8 research outputs found

    Pseudoaneurismas femorales en fracturas de cadera. 驴Se puede evitar?

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    Aunque la aparici贸n de un pseudoaneurisma femoral es infrecuente en el contexto del tratamiento de fracturas pertrocant茅reas, debido a su extrema gravedad y a su posible implicaci贸n en las causas de mortali - dad, es necesario realizar un diagn贸stico temprano y un tratamiento adecuado. Presentamos 3 casos en los que se produjo una lesi贸n de la arteria femoral superficial, y 2 de la arteria femoral profunda, tratados los 3 casos con stents recubiertos. Conclusiones . Se debe tomar en consideraci贸n, recti fi car la aducci贸n y rotaci贸n interna de la extremidad fracturada una vez colocado el implante, el uso de brocas cortas o con un tope para el momento del en - cerrojado distal, longitud adecuada de los tornillos, controlar el desplazamiento del troc谩nter menor, o una correcta colocaci贸n de los cerclajes femorales, para poder disminuir la incidencia de este tipo de lesiones.Although the appearance of a femoral pseudoaneurysm is uncommon in the context of treatment of trochanteric fractures, due to their extreme gravity and its possible involvement in the causes of death, it is ne - cessary for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. We report 3 cases in which an injury occurred superficial femoral artery, and 2 of the deep femoral artery, 3 cases treated with stents. Conclusions. It should be taken into consideration, correct adduction and internal rotation of the fractured limb once fitted the implant, the use of short bits or a cap on the distal locking time, proper length screws, control the displacement of the lesser trochanter , or the correct placement of the femoral cerclage, to decrease the incidence of these injuries

    Luxaci贸n anterior de cadera: presentaci贸n de un caso y revisi贸n de la literatura.

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    La luxaci贸n anterior de cadera es una lesi贸n poco frecuente y que se produce por traumatismos de alta energ铆a. Este tipo de luxaci贸n requiere maniobras especiales para su reducci贸n. El tratamiento ortop茅dico puede dar buenos resultados, aunque en ocasiones es necesaria la reducci贸n abierta y el tratamiento quir煤rgico de lesiones asociadas. Presentamos el caso de un var贸n de 27 a帽os que presentaba una luxaci贸n anterior de cadera derecha debido a accidente automovil铆stico. Adem谩s ten铆a lesiones asociadas en pie derecho. Se realiz贸 reducci贸n cerrada y tratamiento conservador con buenos resultados. El pron贸stico de una luxaci贸n de cadera depende de la gravedad de la lesi贸n as铆 como del tiempo que se tarda en realizar la reducci贸n, que est谩 relacionando con el riesgo de desarrollo de necrosis avascular. La luxaci贸n anterior de cadera tiene mejor pron贸stico que la luxaci贸n posterior cuando se realiza un tratamiento temprano adecuado.The anterior hip dislocation is a little frequent injury and is produced by high energy traumatisms. This type of dislocation requires special maneuvers for its reduction. The orthopaedic treatment can give good results, although sometimes it is necessary the open reduction and the surgical treatment of associate injuries. We present a case of a 27 year-old man who presented an anterior hip dislocation due to automobile accident. He had associated injuries on right food. He was treated by closed reduction and orthopaedic treatment and he had good results. The prognosis of a hip dislocation depends on the gravity of the injury as well as the time that takes in realizing the reduction, that it is relating to the risk of development of avascular necrosis. The anterior hip dislocation has better prognosis than the posterior dislocation when a suitable treatment is early realized

    Osteoporosis transitoria migratoria de cadera: a prop贸sito de un caso

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    La osteoporosis transitoria asociada a la gestaci贸n es una condici贸n poco usual, idiop谩tica y auto - limitada. Com煤nmente asociada al tercer trimestre del embarazo y al periodo postparto; cursa con dolor migra - torio en las articulaciones de carga, osteopenia radiogr谩fica difusa periarticular y patr贸n de edema medular 贸seo en la RMN. Presentamos el caso cl铆nico de una mujer de 28 a帽os, en la semana 34 de gestaci贸n, que tras una leve ca铆da presenta dolor y limitaci贸n funcional en miembro inferior derecho. En la RMN se evidencia edema 贸seo a nivel del extremo proximal de f茅mur derecho. Se trat贸 de forma conservadora, mediante reposo y marcha con andador en descarga, program谩ndose fijaci贸n profil谩ctica en quir贸fano. Al cabo de dos semanas de su ingreso, sin haber sido intervenida a煤n, inicia dolor en cadera contralateral. Se realiza nueva RMN donde se observa edema en cabeza y regi贸n intertrocant茅rica izquierda, con mejor铆a de los hallazgos previos en la cadera derecha. Se suspende tratamiento quir煤rgico y se indica reposo absoluto con manejo expectante. A las 9 semanas de inicio del cuadro y 8 semanas postparto la paciente se encuentra asintom谩tica y realiza su actividad diaria sin limitaciones. Un alto 铆ndice de sospecha y un diagn贸stico precoz son la clave para evitar una fractura como resultado de la osteoporosis transitoria. La resonancia magn茅tica es la mejor herramienta no invasiva para las mujeres embara - zadas con dolor en la cadera. La detecci贸n temprana puede prevenir las complicaciones y evitar cirug铆as mayoreTransient osteoporosis of the hip is a rare condition, idiopathic and self-limiting disease. This malady (complaint, disorder) is more common in the third trimester of pregnancy and postpartum. Characterized by migratory pain in bearing joints, periarticular osteopenia and diffuse radiographic pattern of bone marrow edema on MR. We report the case of a woman 28 years old, in the 34th week of her pregnancy, who after a fall, presents pain and functional limitation in her right leg. The MR showed bone edema at the proximal right femur. She was treated with rest and a walker, and she was scheduled for prophylactic fixation in the operating room in a few weeks. Two weeks after hospital admission, left hip started aching. A new MR showed edema in the head and intertrochanteric region of the left hip, with improvement of previous findings in the right hip. Surgical treatment was cancelled and bed rest was suggested as expectant management. At 9 weeks of onset of symptoms and 8 weeks postpartum, the patient was asymptomatic and performs daily activities without limitations. High index of suspicion and early diagnosis is the key to avoid fracture as a result of transient osteoporosis. Magnetic resonance imaging is the best non-invasive tool for pregnant women with hip pain. Early detection of the disease can avoid complications and major surgeries

    Bifosfonatos y fracturas femorales de baja energ铆a: la experiencia en nuestro centro

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    Los bifosfonatos son f谩rmacos de uso com煤n para la prevenci贸n de fracturas osteopor贸ticas. En los 煤ltimos a帽os ha sido relacionado su consumo prolongado con la aparici贸n de fracturas de baja energ铆a en f茅mur con un trazo caracter铆stico transverso. Para evaluar esta relaci贸n hemos analizado las fracturas de f茅mur de baja energ铆a atendidas en nuestro centro durante 2 a帽os y relacion谩ndolas con el consumo previo de bisfosfonatos. En fracturas subtrocant茅ras no se observan diferencias significativas; en diafisarias, las fracturas trazo transverso t铆pico se presentan en pacientes de menor edad y significativamente asociados al consumo previo de bifosfonatos (6 de las 8 fracturas de este tipo pensaban historia de consumo prolongado de estos f谩rmacos). Como conclusi贸n, aunque se han publicado numerosos art铆culos en los 煤ltimos a帽os con series de casos que relacionan este tipo de fracturas con el consumo previo de bifosfonatos, el tama帽o muestral de los estudios y las dificultades de evaluar el consumo de un f谩rmaco retrospectivamente hacen necesarios estudios aleatorizados y prospectivos para dejar evidencia de la posible relaci贸nBisphosphonates are commonly used drugs for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures. In recent years, consumption has long been linked with the emergence of low-energy fractures of the femur with a characteristic transverse line. To evaluate this relationship we have analyzed the femur fractures treated low energy in our center for 2 years and related to the prior use of bisphosphonates. In subtrochanteric fractures, no significant differences were found; in diaphyseal fractures are typically transverse line is present in younger patients and significantly associated with prior use of bisphosphonates (6 of 8 thought this type fractures history of prolonged use of these drugs). In conclusion, although there have been numerous articles in the last years series of cases this type of fracture associated with prior use of bisphosphonates, the sample size of studies and the difficulties of assessing a drug consumption retrospective studies are needed prospective randomized to leave evidence of the possible association

    Fijador externo como tratamiento definitivo de fractura de di谩fisis femoral en Enfermedad de Paget

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    El tratamiento de las fracturas en la enfermedad de Paget presenta dificultades para el cirujano, debido a las caracter铆sticas patol贸gicas del hueso en este tipo de pacientes. La opci贸n terap茅utica de elecci贸n en fracturas de di谩fisis femoral es el enclavado endomedular, pero a menudo encontramos en esta enfermedad complicaciones que dificultan la t茅cnica quir煤rgica. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con fractura de di谩fisis femoral en hueso con caracter铆sticas pag茅ticas, en el que por la estrechez del canal y la dureza de las corticales no fue posible realizar en enclavado endomedular, y se opt贸 por el fijador externo como tratamiento definitivo, con buenos resultados radiogr谩ficos y funcionales. Tras el primer a帽o de evoluci贸n, observamos una buena consoli - daci贸n 贸sea en la radiograf铆a, y la paciente deambula sin ayuda.The treatment of fractures in Paget's disease presents difficulties for the surgeon because of the pathological features of bone in these patients. The treatment of choice for femoral shaft fractures is intrame - dullary nailing, but often found in this disease, complications that hinder the surgical technique. We report the case of a patient with femoral shaft fracture in bone with pagetic characteristics, in which because of the narrow canal and the hardness of the cortical, intamedullary nailing was not possible. We opted for the external fixator as definitive treatment, with good radiographic and functional results. After the first year of follow up, we see good bone healing on X-ray and the patient ambulate without help

    Experiencia con test de artrograf铆a intraoperatoria para valorar la rotura de la sindesmosis tibioperonea

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    Ankle fractures frequently associate tibiofibular syndesmosis injuries, whose diagnosis allows intraoperative treatment that can prevent mid-long term complications. There are several clinical diagnostic tests and specific projections but they are difficult to interpret and standardize. The objective of the study is to evaluate a recently described intraoperative diagnostic test. We conducted the test by intraarticular contrast injection in ten patients with fractures type Weber B or C. The test was valuable in 8 cases and the result coincided with the other clinical test used. We detected a fracture in one case that had gone undetected and resulted in a change of treatment. There were no complications. Using a reproducible, cheap and safe test, we can obtain an easily interpretable image that complements the rest of clinical tests to support the surgeon in the decision to fix the sindesmosis in ankle fractures

    Orchidectomy increases beta-adrenoceptor activation-mediated neuronal nitric oxide and noradrenaline release in rat mesenteric artery

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    Background/aims: A previous study has demonstrated that endogenous male sex hormones do not alter neuronal nitric oxide (NO) release in rat mesenteric artery. However, the regulatory role of endogenous male sex hormones on noradrenaline (NA) release in rat mesenteric artery is not known. The present study was designed to analyze whether endogenous male sex hormones influence the NA release induced by electrical field stimulation (EFS), as well as the possible modification in NA and neuronal NO release by presynaptic beta-adrenoceptor activation. Methods: For this purpose, mesenteric arteries from control and orchidectomized male Sprague-Dawley rats were used. Basal and EFS-induced neuronal NO and NA release, as well as the contractile effect induced by EFS, was measured. Results: Basal and EFS-induced neuronal NO and NA release were similar in arteries from control and orchidectomized rats. The beta-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol did not modify EFS-induced neuronal NO and NA release in arteries from control rats. In contrast, in arteries from orchidectomized animals, clenbuterol increased both neuronal NO and NA release; this increase was prevented by incubation with the beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol. However, the contractile response elicited by EFS was not modified by clenbuterol in either group of rats. Conclusions: These results show that orchidectomy does not alter the EFS-induced NA release. What is more, activation of presynaptic beta-adrenoceptors does not modify EFS-induced NA and neuronal NO release in arteries from control rats although it increases the release of both neurotransmitters in arteries from orchidectomized rats. Despite these modifications, the EFS-induced contractile response is preserved in arteries from orchidectomized rats.Depto. de Biolog铆a CelularFac. de Odontolog铆aTRUEpu