomopathogenic fungi in population of Zonocerus variegatus (l) in Ibadan, south west, Nigeria

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    Field survey of population of Zonocerus variegatus revealed a high fungal incidence of 76% when Sporulation tests were carried out on grasshoppers cadaver. Eight fungi with differing incidence rates were isolated. These are Fusarium sp. (8%); Beauveria bassiana (18%); Metarhizium sp. (20%); Aspergillus flavus (10%); Penicillium sp. (13%) Aspergillus niger (14%); Mucor sp. (13%) and unidentified fungus (4%). Fungal isolates virulence bioassay response showed that B. bassiana had the highest lethal time (LT50) of 2 days. Metarhizium sp with LT50 of 5 days was selected in lieu of A. niger which does not prove to be pathogenic to grasshoppers. The results were discussed in relation to the ecology of fungal pathogens of the variegated grasshopper and their possible role in control of Z. variegatus in the agroecosystem of south west, Nigeria. Key words: Fungal ecology, entomopathogenic fungi, Zonocerus variegatus infection incidence. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(8) 2004: 382-38

    Microbial control of caged population of Zonocerus variegatus using Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium sp.

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    Microbial control of caged populations of Zonocerus variegatus was carried out using indigenous fungal entomopathogens isolated from the grasshopper's cadaver. Bioassay response indicated a dose-dependent mortality coupled with drastic reduction in food consumption among spores infected grasshoppers. Lethal time (LT50) of 4.6 days for 103 spores/ml and 3.8 days for 107 spores/ml of oil formulation of Beauveria bassiana were observed. While Metarhizium sp recorded LT50 of 9.0 days and 2.8 days for 103 and 107 spores/ml, respectively. The results obtained were discussed in relation to use of the isolates in the control Z. variegates infestation in forest agro-ecosystem of south west, Nigeria. Key Words: Microbial control, entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana, Zonoccrus variegatus, Metarhizium sp. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.4(1) 2005:113-11

    Monitoring drought and effects on vegetation in Sokoto state, Nigeria using statistical and geospatial techniques

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    This paper aimed at assessing drought occurrences and its effects on vegetation cover in Sokoto State, Nigeria using geospatial and statistical techniques. Monthly precipitation data which span through a period of 40 years (1980-2010) and 30 years (1982-2011) respectively were used for generating Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) graphs and maps. LandSat   imageries of bands 3 and 4 acquired by Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) Sensor were used for generating Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). SPI and NDVI were generated for the study area based on inter-annual and decadal timescale. Findings showed that SPI values varied from extremely dry condition to extreme wet condition although near normal condition ranked highest while extremely wet condition ranked least.  It also revealed that most of the Local Government Areas experienced near normal conditions but  Isa, Sabon Birni and little part of the boundary between Goronyo and Wurno experienced moderately wet conditions between 1982 and 1991. It was further observed that the whole region was dominated with near normal condition except Sabon Birni and Isa LGAs that experienced extremely, severely and moderately wet condition between 1992 and 2001. In contrast, the SPI values for over 90% of the state  between 2002 and 2011 fall within the severely dry conditions. Findings further showed that change scenarios observed from the derived NDVI and SPI maps indicated that the climatic variability currently being experienced is likely to increase and intensify in future. It is obvious that urgent attention on drought management over this region is needed.Keywords: Drought, SPI, NDVI, Vegetation Cover, Landsat Imageries, Northern Nigeri

    Microbiological and chemical assessment of spring water from a rural setting in Ondo State Southwest, Nigeria

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    Assessment of spring water from Ikare-Akoko, a rural setting in southwest, Nigeria for microbial and chemical contaminants was carried out. Total heterotrophic bacteria count of 4.0 x 106 CFU/mL was highest during the peak of the rainy season in Omi-idu spring (Igbede community) while the lowest population of 0.14 x106 CFU/mL was in Agadagidi spring (Ishakunmi community). The highest coliform population of 2.8 x 106 CFU/mL was at Isunpaiye (Oyinmo community), while the lowest value of 0.19 x106 CFU/mL was recorded at Agadagidi (Ishakunmi). The multiple tube fermentation technique was employed to determine the most probable number (MPN) of coliforms per 100 mL of water sample. The highest MPN/100 mL value of 76 ± 2.1 for coliforms was recorded at Isunpaiye while the lowest value of 5.1 ± 2.1 was in Agadagidi spring. Physico-chemical properties of the spring waters were mostly within the WHO benchmark for potable water. Arae had the highest total dissolved solids (TDS) value of 969 mgL-1 (benchmark, 500 mg/L), total hardness values were normal except at Arae (260 mg/L). Heavy metals levels in the spring water were generally low except in Omi-idu spring.Key words: Rural setting, spring water, heterotrophic bacteria, coliform bacteria, physico-chemical properties, heavy metals


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    Moulding properties of foundry sand should be controlled so as to minimize casting defects. Its thermal characteristics are vital in defining the solidification kinetics of a cast part,  evolving microstructure and mechanical properties. Modification of the thermal properties of the moulding sand mix is important in achieving desired structure and mechanical properties in the cast component. This study investigates the incorporation of 2-12 wt. % aluminium dross (AlDr) and 1-6 wt. % rice husk ash (RHA) in silica sand on moulding and thermal properties of the resulting sand mix. Results show that RHA significantly reduced thermal conductivity of the moulding sand from 1.631-1.141 W/m. K (a 30% reduction).However, AlDr increased its thermal conductivity from 1.631-1.787 W/m.K for 1-6 wt. % AlDr, which later dropped progressively from 1.753-1.540 W/m.K for 8-12 wt. %. The moisture content increased abruptly from 4.0-4.2 % for 6-8 wt. % AlDr addition but decreased from 4.0-2.8% for0-6 wt. % RHA addition in the moulding sand mix. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v36i3.1

    Impact of Community Driven Development Project: A Case of Fadama II Project in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    This paper evaluates impact of Community Driven Development programme on infrastructure under National Fadama II Project in Oyo State Nigeria. Data were collected from two hundred and sixty-four farmers using multistage sampling procedures. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and infrastructure index. The result shows that average infrastructural index in the area was 0.42. Forty-four villages were classified as infrastructural developed villages (IDV) while the remaining were infrastructural under-developed villages (IUV). The study therefore calls for the involvement of both private and public organization in construction and rehabilitation of rural infrastructure, processing services centers and researches on labour saving devices for agriculture in the study area.Key words: Community Driven, Infrastructural index, Private organization, Multi-stage sampling, FadamaII project, Oyo stat

    Some Biochemical and Haematological Studies on the Prevalence of Congenital Malaria in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    A seven month study (March-September 2006) on the prevalence of congenital malaria was carried out at the labour unit of three different hospitals within Ilorin metropolis: Eyitayo Hospital, Surulere MedicalHospital and Children Specialist Hospital Centre Gboro Ilorin. A total of 130 blood samples were collected from the mothers and their newborn babies and examined for malaria parasite using both thin and thick films. Maternal packed cell volume (PCV) and genotype was also determined using haematocrit method and cellulose acetate electrophoresis respectively. The prevalence rate of maternal, fetal, placental and cord parasitaemia were 37(28.46%), 29(22.31%), 33(25.38%) and 30(23.08%) respectively. Malaria infected maternal blood had a mild reduction in PCV level (

    Congenital Ichthyosis in a Nigerian preterm neonate: A case report and review of the literature

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    Congenital ichthyoses are relatively uncommon skin disorder s wi th worldwide occurrence. The ichthyoses are heterogenous disorders of keratinisation characterised by scaling of the skin of varying severity. This report describes a case of congenital ichthyosis in a preterm, male Hausa infant which happened to be the first case managed at the OOUTH, Sagamu. The infant was managed using stringent thermoregulation, optimal hydration, use of topical emollient and antibiotics. Although, the skin disorder resolved within fifteen days of treatment, the infant thereafter developed inguinoscrotal hernia and hydrocephalus necessitating surgical consult. The case is reported to highlight the good outcome of the cutaneous disorder following conservative management in a low-resource setting.Keywords: Collodion baby, Congenital ichthyosis , hydrocephalus, newborn, Sagam