13 research outputs found
Factors Influencing Residents to Implement Energy Efficiency Measures in Multi-Apartment Buildings
The review examines in detail the types of factors that may influence residents’ motivation to implement energy efficiency measures in multifamily housing. When analyzing heating energy consumption in multi-apartment buildings, three influencing factors must be considered: the condition of the building, technology-based solutions, and occupant behaviour. Studies show that in more developed countries, energy consumption of buildings can be reduced by 30 % to 80 % if energy efficiency is improved. Technology based solutions aim to reduce heat consumption, improve resource productivity, or replace outdated technologies, but these solutions often require large investments. Occupant behavior contributes to nearly 80 % of the variation in energy use. One of the ways to achieve these goals is to improve energy efficiency in multifamily buildings, because according to available literature, residential and commercial thermal energy consumption accounts for up to 20 % of total energy consumption in underdeveloped countries and up to 40 % in more developed countries. Changing people’s habits not only reduces heating energy consumption, but also does not require large investments for implementation
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Agricultural and Forestry Policies in Achieving Environmental Goals through Environmental Policy Documents
To achieve the set climate targets by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050, each Member State must develop a National Energy and Climate Plan (hereinafter – NECP) that contains practical and effective measures to achieve the targets set. The effectiveness of the agricultural and forestry measures defined in the Latvian NECP was assessed through the definition of appropriate indicators, an expert survey, and a composite sustainability index. The linkage between the measures or action lines in the Latvian NECP related to agriculture and forestry, the European Green Deal measures and the objectives of the European Union Bioeconomy Strategy was assessed. The results show that the effectiveness of agricultural and forestry measures is most influenced by factors such as quality, financing, and specificity. The description of the measures should be more detailed, with specific activities, indicators to be achieved, and amounts and funding sources planned for each activity. The lowest scoring measures are specific measures whose impacts cannot be measured and are not explicitly mentioned as relevant in the European Bioeconomy Strategy, the European Green Deal
Assessing the Effectiveness of Energy Policy Measures to Achieve Energy Dependence and Energy Security
The publication examines what measures the European Union is currently taking in the energy sector to promote energy security and independence from fossil energy resources. Taking into account the geopolitical situation, the European Commission has launched REPower – a new action plan for Europe on how to save energy, diversify energy supply and use renewable energy resources while rapidly reducing dependence on Russian gas and oil imports. The publication examines which actions are prioritised in planning documents to promote energy security in the European Union and how they align with the priorities set out in Latvia’s NECP to 2030. The indicator approach is used to identify which measures should be ranked higher and which measures need to be revised or improved. At the end, the conclusion is drawn whether the proposed measures will be sufficient to achieve energy security as the geopolitical situation changes
The Comparison of RES Sustainable Development in the Main Sectors of Economy
Energy consumption in different sectors is responsible for more than 75 % of total EU greenhouse gas emissions. Energy is a priority when it comes to achieving climate goals and keeping greenhouse gas emissions low. The Green Deal is based on the need to use renewable energy sources in the energy sector while ensuring the replacement of fossil fuels and reducing energy dependence. The comparison of sustainable development trends in renewable energy sources (RES) is carried out for all sectors analysed in the study, such as industry, services, agriculture, transport and households. The aim of the study is to find out which of the types of RES is the most promising and sustainable in each sector and which factors influence this the most. The study develops a model that combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods to obtain the most objective and descriptive results possible on RES technologies in different sectors of the economy. In addition to a separate comparison of RES types by sector, a joint sectoral comparison was also made to evaluate the differences in development trends between the sectors considered. The highest rating level for sustainable development was achieved by the potential of biomass use in the agriculture and transport sectors. According to the obtained results, both solar energy and biomass have a high development potential in all analysed sectors, which is also reflected in the higher average values of the overall results
The Agricultural Sector towards Climate Neutrality
Agriculture is one of the leading sectors which significantly contribute to the increase of GHG emissions, thus contributing to the negative impact that climate change can cause on biodiversity and create extreme weather changes, raise the sea levels, revers ocean currents etc. One of the main objectives of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is to improve and promote the sustainability of rural regions by providing economic support and direct payments to ensure farmers’ incomes, which can be compared with the level of other sectors. Direct payments are not only a way to reward farmers but also an opportunity to generate income for farmers in an environmentally friendly operation, providing compensation for possible losses due to reduced production intensity or for costs incurred by farmers in applying climate and environmentally-friendly practices. However, the mechanisms used in the CAP – direct payments and subsidies – do not significantly increase agriculture’s sustainability and technological efficiency. Using a results-based scheme, it is possible to see more clearly the relationship between payment and biodiversity achievements; farmers are defined with specific results that must be achieved. Still, no specific actions are being taken taken to arrive at the results. In this article, the analysis based on a sustainability assessment of CAP measures is performed and blind spots are identified
Carbon Neutrality in Municipalities: Balancing Local and Centralized Renewable Energy Solutions
Carbon-neutrality in municipalities can be achieved by combining individual heating (IH) and district heating (DH) solutions involving the use of renewable energy sources (RES). Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, but the best solution depends on the specific circumstances of each municipality. As an environmentally friendly and efficient energy use, a decentralised heat supply contributes to achieving energy conservation and emissions reduction goals. Decentralised energy use, such as solar collectors with an accumulation system or biomass as a resource, reduces dependence on centralised heat generation and transmission. Often, the appropriate infrastructure for connection to DH networks has not yet been built. On the other hand, it is easier to make investments to construct proper infrastructure in the case of large-scale centralised heat supply. Moreover, a centralised heat supply with RES can provide more inhabitants with RES heat energy. Within the framework of the study, the possibilities of using renewable energy sources in one of the municipalities of Latvia – the Carnikava parish of Ādaži Municipality – are analysed. The study examines two scenario complexes including IH solutions in buildings or DH solutions with a centralised approach. The study evaluates several alternatives to increase the share of RES (e.g., solar collectors, biomass, heat pumps, etc.) in the centralised heat supply. To evaluate RES individual solutions in various municipal buildings, the study evaluates alternatives with different technical solutions that increase the use of RES in heat supply
The effect of angling to fish resources at Lake Burtnieks
Makšķerēšana mūsdienās tiek uzskatīta par dominējošo zivju krājumu izmantošanas veidu lielā daļā saldūdeņu biotopu un vairumā industrializēti attīstīto piekrastes teritoriju, tomēr trūkst informācijas un datu, lai aktivitāti pilnībā novērtētu (Arlinghaus et al., 2002; Coleman et al., 2004; Cooke et.al., 2004). Komerciālajā zvejā izņemto zivju apjomi parasti ir lielāki nekā rekreācijas makšķerēšanā, tomēr makšķerēšanā izņemtais kopējais zivju apjoms atsevišķās vietās var sasniegt vai pat pārsniegt komerciālās zvejas apjomu (Cooke a et al., 2006; Arlinghaus et al., 2007). Augstas izmantošanas un zivju sugu selektivitātes dēļ makšķerēšana var atstāt būtisku ietekmi uz ūdens ekosistēmām un ekspluatētajām zivju sugām, ietekmējot dzimstību, mirstību, kā arī sugu dinamiku (Aas, 2008). Latvijā praktiski pētījumi tieši par makšķerēšanas ietekmēm uz zivju resursiem iekšējos ūdeņos līdz šim nav veikti. Maģistra darba mērķis ir novērtēt makšķernieku ietekmi uz zivju resursiem Burtnieka ezerā. Burtnieka ezers kā pētījuma vieta izvēlēta, jo tas ir iecienīts makšķernieku galamērķis, kā arī vienlaikus ezerā tiek veikta rūpnieciskā nozveja. Maģistra darba pētījuma daļas ietvaros četru mēnešu garumā, izmantojot aptauju metodi (Creel survey), Burtnieka ezera centra kanālā veiktas 385 makšķernieku aptaujas, to ietvaros arī praktiski makšķernieku lomā paturēto zivju mērījumi. Maģistra darba pētījums ietver vairākus rezultātus: 1) novērtēta makšķerēšanas slodze; 2) veikts salīdzinājums ar rūpnieciskās nozvejas datiem un atgriezto makšķerēšanas licenču datiem; 3) veikts vispārīgs Burtnieka ezera makšķernieku sabiedrības raksturojums; 4) sniegti ieteikumi par zivju resursu apsaimniekošanas iespējām Burtnieka ezerā. Darba kopējais apjoms ir 60 lappuses. Literatūras saraksts ietver 40 publicētos darbus, 8 nepublicētos avotus un interneta adreses.Recreational fishers has recently been considered as one of the dominant user groups over the fish resources (Arlinghaus et al., 2002; Coleman et al., 2004; Cooke et al., 2004). In total commercial fisheries has higher landing comparing to recreational fisheries. Nevertheless there exist case studies where recreational fisheries sector reach or even overcome commercial fisheries catches (Cooke a et al., 2006; Arlinghaus et al., 2007). Recreational fisheries can affect fish resources in several ways including direct mortality, selectivity etc. (Aas, 2008). In Latvia no recent studies have been made regarding recreational fisheries and its impact on inland fish resources. The master thesis aim to evaluate the impact of recreational fisheries on fish resources in Lake Burtnieks, Latvia. Lake Burtnieks was chosen as a study area due to its popularity among recreational anglers. A modified creel survey was used in order to evaluate angler impact on fish resources i.e. the total hours spent on the lake while angling, total landing, target fish species. In total 385 face to face surveys were filled during 4 months period. The study includes several results and discussion points: 1) estimation of angling pressure on Lake Burtnieks; 2) analysis of commercial fisheries and returned log-books; 3) a description of recreational anglers in Lake Burtnieks; 4) and recommendations of possible management practices. The total length of the work includes 60 pages. The reference list includes 40 scientific publications, 8 grey materials, internet sources and unpublished data
Contractual Penalties amount Regulation
Tiek izdalīti vairāki saistību tiesību pastiprināšanas veidi, kurus varētu iedalīt – saistību tiesību pastiprinājumi, kas piemērojami līgumiem uz likuma pamata un saistību pastiprinājumi, kurus likumdevējs ir atstājis līgumslēdzēju pušu brīvā ziņā. Pie pēdējiem pieder rokas nauda, līgumsods, galvojums un ķīla. Līgumu pārkāpšana mūsdienās ir ļoti izplatīta prakse un ne velti likumdevējs ir noteicis attiecīgas sankcijas naudas vai citu sodu veidā, tādā kārtā pamudinot personas, kas uzņēmušās saistības, tās pienācīgi izpildīt.
Līgumsodu var pievienot katram līgumam, līdz ar to līgumsods ir akcesora saistība un tas nav atraujams no līgumiskās saistības un to jebkuram līgumam var pievienot gan līguma slēgšanas procesā, gan pēc līguma noslēgšanas.
Līgumsoda apmēru noteic līdzēji, un tas nav aprobežots ar zaudējumu lielumu, kādi paredzami no līguma neizpildīšanas, izriet, ka līgumsoda noteikšanā nepastāv ierobežojumi ne attiecībā uz tā apmēru, ne arī noteikšanas metodēm, tas var tikt noteikts, gan konkrētā summā, gan procentos, gan vienlaicīgi – konkrētā summā un procentos. No minētā panta secināms arī, ka līgumsods nav samērojams ar zaudējumiem, līdz ar to pastāv iespēja, ka līgumsods var pārsniegt zaudējumus vai arī zaudējumi var pat nepastāvēt, taču pienākums maksāt līgumsodu pastāvēs. Ir nepieciešams pastāvošo līgumsoda regulējumu papildināt ar normām, kas ierobežotu pārmērīgu līgumsodu piedziņu, taču saglabātu līgumsoda institūta jēgu un mērķus.There ar several ways to strengthen contract law, they can rise from law or contract, the last is left in the contracts partys view and they are deposit, contractual penalty, guarantee and performance bond. The breach of contracts is very common in nowdays and the legislator have defined steps which an innocent party may take if the other party breaks the contract, to encourage partys to avoid breaches of contracts.
Contractual penalty can be added to any contract and it can not be devided from contract. Contractual penalty can be added to contract at any time – at contract closal or after.
The amount of contractual penalty defines the partys and it is not limited with damages that can rise form breach of contract, there are no restrictions to contractual penalty, no restrictions in the methods or amount. As the contractual penalty is not limited with damages, there can be situations when contractual penalty extends the damages or there are no damages at all, however the liability to pay contractual penalty exists. It is necessary to add specific regulation to existing norms of contractual penalty to exclude the excessive contractual penalty, however saving contractual penaltys meaning and objectives
Modeling of traffic flow speed fluctuatuions and structural variations in street canyons along Valdemara street
Bakalaura darba ietvaros pētīta autotransporta radītā atmosfēras piesārņojuma izplatība Rīgā, Valdemāra ielas kanjonā. Kā indikators ietekmes novērtēšanai izmantotas slāpekļa dioksīda koncentrācijas, kuras cieši korelē ar transporta līdzekļu plūsmas intensitāti; bez tam regulāri tiek pārsniegti slāpekļa dioksīdam noteiktie stundas un gada normatīvi. Piesārņojuma izplatība novērtēta izmantojot matemātisko modelis OSPM, kurš speciāli izstrādāts transporta radītā piesārņojuma dispersijai un raksturošanai. Darbā aprakstīta transporta plūsmas dinamika dažādiem dienu profiliem un izveidota datu bāze modelēšanai, raksturota piesārņojuma problemātika ielu kanjonos, modelēšanas ceļā novērtēta apbūves ietekme uz piesārņojuma izkliedi, kā arī pētīta kustības ātruma ierobežojumu ieviešanas lietderība ar mērķi samazināt atmosfēras piesārņojumu.
Darba apjoms ir 66 lapas, tas satur 21 attēlu. 10 tabulas 7 pielikumus, izmantoti 55 literatūras avotiThe bachelor’s thesis focuses on atmospheric contamination caused by road transportation in Riga, canyon of Valdemara street. To assess the influence, the nitrogen dioxide concentration is used as an indicator, which closely correlates with the intensity of transport flow. Moreover, hourly and annual regulations set for nitrogen dioxide are regularly exceeded. Spread of contamination is assessed using mathematical model OSPM which is specially developed for characterization and dispersion of contamination caused by road transportation. Study describes the dynamics of transport flow of different day profiles and data base for modeling has been made, also the problematic of contamination of street canyons is portrayed. Modeling is used to assess the influence of buildings on dispersion of contamination, as well as utility of inventing speed limits which aims to decrease the atmospheric contamination is studied.
The Bachelor Thesis Project consists of 66 pages, 21 pictures, 10 table, 7 appendix, 55 literatures sources are used
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Agricultural and Forestry Policies in Achieving Environmental Goals Through Policy Documents
To achieve the climate targets set by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050, each Member State must develop a National Energy and Climate Plan (hereinafter NECP) containing practical and effective measures to achieve the targets. The research sought a connection between the measures or action lines in the Latvian NECP related to agriculture and forestry, the European Green Deal goals and related strategies. The effectiveness of the agricultural and forestry measures defined in the Latvian NECP was evaluated by defining appropriate indicators, an expert survey and a composite sustainability index. The results show that the effectiveness of agricultural and forestry measures is most influenced by quality, financing, and specificity factors. The lowest-scoring measures were specific measures whose impacts cannot be measured and are not explicitly mentioned in the European Green Deal. Therefore, the description of the measures should be more detailed, with specific activities, indicators to be achieved, and amounts and funding sources planned for each activity