284 research outputs found

    Benthic assemblages in two Mediterranean caves: species diversity and coverage as a function of abiotic parameters and geographic distance

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    16 páginas, 5 figuras, 4 tablasBenthic assemblages of two Mediterranean submarine caves were compared. Species coverage and number of species were lower in internal (dark) communities than external. This feature was specially marked in the less illuminated cave. Ordination analyses performed on species coverage per community for each cave separately, distinguished several benthic communities from the outermost to the innermost zone of each cave. Cluster analyses on species coverage, taking into account all communities in both the caves, established similarities among communities: algal-dominated communities clustered according to the level of light received independently of the cave they inhabited, while animal-dominated communities were more similar within each cave than between the caves. Moreover, among the abiotic parameters measured irradiance was the only factor that clearly diminished from the entrance to the innermost zone in both the caves. In contrast, water movement and particulate organic matter varied di¡erently in each cave. Results indicate that the di¡erent topography, depth and geographic location of the two caves determine water movement, light penetration and nutrient availability along the caves. These factors are responsible for determining species abundance and diversity, as well as species growth habit in each community.This research was partially supported by INTERREG-IIIA K115C n 0123 (EU) and CICYT (Comision Interdepartmental de Ciencia yTechnología) REN2001-2312-CO3/MAR grants. It also benefited from Governments of Catalonia and Spain fellowships to R. MartíPeer reviewe

    Towards a new model of management and self-funding to regenerate obsolete neighborhoods

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    El artículo aborda el problema de la financiación en la regeneración integral de barriadas. Tras el análisis de fórmulas ya ensayadas de gestión y financiación, se propone las directrices para un nuevo modelo basado en el cooperativismo. El potencial económico de una actuación colectiva activa y unitaria, precisa un modelo de economía social basado en la prestación de servicios como base de la habitabilidad y el mantenimiento como objetivo para reducir los ciclos de obsolescencia. Esto articula un mecanismo a largo plazo que trascienda la rehabilitación y garantice la adaptación progresiva a los nuevos estándares de habitabilidad.The article addresses the problem of financing of the integral regeneration of neighborhoods. After the analysis of already tested models of management and financing, guidelines for a new model based on cooperativism are proposed. The economic potential of an active and unitary collective action requires a social economy model based on the provision of services as a basis for habitability and maintenance as an objective to reduce cycles of obsolescence. This articulates a long-term mechanism that transcends the single action of rehabilitation and ensures a progressive adaptation to new standards of habitability

    Noise Profile Categorization for Noise Mapping in Cities: The Case of Cuenca (Spain)

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    According to the European Law, noise maps in cities have to be worked out and updated every 5 years. Because of this, it is interesting to establish new methodologies to develop and update the noise maps in a more efficient way. Although there are specific standards to carry out noise maps and a good practice guide was defined, there is not a common procedure in the definition of the noise map. In each research, a specific methodology is defined based on the experience of the researchers and the characteristics of the town. In this work, a methodology based on a street typology classification is proposed to be applied to noise maps. This methodology allows allocation of the mean power and the temporal behavior to each street from its characteristics and the time profiles measured with semi-permanent noise monitoring systems. The methodology was developed, tested, and validated in the city of Cuenca (Spain) and the results obtained are shown in this chapter

    Screening for several potential pathogens in feral pigeons (Columba livia) in Madrid

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pathogens with the zoonotic potential to infect humans, such as <it>Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli </it>and <it>Chlamydophila psittaci</it>, can be found in feral pigeons (<it>Columba livia</it>). Given the high density of these birds in the public parks and gardens of most cities, they may pose a direct threat to public health.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 118 pigeons were captured in three samplings carried out in 2006-2007 in public parks and gardens in Madrid, Spain. Standard haematological and morphological analyses were carried out on the pigeons. PCR was used to screen for the presence of <it>Campylobacter jejuni</it>, <it>C. coli </it>and <it>Chlamydophila psittaci</it>. Positive samples were confirmed by DNA sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The analyses demonstrated a high prevalence of <it>Chlamydophila psittaci </it>(52.6%) and <it>Campylobacter jejuni </it>(69.1%) among the birds captured. In contrast, <it>Campylobacter coli </it>was rarely detected (1.1%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Pigeons in Madrid can carry <it>Chlamydophila psittaci </it>and <it>Campylobacter jejuni</it>. They may be asymptomatic or subclinical carriers of both pathogens.</p

    El principio de igualdad de oportunidades en la formación

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    El proyecto Andalucía en e-Igualdad en su Eje 2. Asistencia a favor de las personas, en coherencia con el objetivo de Equal, trata de combatir la discriminación y la desigualdad en el mercado laboral, y así se realizaron una serie de actividades innovadoras, encaminadas al desarrollo de competencias específicas para la formación de la mujer. E-andaluzas en la sociedad red (Equal II 2005-2007) intenta facilitar una orientación práctica a los jóvenes con potencialidad a corto plazo, a fin de que se constituyan en promotores activos de nuevas culturas de igualdad, tanto en la profesión como en la vida cotidiana, teniendo en cuenta las exigencias que plantean los entornos laborales emergentes, que se están generando en la sociedad del conocimiento. Las denominamos Escuelas del Cambio, dirigidas a jóvenes (mujeres y hombres)

    Mujer y justicia en el conflicto armado colombiano: Análisis de casos

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    Objetivo. Repensar el concepto de Justicia desde los ámbitos normativo, axiológico y sociológico, respecto a las mujeres inmersas en el conflicto armado colombiano. Metodología. Se realizó un análisis del contenido de los testimonios de doce (12) mujeres que participaron de la investigación confrontádolos analíticamente con los mecanismos de justicia existentes para su protección. Resultados. Los resultados localizaron en los testimonios elementos y hechos del cotidiano de las mujeres inmersas en el conflicto armado colombiano referentes a los procesos de su propia situación familiar y social, sus experiencias en la situación del conflicto armado y el quehacer de la justicia. Conclusión. La categoría de mujeres inmersas en el conflicto armado colombiano se articula desde lógica de la sociedad en conflicto que las victimiza de distintas maneras, y en contraposición la justicia y sus mecanismos que las ignora de plano.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales -- DerechoObjective. To rethink the concept of Justice from the normative, axiologic and sociological perspective, related to the women involved in the Colombian armed conflict. Metodology. An analysis of the content of testimony of twelve (12) women who participated in this research was carried out in this investigation confronting them with the existing justice mechanisms. confrontádolos analíticamente con los mecanismos de justicia existentes para su protección. Results. The results found in the testimonies elements and facts of the daily lives of women involved in the armed conflict in Colombia regarding their own familiar and social situations, as well as, their own experiences in this conflict and the work of justice. Conclusion. The category of women immersed in the armed conflict in Colombia is articulated from the logic of the society in conflict that victimizes them in different ways and in opposition to justice and its mechanism that ignore them

    Els Bentos: les comunitats

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    Es descriuen les comunitats bentòniques de l'Arxipèlag de Cabrera en funció dels principals organismes animals i vegetals que les constitueixen. També es detalla la localització d'aquestes comunitats en l'espai a partir d'una sèrie de transsectes efectuats entre el nivell zero i la fondària màxima de -115 metres. Són destacables: (a) la representació en l'Arxipèlag de la majoria de comunitats bentòniques de plataforma continental descrites a la zona de la Mediterrània Central; (b) la gran riquesa especifica i el bon estat de conservació general de les comunitats; (c) la presència de parets submergides ininterrompudes entre O i-50 (-65) metres, la qual cosa fa de Cabrera un lloc privilegiat per a l'estudi de la zonació i les causes que la determinen; (d) les baixes cotes batimètriques enregistrades com a límit de la zona infra lit oral (-40 a -45 metres) i com a límit dels poblaments algals (-110 metres); i (e) l'elevat nombre d'endemismes mediterranis i de determinades espècies de mars càlids que reafirmen l'existència d'una província biogeogràfica centromediterrània. Finalment, es localitzen les zones submergides de l'Arxipèlag amb un valor biològic més elevat, per tal de prioritzar i facilitar la seva conservació.The benthic communities of the archipelago of Cabrera are described attending to their main faunistic and floristic components. Each community is spatially located and its bathymetric range is given, starting from different transects made between O and -115 meters of maximum depth. The main results obtained are: (a) most of the littoral and the continental shelf benthic communities described from the Central Mediterranean are well represented in the area; (b) species diversity and conservation of the communities is very high for Mediterranean standards; (c) the presence of some undisturbed and continuous underwater cliffs between O and -50 (-65) meters are of major interest to carry out future studies on zonation in Mediterranean benthic communities and on environmental factors forcing it; (d) lowermost bathymetric limits for the infralittoral zone (-40 to -45 meters) and algal growth (-110 meters) have been determined by SCUBA and submersible dives; and (e) the abundance of mediterranean endemisms and warm-water species reassert the existence of a centro-mediterranean biogeographic province. Finally, the areas of highest biological interest in the submersed part of the archipelago are indicated, in order to priorize its immediate preservation

    El Bentos: les coves

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    Es descriuen les comunitats bentòniques de les coves i túnels de l'Arxipèlag de Cabrera, en funció dels principals grups d'organismes que les habiten. L'estudi s'ha basat concretament en la Cova des Calamars, la Cova Blava i el Túnel de l'Estell des Coll. Les comunitats de coves de l'Arxipèlag corresponen a les típiques de les coves balears, caracteritzades per la manca o escassesa d'octocoralaris (p. e. Corallium rubrum), i per la proliferació dels briozous. La comparació de les coves de Cabrera amb les d'altres indrets de la Mediterrània Occidental (Costa Catalana, Marsella i Nàpols) mostren diferències qualitatives i quantitatives importants que semblen estar condicionades per la distància geogràfica, la profunditat i la topografia de les coves.The benthic communities of caves and tunnels of the Cabrera Archipelago are described on the basis of the groups of organisms they harbour. The Calamars Cave, Blava Cave and Estell des Coll tunnel have been used as a model for the study. The communities found correspond to those typical from the Balearic caves, characterized by the absence or paucity of Octocorallia (e. g. Corallium rubrum), and the abundance of Bryozoans. Comparisons of the Cabrera caves with those from other localities in the Western Mediterranean (Catalonia, Marseilles and Naples) show sizeable qualitative and quantitative differences. Geographical distance, cave topography and depth are likely the main factors responsible for these differences