384 research outputs found

    Analysis of Extensive [FeFe] Hydrogenase Gene Diversity Within the Gut Microbiota of Insects Representing Five Families of Dictyoptera

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    We have designed and utilized degenerate primers in the phylogenetic analysis of [FeFe] hydrogenase gene diversity in the gut ecosystems of roaches and lower termites. H2 is an important free intermediate in the breakdown of wood by termite gut microbial communities, reaching concentrations in some species exceeding those measured for any other biological system. The primers designed target with specificity the largest group of enzymatic H domain proteins previously identified in a termite gut metagenome. “Family 3” hydrogenase sequences were amplified from the guts of lower termites, Incisitermes minor, Zootermopsis nevadensis, and Reticulitermes hesperus, and two roaches, Cryptocercus punctulatus and Periplaneta americana. Subsequent analyses revealed that all termite and Cryptocercus sequences were phylogenetically distinct from non-termiteassociated hydrogenases available from public databases. The abundance of unique sequence operational taxonomic units (as many as 21 from each species) underscores the previously demonstrated physiological importance of H2 to the gut ecosystems of these wood-feeding insects. The diversity of sequences observed might be reflective of multiple niches that the enzymes have been evolved to accommodate. Sequences cloned from Cryptocercus and the lower termite samples, all of which are wood feeding insects, clustered closely with one another in phylogenetic analyses to the exclusion of alleles from P. americana, an omnivorous cockroach, also cloned during this study. We present primers targeting a family of termite gut [FeFe] hydrogenases and provide results that are consistent with a pivotal role for hydrogen in the termite gut ecosystem and point toward unique evolutionary adaptations to the gut ecosystem

    Managerial Ability, Players’ Cultural Diversity, and Sporting and Economic Performance in English Soccer

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    We use a large homemade database on professional soccer in England to estimate the relevance of managerial ability on performance and the managerial skills in keeping up cultural diversity. The team manager faces a set of very complex tasks. Not only he is the head coach of the soccer team, thus influencing sporting performance, but he can also have an impact on performance, by improving economic efficiency or by limiting the organization innovation in order to foster the creation of organizational routines. The sporting competitive advantage translates into economic and financial performance; therefore the manager is a dominant voice in the financial viability of the club, too. We also measure the impact of cultural diversity: attendance appreciates home-grown and talented players, and dislikes cultural diversity

    Genomic Analysis Reveals Multiple [FeFe] Hydrogenases and Hydrogen Sensors Encoded by Treponemes from the H_2-Rich Termite Gut

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    We have completed a bioinformatic analysis of the hydrogenases encoded in the genomes of three termite gut treponeme isolates: hydrogenotrophic, homoacetogenic Treponema primitia strains ZAS-1 and ZAS-2, and the hydrogen-producing, sugar-fermenting Treponema azotonutricium ZAS-9. H_2 is an important free intermediate in the breakdown of wood by termite gut microbial communities, reaching concentrations in some species exceeding those measured for any other biological system. The spirochetes encoded 4, 8, and 5 [FeFe] hydrogenase-like proteins, identified by their H domains, respectively, but no other recognizable hydrogenases. The [FeFe] hydrogenases represented many sequence families previously proposed in an analysis of termite gut metagenomic data. Each strain encoded both putative [FeFe] hydrogenase enzymes and evolutionarily related hydrogen sensor/transducer proteins likely involved in phosphorelay or methylation pathways, and possibly even chemotaxis. A new family of [FeFe] hydrogenases (FDH-Linked) is proposed that may form a multimeric complex with formate dehydrogenase to provide reducing equivalents for reductive acetogenesis in T. primitia. The many and diverse [FeFe] hydrogenase-like proteins encoded within the sequenced genomes of the termite gut treponemes has enabled the discovery of a putative new class of [FeFe] hydrogenase proteins potentially involved in acetogenesis and furthered present understanding of many families, including sensory, of H domain proteins beyond what was possible through the use of fragmentary termite gut metagenome sequence data alone, from which they were initially defined


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    La leadership nei contesti dell’interazione virtuale

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    Tra i diversi ambiti di ricerca, quello che assume il ruolo più importante per la prospettiva dell’ergonomia sociale è in buona parte rappresentato dagli studi sulla leadership. L’importanza di una leadership nella guida di un gruppo per il raggiungimento di risultati, sia in termini di efficacia ed efficienza, sia in termini di soddisfazione per i partecipanti al gruppo, è condizione nota e segnalata da innumerevoli ricerche. Disegnare e favorire le migliori condizioni affinché, all’interno dei contesti di Comunicazione Mediata dal Computer (CMC), questo avvenga è uno dei compiti propri dell’ergonomia sociale. In questo articolo vengono evidenziate le caratteristiche della leadership secondo alcune importanti aree di ricerca, vedremo la leadership all’interno della teoria dell’Identità Sociale, gli aspetti di riconoscibilità del leader, la leadership condivisa e la leadership trasformazionale e transazionale. Cercheremo, infine, di inquadrare ciascuno di questi aspetti all’interno delle dinamiche proprie della comunicazione mediata dal computer

    L’ergonomia sociale

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    Il ruolo speciale degli aspetti sociali all’interno dei contesti di Comunicazione Mediata dal Computer è sempre più evidente. Lo scritto analizza come si giunge a una concettualizzazione dell’ergonomia sociale a partire da modelli teorici consolidati e da prospettive diverse, al fine di giungere a una proposta volta a ricercare la migliore progettazione dei sistemi formativi al fine di avere un apprendimento efficace

    Patterns of [FeFe] Hydrogenase Diversity in the Gut Microbial Communities of Lignocellulose-Feeding Higher Termites

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    Hydrogen is the central free intermediate in the degradation of wood by termite gut microbes and can reach concentrations exceeding those measured for any other biological system. Degenerate primers targeting the largest family of [FeFe] hydrogenases observed in a termite gut metagenome have been used to explore the evolution and representation of these enzymes in termites. Sequences were cloned from the guts of the higher termites Amitermes sp. strain Cost010, Amitermes sp. strain JT2, Gnathamitermes sp. strain JT5, Microcerotermes sp. strain Cost008, Nasutitermes sp. strain Cost003, and Rhyncotermes sp. strain Cost004. Each gut sample harbored a more rich and evenly distributed population of hydrogenase sequences than observed previously in the guts of lower termites and Cryptocercus punctulatus. This accentuates the physiological importance of hydrogen for higher termite gut ecosystems and may reflect an increased metabolic burden, or metabolic opportunity, created by a lack of gut protozoa. The sequences were phylogenetically distinct from previously sequenced [FeFe] hydrogenases. Phylogenetic and UniFrac comparisons revealed congruence between host phylogeny and hydrogenase sequence library clustering patterns. This may reflect the combined influences of the stable intimate relationship of gut microbes with their host and environmental alterations in the gut that have occurred over the course of termite evolution. These results accentuate the physiological importance of hydrogen to termite gut ecosystems

    Beyond Dordt and De Auxiliis The Dynamics of Protestant and Catholic Soteriology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

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    Beyond Dordt and ‘De Auxiliis’ explores post-Reformation inter-confessional theological exchange on soteriological topics including predestination, grace, and free choice. These doctrines remained controversial within confessional traditions after the Reformation, as Dominicans and Jesuits and later Calvinists and Arminians argued about these critical issues in the Augustinian theological heritage. Some of those involved in condemning Arminianism at the Synod of Dordt (1618-1619) were inspired by Dominican followers of Thomas Aquinas in Spain who had recently opposed the vigorous defense of free choice by Jesuit Molinists in the Congregatio de auxiliis (1598-1607). This volume, appearing on the 400th anniversary of the closing of the Synod of Dordt, brings together a group of scholars working in fields that only rarely speak to one another to address these theological debates that cross geographical and confessional boundaries

    The Role of Financial and Managerial Variables on the Policy Towards Home-Grown Players in English Soccer

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    The training and development of young players both as athletes and individuals is one of the task soccer governing bodies assign to professional soccer team in order to fully exploit the social aspects of sport activities. Recently UEFA imposed new rules to improve the use of home-grown players. We analyze a panel data of English Premier and Championship league clubs for the seasons 2001-02 to 2005-06 in order to understand what clubs characteristics lead to the employment of young players in the team during official matches. Sport commercialization and the employment of star players have been considered harmful to this role. Our findings suggest that, counter-intuitively, economic and commercial aspects of clubs are not important for the development of home-grown players, for example well paid players do not crowd-out home-growns. Managerial policies play a significant role. Major clubs in the Premier league deploy home-grown less often; leasing them to the Championship league could be a solution. Attendance favors home-grown players, which hints at a more active communication policy for the clubs in order to nurture the link with the local community. These results suggest social responsible strategies for Premier League clubs in order to improve their perceived social role and to avoid invasive interventions from national and international governing bodies in their managerial decisions on the clubs