13 research outputs found


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    Tijekom posljednje dvije godine u okviru projekta ā€žDalmatinska tuka ā€“ fenotipske odlike i ekoloÅ”ke odrednice arealaā€œ nastojali smo ustanoviti rasprostranjenost i fenotipske značajke arhaične forme purana tradicionalno uzgajanog na području dalmatinskog zaleđa. Unatoč uključenosti u poljoprivrednu, kulturnu i gastronomsku tradiciju te razvoj kraja navedena forma dosad joÅ” nije detaljno opisana sa znanstvenog i stručnog stajaliÅ”ta. Opisano istraživanje provedeno je u pet domaćinstava na kojima su tijekom ranog proljeća utvrđene morfoloÅ”ke značajke rasplodnih jedinka (15 pura i 5 purana) prema metodi koju je opisao Kodinetz 1940. godine. Utvrđeno je da su rasplodne jedinke vrlo sličnih morfoloÅ”kih izmjera tijela (po spolu), prosječne mase 4,14Ā±0,76 kg u pura te 6,77Ā±1,62 kg u purana. Nadalje, krajem godine određene su klaoničke značajke jedinka za konzum u dobi od oko 7-8 mjeseci (po 10 jedinki svakog spola) kada su pure dosezale masu od 3,18-4,84 kg, a purani 4,98-6,78 kg. Randman se kretao u dosta Å”irokom rasponu od 64,8% do 73,9% u ženskih te od 62,0% do 75,2% u muÅ”kih jedinka. Obrada i rasijecanje trupova provedeni su prema metodi koju su opisali Hahn i Spindler 2002. godine. Unatoč manjoj iskoristivosti i manjem udjelu najznačajnijih mesnih dijelova trupa u odnosu na komercijalne hibride (prsa, bataka i zabataka) zbog specifične arome mesa i njegove čvrstoće uzgajivači prodaju utovljene jedinke čak uz dvostruko veću cijenu od one koje na tržiÅ”tu postižu hibridi.During the last two years we tried to identify breeding area and phenotypic characteristics of archaic form of turkey that is traditionally reared in Dalmatian hinterland. This research was conducted within the project ā€œDalmatian turkey ā€“ phenotypic parameters and ecological characteristics of the areaā€. In spite of its agricultural, cultural and gastronomy tradition, as well as its role in the development of the whole area, this form is still insufficiently described in literature. This research was performed on five households. According to the method described by Kodinetz (1940), we measured morphological parameters of breeding animals (15 turkey-hens and 5 turkey-cocks) during early spring. It is established that animals are of similar morphological characteristics (according to the sex), with average body mass of 4.14 Ā± 0.76 kg in turkey-hens and 6.77 Ā± 1.62 in turkey cocks. Furthermore, we investigated slaughter characteristics of animals at the age of 7 ā€“ 8 months (10 animals of each sex) at the end of the year. At that age females reached 3.18 ā€“ 4.84 kg while males were between 4.98 and 6.78 kg. Dressing percentage varied between 64.8 and 73.9% at females and 62.0 ā€“ 75.2% at males. Slaughtering and dissection were performed as described by Hahn and Spindler (2002.) In spite of lower slaughtering values and percentages of the most important meat parts compared to the commercial hybrids (breast, thighs and drumstick), the price of fattened animals were twice higher because of specific taste and quality of meat

    Utjecaj tjelesne mase pri porođaju na aktivnost enzima i koncentraciju biokatalizatora u serumu odojaka velikog jorkÅ”ira do odbića.

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    Newborn piglets weighing less than 1000 grams at birth are more susceptible to diseases and the negative influence of stress factors, slow progress, and therefore cause greater losses than heavier ones. Also, they are physiologically immature and establish postnatal metabolical mechanisms more slowly than suckling piglets of normal body mass. The aim of our research was to determine changes in the activity of some enzymes and concentrations of biocatalysts in the blood serum of suckling piglets. In this study 48 piglets were included: 24 animals with birth weight less than 1000 g (experimental group) and 24 littermates of the same sex with body mass of 1000 g and more (control group). Blood samples were taken on the 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st days of the pigletsā€™ life from the vena cava cranialis (1.5 mL) in BD Vacutainer SST tubes with the gel for biochemical analysis. After centrifugation, the samples were analyzed using an automatic analyzer Olympus AU 600. In the sera of both groups of piglets the activities of creatin kinase and alkaline phosphatase as well as calcium and phosphorus concentrations were higher at weaning, while the concentrations of magnesium was below the reference value. Also, we found lower activity of creatin kinase in 1 day-old piglets with small birth mass (P<0.05), possibly associated with poor development of the muscle tissue. In contrast, activity of alaninaminotransferase was significantly higher (P<0.01) in the serum of experimental animals on the 1st day of life. We assume that the observed changes in enzymes activities and biocatalyst concentrations indicate the intensive growth and development of newborn animals, especially in the control group of piglets.Odojci tjelesne mase pri porođaju manje od 1000 grama osjetljiviji su na bolesti i negativne utjecaje stresnih čimbenika, sporije napreduju te su uzrokom većih gubitaka u usporedbi s težim jedinkama. Nadalje, fizioloÅ”ki su manje zreli te sporije uspostavljaju postnatalne metaboličke mehanizme u usporedbi s odojcima normalne porođajne mase. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi kretanje aktivnosti određenih enzima, kao i koncentracije biokatalizatora u krvnom serumu odojaka do odbića. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 48 odojaka: 24 životinja tjelesne mase pri rođenju manje od 1000 g (pokusna skupina) i 24 istospolnih potomaka tjelesne mase veće od 1000 grama (kontrolna skupina). Uzorci krvi prikupljeni su 1., 7., 14. i 21. dana života iz v. cave cranialis (1,5 mL) u BD Vacutainer SST epruvete s gelom za biokemijsku analizu. Nakon centrifugiranja, uzorci seruma analizirani su pomoću automatskog analizatora Olympus AU 600. U serumu obje skupine odojaka u dobi od tri tjedna utvrđene su poviÅ”ene aktivnosti kreatin kinaze i alkalne fosfataze te koncentracije kalcija i fosfora, dok je koncentracija magnezija bila ispod referentnih vrijednosti za svinje. Također, utvrđena je značajno manja aktivnost kreatin-kinaze u jednodnevnih odojaka male porođajne mase (P<0,05) u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, a vjerojatno povezana sa slabije razvijenim miÅ”ićnim tkivom. Nasuprot tome, aktivnost alanin-aminotransferaze je bila značajno veća (P<0,01) u serumu eksperimentalnih životinja prvog dana života. Pretpostavili smo da utvrđene promjene u aktivnosti enzima i koncentraciji biokatalizatora upućuju na intenzivan rast i razvoj novorođenih životinja, osobito u kontrolnoj skupini odojaka

    Biokemijski pokazatelji u serumu odojaka male i prosječne porođajne mase

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    The most significant losses in the pig farming occur during the preweaning period, especially in piglets with birth mass less than 1000 g. Newborn piglets are physiologically immature and gradually establish individual metabolic mechanisms. Furthermore, a great deal of energy is used for maintenance of body temperature, and they are undergoing intensive bone construction, as well as muscle growth and fat tissue synthesis. For these reasons the values of some serum biochemical parameters change continuously until weaning, and exceed the reference values of adult animals. The aim of this study was to observe changes in concentrations of serum biochemical parameters in two groups of Yorkshire piglets during the preweaning period: one group consisted of piglets with birth mass less than 1000 g (low birth mass piglets, n = 24) while in the other group were their littermates with mass at birth ā‰„1000 g (piglets with average birth mass, n = 24). Blood samples for biochemical analysis were collected on the 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st days of life. In the group of small piglets we observed lower serum glucose levels on the 1st day of life (P<0.05), as well as lower creatinine concentrations at the age of 14 and 21 days (P<0.05). Also, concentrations of triacylglycerol and urea were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the two week old piglets with low birth mass. Concentrations of serum total protein, globulin and creatinine in both groups were still below the reference values at weaning, while the concentration of cholesterol was higher. Some of the differences determined between the two observed groups indicate that birth mass may influence the physiological maturity of animals.Najznačajniji gubitci u uzgoju svinja javljaju se tijekom razdoblja sisanja, osobito u odojaka porođajne mase manje od 1000 grama. Novoopraseni odojci nisu u potpunosti fizioloÅ”ki zreli te se pojedini metabolički putovi postupno uspostavljaju tijekom najranijeg razdoblja života. Nadalje, velika količina energije koristi se za održavanje tjelesne temperature, a izgradnja kostiju, porast miÅ”ićne mase te sinteza masnog tkiva vrlo su intenzivni. Sve navedeno može utjecati na promjene u koncentraciji biokemijskih pokazatelja u serumu, od kojih pojedini odstupaju od referentnih vrijednosti danih u literaturi za odrasle svinje. U ovom radu promatrane su promjene u koncentracijama biokemijskih pokazatelja u serumu dviju skupina odojaka velikog jorkÅ”ira, tijekom razdoblja sisanja: jedna je skupina obuhvaćala odojke porođajne mase manje od 1000 g (mali odojci, n = 24), dok su u drugoj bili istospolni potomci iz promatranih legala čija je porođajna masa iznosila ā‰„1000 g (odojci prosječne porođajne mase, n = 24). Uzorci krvi za biokemijsku analizu uzimani su 1., 7., 14. i 21. dana života. U skupini odojaka male porođajne mase utvrđena je niža razina glukoze prvog dana života (P<0,05), kao i niža koncentracija kreatinina 14. i 21. dana (P<0,05). Također, koncentracije triacilglicerola i ureje bile su značajno veće (P<0,05) u lakÅ”ih odojaka starih dva tjedna. Koncentracije ukupnih serumskih bjelančevina, globulina i kreatinina u obje su skupine pred odbiće bile joÅ” uvijek ispod referentnih vrijednosti za svinje, a koncentracija kolesterola viÅ”a. StajaliÅ”ta smo da pojedine razlike između dviju promatranih skupina odojaka ukazuju na činjenicu kako porođajna masa može utjecati na fizioloÅ”ku zrelost novorođenih jedinki


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    Ekstenzivan tov purana dalmatinskog zaleđa (ā€ždalmatinskih tukaā€œ) na obiteljskim gospodarstvima usmjeren je na sezonsku potroÅ”nju purećeg mesa, uglavnom zimi. Način uzgoja, uza specifičnost genotipa, dijelom su razlog karakterističnoj aromi i cijenjenosti njihova mesa. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 20 tuka (po 10 svakog spola) u dobi od 7Ā±0,5 mjeseci, uzgajanih u ujednačenim uvjetima. Da bismo pobliže okarakterizirali kakvoću mesa najznačajnijih dijelova trupa provedena je disekcija prsa, zabataka i bataka te utvrđena zastupljenost pojedinih tkiva (kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva, miÅ”ićnog tkiva, tetiva i ovojnica, masnog tkiva te kosti) kod utovljenih jedinki. Prosječni randman u purana iznosio je 70,41Ā±4,91%, a u pura 70,83Ā±3,24%. Iako su apsolutne vrijednosti tjelesne mase živih jedinki, kao i mase prsa, zabataka i bataka bile značajno veće u muÅ”kih jedinki (p<0,001 za sve), njihov udio u tjelesnoj masi živih jedinki bio je ujednačen po spolu. Nadalje, nisu zabilježene značajne razlike između udjela pojedinih tkiva u prsima purana i pura. U zabatacima purana utvrđen je značajno veći udio kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva (p<0,01), kosti i tetiva (p<0,05) te manji udio miÅ”ićnog tkiva (p<0,05). Također, u batacima muÅ”kih jedinki udio tetiva i ovojnica bio je značajno veći (p<0,001), a udio miÅ”ićnog tkiva manji (p<0,01).Extensive fattening of turkeys at family households in Dalmatian hinterland (so called "Dalmatian tuka") is focused on seasonal consumption of turkey meat, mostly during winter. Breeding as well as the specificity of the genotype are some of the reasons for the characteristic aroma and reputability of their meat. This survey was performed on 20 turkeys (10 of either sex), mean age 7Ā±0.5 months, bred under uniform conditions. Carcass dissection was performed to characterize the quality of the most important parts of meat (breast, thighs and drumsticks) in which the share of tissues was determined (skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue, muscle tissue, tendons and sheaths, adipose tissue and bone). The mean yield in turkeys-cocks was 70.41Ā±4.91% and in turkey-hens 70.83Ā±3.24%. The absolute values of body weight of live animals and the mass of breast, thighs and drumsticks were significantly higher in males (p<0.001 all). However, their share in the live body weight was uniform. We found no significant difference between tissue shares in the breast. Turkey-cocks had a considerably higher share of skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue (p<0.01), bones and tendons (p<0.05) and lower share of muscle tissue (p<0.05) in thighs. Also, the share of tendons and sheaths was significantly higher (p<0.001) in drumsticks of males, while the share of muscle tissue was lower (p<0.01)

    Unexpected difficult extubation due to mechanical cause following parotidectomy: a case report

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    Termin otežani diÅ”ni put odnosi se na teÅ”koće pri intubaciji i ekstubaciji. U ovom radu prikazujemo otežanu ekstubaciju i postupak zbrinjavanja diÅ”nog puta u bolesnice nakon učinjene parotidektomije. Iako postoje smjernice za otežani diÅ”ni put, ne postoje jasne upute za mehanički uzrokovanu otežanu ekstubaciju kada se endotrahealni tubus ne može izvaditi. Takva stanja rijetko se spominju u literaturi, obično u obliku prikaza bolesnika. Nemogućnost vađenja endotrahealnog tubusa zbog mehaničkih uzroka hitno je stanje, stoga nalaže izradu smjernica i algoritma postupanja. Algoritam koji smo rabili u ovom slučaju protekao je bez komplikacija i bolesnica se dobro oporavila.Difficult airway management usually refers to intubation or extubation problems. We present a case eport of difficult extubation, and airway management algorithm that was used in a female patient following parotidectomy. Although there are algorithms for difficult airway management, there are no recommendations for difficult extubation that is mechanically caused and where endotracheal tube cannot be easily removed. Such conditions are rarely mentioned in the literature,usually in the form of case reports. Inability to remove endotracheal tube due to mechanical causes is an urgent condition and calls for an algorithm and guidelines. The algorithm that was performed in this case went uneventfully, and the patient recovered well


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    Na sastanku održanom u ožujku 2012. godine na kojem su sudjelovali vodeći hrvatski stručnjaci donesene su nove, proÅ”irene i osuvremenjene preporuke o dijagnostici i liječenju limfoma. One obuhvaćaju morfoloÅ”ku, radioloÅ”ku i nuklearnomedicinsku dijagnostiku, sustavno liječenje, radioterapiju i praćenje učinka liječenja najvećeg broja tumora limfocitne loze u odraslih osoba. Preporuke su donesene konsenzusom, na temelju izlaganja i prijedloga pojedinih stručnjaka koji su prvo raspravljeni unutar radnih skupina, a potom usuglaÅ”eni na plenarnom sastanku.New, extended and modernized recommendations for diagnostics and treatment of lymphomas were accepted at a meeting held in March 2012 with the participation of major Croatian experts. They encompass morphological, radiological and nuclear diagnostics, systemic treatment, radiotherapy and follow-up of most tumors of lymphoid tissues occurring in adults. The recommendations were agreed upon by consensus. Reporters presented data and suggested recommendations which had been first discussed in working groups and then agreed upon on the plenary session

    Dijagnostika i liječenje limfoma - drugi hrvatski konsenzus [Lymphoma diagnosis and treatment - second Croatian consensus]

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    New, extended and modernized recommendations for diagnostics and treatment of lymphomas were accepted at a meeting held in March 2012 with the participation of major Croatian experts. They encompass morphological, radiological and nuclear diagnostics, systemic treatment, radiotherapy and follow-up of most tumors of lymphoid tissues occurring in adults. The recommendations were agreed upon by consensus. Reporters presented data and suggested recommendations which had been first discussed in working groups and then agreed upon on the plenary session


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    Identifikacijom pojedinih gena odgovornih za veličinu legla te njihovom primjenom u selekciji jedinki, možemo doprinijeti povećanju reprodukcijske učinkovitosti svinja. Estrogeni receptor (ESR) jedan je od kandidatnih gena povezanih s rastom i reproduktivnim svojstvima. Cilj ovog preliminarnog istraživanja bio je analizirati polimorfizam odsječka gena ESR-PvuII, utvrditi frekvencije različitih genotipova kao i veličinu legla za svakog od njih. Primjenom lančane reakcije polimerazom genotipizirano je 30 prvopraskinja hibrida Topigs 20. Polimorfizam estrogenog receptora utvrđen je primjenom restrikcijske endonukleaze PvuII. Analizirani su sljedeći reproduktivni pokazatelji: ukupan broj oprasenih odojaka (UOO), broj živooprasenih odojaka (ŽO), broj mrtvooprasenih odojaka (MO) i broj mumificiranih odojaka (MM). Izračunate su frekvencije alela i genotipova, te je Ļ‡2-testom analizirano odstupanje od Hardy-Weinbergove ravnoteže. Značajnost razlike u promatranim svojstvima između pojedinih genotipova testirana je analizom varijance. Utvrđena su tri genotipa sa sljedećom zastupljenoŔću: AA (13), AB (14) i BB (3). Frekvencija alela A iznosila je 0,67, a alela B 0,33, pri čemu nije utvrđeno odstupanje od Hardy-Weinbergove ravnoteže. U prvopraskinja genotipa BB utvrđen je najveći broj UOO (14,33) i MO (2,33) za razliku od genotipa AA s najvećim brojem ŽO (12,66) i MM (0,38) odojaka. Iako su pronađene pojedine razlike u veličini legla kod jedinki različitih genotipova, one nisu bile statistički značajne (p>0,05). Vjerujemo da će daljnje analize provedene na većem broju jedinki doprinijeti konkretnijim zaključcima o mogućoj povezanosti ESR-PvuII genotipa i veličine legla u krmača Topigs 20.Identification of individual genes controlling litter size and their use in selection programs could contribute to an increased reproductive rate in pig population. Estrogen receptor gene (ESR) is a candidate gene marker for reproductive traits and growth in pigs. The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate ESR gene polymorphism as well as the frequencies of different ESR-PvuII genotypes and their litter size in primiparous sows. The polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method with the PvuII restriction enzyme was used on genotyping 30 primiparous Topigs 20 hybrid sows. The following reproductive traits of litter size were analyzed: Total Number of Born piglets (TNB), Number of piglets Born Alive (NBA), Number of Stillborn piglets (NSB) and Number of Mummified piglets (NMUM). Allele and genotype frequencies were calculated, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested using Ļ‡2-test. The ANOVA test was used to analyze litter size differences between sows with different genotypes. Three genotypes were detected with absolute frequencies (AA (13), AB (14) and BB (3)), while the gene relative frequency was 0.67 for A allele and 0.33 for B allele. Study animals were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The primiparous sows with the BB genotype showed highest TNB (14.33) and NSB (2.33), while NBA and NMUM were highest in primiparous sows with AA genotype (12.66 and 0.38, respectively). Although some differences were found in litter size according to genotypes they were not significant (P>0.05). Further investigations in a larger sample size will contribute to more conclusive evaluation of the possible correlation between ESR-PvuII polymorphism and litter size in sows