39 research outputs found

    Future skills needs in EU and skills transferability in 2020 : sector meta-analysis

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    Employment and its changes caused by restructuring are topics, which European Union pays attention to in long-run horizon, and the experience of current economic crisis confirms the rectitude of this approach. Structural changes always generate a need of the re-emplacement of laid off workers. Possibilities of their emplacement is strongly influenced by knowledge and skills offered by workers and demanded by employers. Acquaintance with future demand on knowledge and skills applicable across whole economy or applicable in different segments of labour market, i.e. in concrete occupations and sectors, enables effective targeting of educational activities at both individual and social levels, which will lead to higher flexibility of labour market mirrored mainly by high occupational mobility and low structural unemployment. The aim of this paper is to analyse future knowledge and skills needs recognized in 18 future-oriented sector analyses, published by European Commission in 2009, and identify knowledge and skills applicable in individual sectors, occupations and on the whole labour market, i.e. identify transferable knowledge and skills

    Soft skills of Czech graduates

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    Finding a job is easier for people who are better equipped with soft skills, as they are more productive. Therefore, this article deals with the evaluation of soft skills of graduates from Czech public universities. The results show that the same soft skills are required from university graduates as from the population as a whole (only problem solving is more pronounced with them), but the required level of these skills is 42% higher in the case of graduates. Unfortunately, employers perceive the level of graduates' soft skills insufficient as their level is by 16.46 to 31.15% lower than required. A more detailed analysis showed that, in terms of the development of soft skills, Czech universities provide a very homogenous service. Graduates of universities have nearly the same level of soft skills, while they can also identify similar strengths and weaknesses. These findings suggest that Czech universities should pay more attention to the systematic development of soft skills.Web of Science181604

    50+ employees on Czech and Moravian-Silesian labour market

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    The ageing of the Czech population brings the problem of insufficient quantitative and qualitative reproduction of the labour force, which influences the competitiveness of the country. National strategic documents emphasize the necessity of using the work potential of older people through the realization of measures supporting their employment. The efficiency of these measures depends on the characteristics of the older people, the attitudes of other labour market subjects towards them, and regional differences. Therefore, the aim of this paper is the detailed description of older people’s characteristics and their situation , and the evaluation of its differences between national and regional levels. The paper did not identify any significant differences between the situation of older people on the national labour market and the labour market of the Moravian-Silesian region, which suggests the applicability of unified approach supporting the employability of 50+ people. However, a lack of interest in employing 50+ workers was identified in the case of small and medium enterprises, as well as insufficient activity by 50+ individuals themselves to lead to any improvement of their current situation

    University canteen light panel for announcing of prepared food

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    katedra: ITE; rozsah: 41Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací systému světelných panelů, oznamujících hotové minutky, zabudovaných v menze Husova na Technické univerzitě v Liberci. Systém se skládá ze dvou částí. První část tvoří ovládací pult, který je instalován v místě výdeje hotových minutek a pomocí něhož pracovník menzy volí konkrétní číselnou hodnotu přiřazenou vydávanému jídlu. Druhou část tvoří dva světelné číselné panely, které jsou umístěny v jídelně. Pomocí těchto panelů jsou strávníci vyzýváni k odběru jídla, které je již hotové a připravené k výdeji. V úvodu práce je čtenář seznámen s postupem výdeje hotových minutek v menze Husova na TU v Liberci. Práce se dále zabývá analýzou trhu s již hotovými zobrazovacími systémy a navrhuje nové řešení systému oznamování výdeje minutek. V závěru práce je popisován konkrétní postup řešení funkčního systému.This bachelor's paper is pursuing a new technical solution for a canteen food dispensing system that is informing guests about food that is prepared and ready to be taken. This system is designed to be used at the Technical University Liberec - Husova university school canteen. System consists of two parts. First part is a control panel, located at the place where the food is dispensed, which is used by the canteen employee to select a specific number associated to the currently dispensed food. Second part consists of two digital numerical light panels, which are used to inform the guests about a number of the food plate being ready to be taken. In the beginning of the paper, the reader will be given description of the system of food dispensing at Technical University Liberec - Husova university canteen. Paper continues inquires into a current market with numeral visual display units and with a suggestion for a new resolution of the system of informing guests about plates that are ready to be taken. In the end, work describes particular technical process, resulting in the existence of a new visual system

    Lidský kapitál a jeho evoluce v ekonomické teorii

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    University canteen light panel for announcing of prepared food

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    Uporaba teorije fizikalne podobnosti za opis filtriranja kovinske taline

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    The Bernoulli equation is the basis for the primary description of the flow of a real metallic melt through the pouring system for the filling of the casting mould with an inserted ceramic filter. In principle, a modified, dimensionless form of the Bernoulli equation can be used for the determination of the loss coefficient as a general function of the dimensionless criteria – the Reynolds, Froude and Euler numbers. It was verified by modelling the flow of the modelling liquid (in this case water) through ceramic filters. In the same interval of Reynolds numbers the loss coefficient was greater for foam filters than for filters with direct holes (strainers); however, the outlet coefficient μ of the foam filters was, in identical conditions, significantly lower than that of filters with direct holes.Bernoullijeva enačba je podlaga za opis pretoka taline skozi livni sistem z vstavljenim keramičnim filtrom. Načeloma je mogoče uporabiti modificirano brezdimenzijsko obliko Bernoullijeve enačbe za določitev koeficienta izgube kot funkcije brezdimenzijskega kriterija – Reynoldsovega, Froudovega ali Eulerjevega števila. S pretokom modelne tekočine (vode) je bilo preverjeno, da je pri enakem intervalu Reynoldsovih števil koeficient izgube večji pri penastem filtru kot pri filtru z direktnimi luknjicami, vendar pa je izhodni koeficient μ za penaste filtre pri enakih pogojih pomembno nižji kot pri filtrih z neposrednimi luknjicami

    Razvoj in preizkus nove kokile vrste 8k za ulivanje ingotov iz orodnega jekla

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    The traditional production of machinery and tools at ŽĎAS, a. s., and the increasing requirements placed on the final product, particularly those related to the internal quality of forgings, requires new technological measures for the ingot’s casting and solidification. The development and use of the new mould type 8K9.2 for tool-steel ingot casting has reduced the share of forgings with unacceptable quality. A substantial improvement has been achieved, especially in terms of the occurrence of defects, such as cavities and cracks in the ingot body.Tradicionalna proizvodnja strojev in orodij v podjetju ŽĎAS, a. s., in naraščajoče zahteve pri lastnostih končnega proizvoda, ki so povezane z notranjo kakovostjo izkovkov, so zahtevale nove tehnološke ukrepe pri litju in strjevanju ingotov. Razvoj in uporaba nove kokile vrste 8K9.2 za litje jeklenih ingotov sta zmanjšala delež ingotov nesprejemljive kakovosti. Pomembno izboljšanje je bilo doseženo pri pogostosti napak, razpok in votlin v notranjosti ingota