2,759 research outputs found

    Evolution of a black hole-inhabited brane close to reconnection

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    Last moments of a mini black hole escaping from a brane are studied. It is argued that at the point of reconnection, where the piece of the brane attached to the black hole separates from the rest, the worldsheet of the brane becomes isotropic (light-like). The degenerate mode of evolution, with the worldsheet isotropic everywhere, is investigated. In particular, it is shown that the brane approaches the reconnection point from below if it reconnects within a certain limit distance, and from above if it reconnects beyond that distance. The rate of relaxation to the degenerate mode is established. If the dimension of the brane is pp, the nondegeneracy, measured by the determinant of the relevant part of the induced metric tensor, falls down as (latitudinal angle)2(p1)^{2(p - 1)}.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Euclidean action for vacuum decay in a de Sitter universe

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    The behavior of the action of the instantons describing vacuum decay in a de Sitter is investigated. For a near-to-limit instanton (a Coleman-de Luccia instanton close to some Hawking-Moss instanton) we find approximate formulas for the Euclidean action by expanding the scalar field and the metric of the instanton in the powers of the scalar field amplitude. The order of the magnitude of the correction to the Hawking-Moss action depends on the order of the instanton (the number of crossings of the barrier by the scalar field): for instantons of odd and even orders the correction is of the fourth and third order in the scalar field amplitude, respectively. If a near-to-limit instanton of the first order exists in a potential with the curvature at the top of the barrier greater than 4 ×\times (Hubble constant)2^2, which is the case if the fourth derivative of the potential at the top of the barrier is greater than some negative limit value, the action of the instanton is less than the Hawking-Moss action and, consequently, the instanton determines the outcome of the vacuum decay if no other Coleman-de Luccia instanton is admitted by the potential. A numerical study shows that for the quartic potential the physical mode of the vacuum decay is given by the Coleman-de Luccia instanton of the first order also in the region of parameters in which the potential admits two instantons of the second order.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, references adde

    Life inside black holes

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    We consider test planet and photon orbits of the third kind inside a black hole, which are stable, periodic and neither come out of the black hole nor terminate at the singularity. Interiors of supermassive black holes may be inhabited by advanced civilizations living on planets with the third-kind orbits. In principle, one can get information from the interiors of black holes by observing their white hole counterparts.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Coleman - de Luccia instanton of the second order in a brane world

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    The second order Coleman - de Luccia instanton and its action in the Randall - Sundrum type II model are investigated and the comparison with the results in Einstein's general relativity is done in the present paper.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in IJT

    False vacuum decay in a brane world cosmological model

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    The false vacuum decay in a brane world model is studied in this work. We investigate the vacuum decay via the Coleman-de Luccia instanton, derive explicit approximative expressions for the Coleman-de Luccia instanton which is close to a Hawking-Moss instanton and compare the results with those already obtained within Einstein's theory of relativity.Comment: minor changes done, references added, version to appear in GR

    Anomalous Soft Photons in Hadron Production

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    Anomalous soft photons in excess of what is expected from electromagnetic bremsstrahlung have been observed in association with the production of hadrons, mostly mesons, in high-energy (K+)p, (pi+)p, (pi-)p, pp, and (e+)(e-) collisions. We propose a model for the simultaneous production of anomalous soft photons and mesons in quantum field theory, in which the meson production arises from the oscillation of color charge densities of the quarks of the underlying vacuum in the flux tube. As a quark carries both a color charge and an electric charge, the oscillation of the color charge densities will be accompanied by the oscillation of electric charge densities, which will in turn lead to the simultaneous production of soft photons during the meson production process. How the production of these soft photons may explain the anomalous soft photon data will be discussed. Further experimental measurements to test the model will be proposed.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Equilibrium conditions of spinning test particles in Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes

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    Equilibrium conditions and spin dynamics of spinning test particles are discussed in the stationary and axially symmetric Kerr-de Sitter black-hole or naked-singularity spacetimes. The general equilibrium conditions are established, but due to their great complexity, the detailed discussion of the equilibrium conditions and spin dynamics is presented only in the simple and most relevant cases of equilibrium positions in the equatorial plane and on the symmetry axis of the spacetimes. It is shown that due to the combined effect of the rotation of the source and the cosmic repulsion the equilibrium is spin dependent in contrast to the spherically symmetric spacetimes. In the equatorial plane, it is possible at the so-called static radius, where the gravitational attraction is balanced by the cosmic repulsion, for the spinless particles as well as for spinning particles with arbitrarily large azimuthal-oriented spin or at any radius outside the ergosphere with a specifically given spin orthogonal to the equatorial plane. On the symmetry axis, the equilibrium is possible at any radius in the stationary region and is given by an appropriately tuned spin directed along the axis. At the static radii on the axis the spin of particles in equilibrium must vanish

    Stable photon orbits in stationary axisymmetric electrovacuum spacetimes

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    We investigate the existence and phenomenology of stable photon orbits (SPOs) in stationary axisymmetric electrovacuum spacetimes in four dimensions. First, we review the classification of equatorial circular photon orbits on Kerr-Newman spacetimes in the charge-spin plane. Second, using a Hamiltonian formulation, we show that Reissner-Nordström diholes (a family encompassing the Majumdar-Papapetrou and Weyl-Bach special cases) admit SPOs, in a certain parameter regime that we investigate. Third, we explore the transition from order to chaos for typical SPOs bounded within a toroidal region around a dihole, via a selection of Poincaré sections. Finally, for general axisymmetric stationary spacetimes, we show that the Einstein-Maxwell field equations allow for the existence of SPOs in electro vacuum, but not in pure vacuum

    Is there life inside black holes?

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    Bound inside rotating or charged black holes, there are stable periodic planetary orbits, which neither come out nor terminate at the central singularity. Stable periodic orbits inside black holes exist even for photons. These bound orbits may be defined as orbits of the third kind, following the Chandrasekhar classification of particle orbits in the black hole gravitational field. The existence domain for the third kind orbits is rather spacious, and thus there is place for life inside supermassive black holes in the galactic nuclei. Interiors of the supermassive black holes may be inhabited by civilizations, being invisible from the outside. In principle, one can get information from the interiors of black holes by observing their white hole counterparts.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; references adde