62 research outputs found

    Formulation Strategies to Improve Oral Bioavailability of Ellagic Acid

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    Ellagic acid, a polyphenolic compound present in fruit and berries, has recently been the object of extensive research for its antioxidant activity, which might be useful for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular pathologies, and neurodegenerative disorders. Its protective role justifies numerous attempts to include it in functional food preparations and in dietary supplements, and not only to limit the unpleasant collateral effects of chemotherapy. However, ellagic acid use as a chemopreventive agent has been debated because of its poor bioavailability associated with low solubility, limited permeability, first pass effect, and interindividual variability in gut microbial transformations. To overcome these drawbacks, various strategies for oral administration including solid dispersions, micro and nanoparticles, inclusion complexes, self-emulsifying systems, and polymorphs were proposed. Here, we listed an updated description of pursued micro and nanotechnological approaches focusing on the fabrication processes and the features of the obtained products, as well as on the positive results yielded by in vitro and in vivo studies in comparison to the raw material. The micro and nanosized formulations here described might be exploited for pharmaceutical delivery of this active, as well as for the production of nutritional supplements or for the enrichment of novel foods

    Profiling of the Predicted Circular RNAs in Ductal In Situ and Invasive Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study

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    The recent advantage obtained by next generation sequencing allows a depth investigation of a new “old” kind of noncoding transcript, the circular RNAs. Circular RNAs are nontranslated RNAs, typically nonpolyadenylated, with a resistance to exonucleases that gives them the ability to be more stable than the common linear RNA isoforms. We used a bioinformatic detection tool (CIRCexplorer) to research predictive circRNAs from the next generation sequenced data of five samples of ductal in situ carcinoma (DCIS) and matched adjacent invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). Furthermore, we also investigated the circular RNAs expressed in MCF7, an invasive breast ductal carcinoma cell line. We described the genomic context of the predicted circular RNAs and we address the hypothetical possible functional roles. This study showed a perspective of a panel of predictive circRNAs identified and the function that circRNAs could exert

    Profiling of the Predicted Circular RNAs in Ductal In Situ and Invasive Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study

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    The recent advantage obtained by next generation sequencing allows a depth investigation of a new "old" kind of noncoding transcript, the circular RNAs. Circular RNAs are nontranslated RNAs, typically nonpolyadenylated, with a resistance to exonucleases that gives them the ability to be more stable than the common linear RNA isoforms. We used a bioinformatic detection tool (CIRCexplorer) to research predictive circRNAs from the next generation sequenced data of five samples of ductal in situ carcinoma (DCIS) and matched adjacent invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). Furthermore, we also investigated the circular RNAs expressed in MCF7, an invasive breast ductal carcinoma cell line. We described the genomic context of the predicted circular RNAs and we address the hypothetical possible functional roles. This study showed a perspective of a panel of predictive circRNAs identified and the function that circRNAs could exert

    Heterogeneity in circulating tumor cells : the relevance of the stem-cell subset

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    The release of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) into vasculature is an early event in the metastatic process. The analysis of CTCs in patients has recently received widespread attention because of its clinical implications, particularly for precision medicine. Accumulated evidence documents a large heterogeneity in CTCs across patients. Currently, the most accepted view is that tumor cells with an intermediate phenotype between epithelial and mesenchymal have the highest plasticity. Indeed, the existence of a meta-stable or partial epithelial⁻mesenchymal transition (EMT) cell state, with both epithelial and mesenchymal features, can be easily reconciled with the concept of a highly plastic stem-like state. A close connection between EMT and cancer stem cells (CSC) traits, with enhanced metastatic competence and drug resistance, has also been described. Accordingly, a subset of CTCs consisting of CSC, present a stemness profile, are able to survive chemotherapy, and generate metastases after xenotransplantation in immunodeficient mice. In the present review, we discuss the current evidence connecting CTCs, EMT, and stemness. An improved understanding of the CTC/EMT/CSC connections may uncover novel therapeutic targets, irrespective of the tumor type, since most cancers seem to harbor a pool of CSCs, and disclose important mechanisms underlying tumorigenicity

    Loss of miR-204 expression is a key event in melanoma

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    Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is a malignancy with increasing occurrence. Its microRNA repertoire has been defined in a number studies, leading to candidates for biological and clinical relevance: miR-200a/b/c, miR-203, miR-205, miR-204, miR-211, miR-23b and miR-26a/b. Our work was aimed to validate the role of these candidate miRNAs in melanoma, using additional patients cohorts and in vitro cultures. miR-26a, miR-204 and miR-211 were more expressed in normal melanocytes, while miR-23b, miR-200b/c, miR-203 and miR-205 in epidermis and keratinocytes. None of the keratinocyte-related miRNAs was associated with any known mutation or with clinical covariates in melanoma. On the other hand, the loss of miR-204 was enriched in melanomas with NRAS sole mutation (Fisher exact test, P = 0.001, Log Odds = 1.67), and less frequent than expected in those harbouring CDKN2A mutations (Fisher exact test, P = 0.001, Log Odds − 1.09). Additionally, miR-204 was associated with better prognosis in two independent melanoma cohorts and its exogenous expression led to growth impairment in melanoma cell lines. Thus, miR-204 represents a relevant mechanism in melanoma, with potential prognostic value and its loss seems to act in the CDKN2A pathway, in cooperation with NRAS

    Contribution of ultrarare variants in mTOR pathway genes to sporadic focal epilepsies

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    Objective: We investigated the contribution to sporadic focal epilepsies (FE) of ultrarare variants in genes coding for the components of complexes regulating mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin (mTOR)complex 1 (mTORC1). Methods: We collected genetic data of 121 Italian isolated FE cases and 512 controls by Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) and single-molecule Molecular Inversion Probes (smMIPs) targeting 10 genes of the GATOR1, GATOR2, and TSC complexes. We collapsed “qualifying” variants (ultrarare and predicted to be deleterious or loss of function) across the examined genes and sought to identify their enrichment in cases compared to controls. Results: We found eight qualifying variants in cases and nine in controls, demonstrating enrichment in FE patients (P = 0.006; exact unconditional test, one-tailed). Pathogenic variants were identified in DEPDC5 and TSC2, both major genes for Mendelian FE syndromes. Interpretation: Our findings support the contribution of ultrarare variants in genes in the mTOR pathway complexes GATOR and TSC to the risk of sporadic FE and a shared genetic basis between rare and common epilepsies. The identification of a monogenic etiology in isolated cases, most typically encountered in clinical practice, may offer to a broader community of patients the perspective of precision therapies directed by the underlying genetic cause

    LIP Virtual Visit 2019

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    CMS Virtual Visit with LIP (Portugal) July 201

    CMS PhD Thesis Award

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    Pictures of winners CMS PhD thesis of the year 201

    CMS PhD thesis award 2019

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    Pictures of winners CMS PhD thesis of the year 201
