324 research outputs found

    Recent growth in African cassava

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    According to the authors, "Cassava serves as a staple food for 200 million Africans, second only to maize in its calorie contribution. In response to a series of devastating attacks by cassava diseases and pests over the past several decades, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and several national agricultural research services have launched successful cassava research programs... " This brief describes some of the programs, their impact and the drivers of change. It concludes with an analyis of the key lessons learned for building future successes. From Brief

    Economic Development in Maine: Strategies and Opportunities

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    Changes in the national and international economies have forced Maine and other states to reexamine their approaches to economic development. No longer are the traditional approaches useful in the context of a global economy. Maine\u27s present and future economic growth requires that the state respond to the realities of this new economic landscape. In this article, Steven Ballard, Stephanie Seguino and Charles Colgan put forth their thoughts and conclusions on the strategies and opportunities upon which Maine\u27s economic development efforts should focus

    Psychological characteristics of elite and non-elite level gymnasts

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    Literature has indicated that there are psychological characteristics in elite athletes of various sports that are significantly different than those of non-elite level athletes. The purpose of this study was to discover the different psychological characteristics associated with elite level gymnasts, and contrast the results with psychological characteristics of competitive gymnasts of other levels using the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28. Participants in this study were 195 gymnasts from gymnastics training centers throughout the United States. Results indicated that there was a significant difference in the Personal Resources Score (PCR) between the elite gymnast and all other levels. Furthermore, a significant difference was demonstrated among four of the seven sub-scales making up the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28. The study supports the hypothesis that the psychological make-up of "elite" level gymnasts is different than that of other competitive gymnastics levels

    Zambia's 2005 Maize Import and Marketing Experiences: Lessons and Implications

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    This paper shows how government actions can affect the performance of the maize marketing system and influence the severity of food crises. Examples from the 2005/06 marketing season are used to illustrate how Zambia’s food security situation can be improved through closer consultation, transparency and predictability between government and the private sector. The paper also identifies longer-run options for strengthening the ability of local and regional markets to ensure household and national food security in the face of maize production instability.food security, food policy, Zambia, maize, Crop Production/Industries, Q18,

    Electric Lifeline Policy in Maine

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    Concern about the impact of high energy costs on the low-income and elderly citizens underlies Maine’s so-called electric lifeline programs, which modify rates to assist qualified customers with their electric bills. Recently, researchers at the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center conducted an evaluation of Central Maine Power Company’s electric lifeline policy. This article, based on the findings of that evaluation, examines the many regulatory and social issues that have surfaced during Maine’s lifeline experience

    3D printing for bio-synthetic biliary stents

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    Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing method that holds great potential in a variety of future patient-specific medical technologies. This project validated a novel crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol (XL-PVA) 3D printed stent infused with collagen, human placental mesenchymal stem cells (PMSCs), and cholangiocytes. The biofabrication method in the present study examined 3D printing and collagen injection molding for rapid prototyping of customized living biliary stents with clinical applications in the setting of malignant and benign bile duct obstructions. XL-PVA stents showed hydrophilic swelling and addition of radiocontrast to the stent matrix improved radiographic opacity. Collagen loaded with PMSCs contracted tightly around hydrophilic stents and dense choloangiocyte coatings were verified through histology and fluorescence microscopy. It is anticipated that design elements used in these stents may enable appropriate stent placement, provide protection of the stent-stem cell matrix against bile constituents, and potentially limit biofilm development. Overall, this approach may allow physicians to create personalized bio-integrating stents for use in biliary procedures and lays a foundation for new patient-specific stent fabrication techniques

    Caribou Distribution During the Post-calving Period in Relation to Infrastructure in the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, Alaska

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    There is concern that caribou (Rangifer tarandus) may avoid roads and facilities (i.e. infrastructure) in the Prudhoe Bay oil field (PBOF) in northern Alaska, and that this avoidance can have negative effects on the animals. We quantified the relationship between caribou distribution and PBOF infrastructure during the post-calving period (mid-June to mid-August) with aerial surveys from 1990 to 1995. We conducted four to eight surveys per year with complete coverage of the PBOF. We identified active oil field infrastructure and used a geographic information system (GIS) to construct ten 1 km wide concentric intervals surrounding the infrastructure. We tested whether caribou distribution is related to distance from infrastructure with a chi-squared habitat utilization-availability analysis and log-linear regression. We considered bull, calves, and total caribou of all sex/age classes separately. The habitat utilization-availability analysis indicated there was no consistent trend of attraction to or avoidance of infrastructure. Caribou frequently were more abundant than expected in the intervals close to infrastructure, and this trend was more pronounced for bulls and for total caribou of all sex/age classes than for calves. Log-linear regression (with Poisson error structure) of numbers of caribou and distance from infrastructure were also done, with and without combining data into the 1 km distance intervals. The analysis without intervals revealed no relationship between caribou distribution and distance from oil field infrastructure, or between caribou distribution and Julian date, year, or distance from the Beaufort Sea coast. The log-linear regression with caribou combined into distance intervals showed the density of bulls and total caribou of all sex/age classes declined with distance from infrastructure. Our results indicate that during the post-calving period: 1) caribou distribution is largely unrelated to distance from infrastructure; 2) caribou regularly use habitats in the PBOF; 3) caribou often occur close to infrastructure; and 4) caribou do not appear to avoid oil field infrastructure.On s'inquiète du fait que le caribou (Rangifer tarandus) pourrait éviter les routes et installations (c-à-d. les infrastructures) du champ pétrolifère de Prudhoe Bay dans l'Alaska septentrional et que ce comportement pourrait avoir des répercussions négatives sur les animaux. Des relevés aériens effectués de 1990 à 1995 ont permis de quantifier le rapport entre la distribution du caribou et les infrastructures du champ pétrolifère de Prudhoe Bay au cours de la période suivant immédiatement la mise bas (de mi-juin à mi-août). On a procédé à un nombre de relevés annuels allant de quatre à huit, couvrant toute la superficie du champ. On a identifié les infrastructures du champ pétrolifère qui étaient en activité et utilisé un système d'information géographique (SIG) pour construire dix anneaux concentriques de 1 km de large entourant chaque infrastructure. On a testé l'hypothèse que la distribution du caribou est indépendante de l'éloignement de l'infrastructure grâce au test de chi carré entre l'utilisation et la disponibilité de l'habitat, et à la régression log-linéaire. On a tenu compte séparément de la catégorie des mâles, de celle des veaux et de celle de la population totale, sexe et âge confondus. L'analyse de l'utilisation et de la disponibilité de l'habitat révélait qu'il n'y avait pas de schéma cohérent d'attrait ou d'évitement des infrastructures. Les caribous étaient souvent plus abondants que prévu dans les anneaux proches des infrastructures, et cette tendance était plus prononcée pour les mâles adultes et pour l'ensemble des catégories, sexe et âge confondus, que pour les veaux. On a fait les analyses par régression log-linéaire en regroupant et sans regrouper les données anneaux de 1 km de largeur. L'analyse sans regroupement montrait qu'il n'existe pas de rapport entre la distribution du caribou et l'éloignement des infrastructures du champ pétrolifère, ou entre la distribution du caribou et la date julienne ou même l'éloignement de la côte de la mer de Beaufort. L'analyse log-linéaire avec les caribous regroupés dans des anneaux concentriques montrait que la densité des mâles adultes de l'ensemble de la population, sexe et âge confondus, était plus élevée dans les anneaux jouxtant les infrastructures. Nos résultats indiquent que, durant la période suivant immédiatement la mise bas: (1) la distribution du caribou est dans une large mesure indépendante de l'éloignement des infrastructures; (2) le caribou utilise les habitats au sein du champ pétrolifère de Prudhoe Bay sur une base régulière; (3) le caribou se trouve fréquemment près des infrastructures; et (4) le caribou ne semble pas chercher à éviter les infrastructures du champ pétrolifère
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