8 research outputs found

    Intravascular Young's modulus reconstruction using a parametric finite element model

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    IntraVascular UltraSound (IVUS) elastography may be used to detect vulnerable, rupture prone plaques, which are held responsible for the majority of acute coronary syndromes. IVUS elastography accomplishes this by visualising local incremental radial strain of arteries, in so-called elastograms. These are an artifactual image of the Young's modulus distribution and therefore, they cannot be directly interpreted as plaque component images. To overcome this limitation, we developed a modulography tool, which converts an elastogram into a modulogram, i.e. a Young's modulus image. This tool is especially developed for reconstruction of plaques having a lipid pool covered by a cap. Reconstruction consists of matching the strain image output, calculated with a parametric finite element model (PFEM) representation of a vulnerable plaque, to an elastogram by iteratively updating the PFEM parameters. The modulography tool successfully reconstructed both geometry and composition of a vulnerable plaque, solely using an elastogram as inpu

    Intravascular Young's modulus reconstruction using a parametric finite element model

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    IntraVascular UltraSound (IVUS) elastography may be used to detect vulnerable, rupture prone plaques, which are held responsible for the majority of acute coronary syndromes. IVUS elastography accomplishes this by visualising local incremental radial strain of arteries, in so-called elastograms. These are an artifactual image of the Young's modulus distribution and therefore, they cannot be directly interpreted as plaque component images. To overcome this limitation, we developed a modulography tool, which converts an elastogram into a modulogram, i.e. a Young's modulus image. This tool is especially developed for reconstruction of plaques having a lipid pool covered by a cap. Reconstruction consists of matching the strain image output, calculated with a parametric finite element model (PFEM) representation of a vulnerable plaque, to an elastogram by iteratively updating the PFEM parameters. The modulography tool successfully reconstructed both geometry and composition of a vulnerable plaque, solely using an elastogram as inpu

    A finite element model for performing intravascular ultrasound elastography of human atherosclerotic coronary arteries.

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    Contains fulltext : 57285.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Intravascular ultrasound (US) elastography measures in an artery the arterial radial strain and displays it in an elastogram. An elastogram adds diagnostic information, such as the proneness of a plaque to rupture and its material composition. However, radial strain depends upon the material properties of an artery, including geometry and used catheter position. Therefore, there is not always a one-to-one correspondence between radial strain and rupture-proneness or material composition. Both the dependence and the correspondence can be quantified after a proper finite element model (FEM) is available. Therefore, this paper proposes a FEM and shows that it can model the arterial strain behavior. Its modelling capability was evaluated by comparing simulated with measured elastograms. Measured elastograms were processed from radiofrequency (RF) data obtained in vitro from six objects: a vessel-mimicking phantom and five excised human atherosclerotic coronary arteries. A FEM was created for each object and used to simulate an elastogram; the material properties and geometry of the FEM were obtained from the histology of the object. Comparison was performed upon high strain regions (HStR), because these regions have proven to contain plaques that show the hallmarks of vulnerable plaques. Eight HStR were automatically identified from the five arteries. Statistical tests showed that there was no significant difference between simulated and corresponding measured elastograms in location, surface area or mean strain value of a HStR. The results demonstrate that the FEM can simulate elastograms measured from arteries. As such, the FEM may help in quantifying strain-dependencies and assist in tissue characterization by reconstructing a Young's modulus image from a measured elastogram

    Finite element modeling and intravascular ultrasound elastography of vulnerable plaques: parameter variation.

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    Contains fulltext : 58419.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND AND GOAL: More than 60% of all myocardial infarction is caused by rupture of a vulnerable plaque. A vulnerable plaque can be described as a large, soft lipid pool covered by a thin fibrous cap. Plaque material composition, geometry, and inflammation caused by infiltration of macrophages are considered as major determinants for plaque rupture. For diagnostic purposes, these determinants may be obtained from elastograms (i.e. radial strain images), which are derived from intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) measurements. IVUS elastograms, however, cannot be interpreted directly as tissue component images, because radial strain depends upon plaque geometry, plaque material properties, and used catheter position. To understand and quantify the influence of these parameters upon measured IVUS elastograms, they were varied in a finite element model (FEM) that simulates IVUS elastograms of vulnerable plaques. MATERIALS AND METHODS: IVUS elastography measurements were performed on a vessel mimicking phantom, with a soft plaque embedded in a hard wall, and an atherosclerotic human coronary artery containing a vulnerable plaque. Next, FEMs were created to simulate IVUS elastograms of the same objects. In these FEMs the following parameters were varied: Young's modulus (E), Poisson's ratio (nu) in range 0.49-0.4999, catheter position (translation of 0.8 mm), and cap thickness (t) in range 50-350 microm. Hereby the resulting peak radial strain (PRS) was determined and visualized. RESULTS: Measured static E for phantom was 4.2 kPa for plaque and 16.8 kPa for wall.Variation of E-wall in range 8.4-33.2 kPa and/or E-plaque in range 2.1-8.4 kPa using the phantom FEM, gave a PRS variation of 1.6%, i.e. from 1.7% up to almost 3.3%; for variation in nu this was only 0.07%, i.e. from 2.37% up to 2.44%. Variation of E-lipid in range 6.25-400 kPa and E-cap in range 700-2300 kPa using the artery FEM, gave a PRS variation of 3.1%, i.e. from 0.6% up to 3.7%. The PRS was higher for lower E-lipid and E-cap; it was located at a shoulder of the lipid pool. Variation of nu gave only a variation of 0.17%. Variation of t and E-cap resulted in a PRS variation of 1.4%, i.e. from 0.3% up to 1.7%; thinner and weaker caps gave higher PRS. Catheter position variation changed radial strain value. CONCLUSIONS: Measured IVUS elastograms of vulnerable plaques depend highly upon the Young's modulus of lipid and cap, but not upon the Poisson's ratio. Different catheter positions result in different IVUS elastograms, but the diagnostically important high strain regions at the lipid shoulders are often still detectable. PRS increases when cap weakens or cap thickness decreases

    Intravascular Ultrasound Elastography: A Clinician's Tool for Assessing Vulnerability and Material Composition of Plaques.

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe material composition and morphology of the atherosclerotic plaque components are considered to be more important determinants of acute coronary ischemic syndromes than the degree of stenosis. When a vulnerable plaque ruptures it causes an acute thrombotic reaction. Rupture prone plaques contain a large lipid pool covered by a thin fibrous cap. The stress in these caps increases with decreasing thickness. Additionally, the cap may be weakened by macrophage infiltration. IntraVascular UltraSound (IVUS) elastography might be an ideal technique to assess the presence of lipid pools and to identify high stress regions. Elastography is a technique that assesses the local elasticity (strain and modulus) of tissue. It is based on the principle that the deformation of tissue by a mechanical excitation is a function of its material properties. The deformation of the tissue is determined using ultrasound. For intravascular purposes, the intraluminal pressure is used as the excitation force. The radial strain in the tissue is obtained by cross-correlation techniques on the radio frequency signals. The strain is color-coded and plotted as a complimentary image to the IVUS echogram. IVUS elastography, and IVUS palpography (which uses the same principle but is faster and more robust), have been extensively validated using simulations and by performing experiments in vitro and in vivo with diseased arteries from animals and humans. Strain was shown to be significantly different in various plaque types (absent, fatty, fibrous or calcified). A high strain region with adjacent low strain at the lumen vessel-wall boundary has 88% sensitivity and 89% specificity for detecting vulnerable plaques. High strain regions at the lumen plaque-surface have 92% sensitivity and 92% specificity for identifying macrophages. Furthermore, the incidence of vulnerable-plaque-specific strain patterns in humans has been related to clinical presentation (stable angina, unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction) and the level of C-reactive protein. In conclusion, the results obtained with IVUS (strain and modulus) elastography/palpography, show the potential of the technique to become a unique tool for clinicians to assess the vulnerability and material composition of plaques