691 research outputs found
The Epistemological Nature of Language Teaching
Tradotto in francese (Nature épistémologique de la didactique des langues) ed in spagnolo (La naturaleza epistemològica de la metodologìa de la ensenanza de la lengua), stessa edizione e anno
La comunicazione interculturale
The book aims at providing a model of intercultural communication. The term "model" is used here in the senso of the theory of models, ui.e., it is a conceptual structure supposed to be valid everywhere and in any time - althoug in a soft science paradigm shifts may occur.
the rest of the book is made of examples showing the implementation of the model
Storia dell’educazione linguistica in Italia. Dalla Legge Casati alla Riforma Gelmini.
In view of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Union of Italy, the national Commission asked me to provide a history of language education since 1861 (in fact, since 1859, when the Piedmontese school system was designed which was to be later adopted by thenew born Italian Kingdom).
The basic idea of the study is that what was suggested or imposed by ministerial programmes and syllabuses showed what the idea of "united Italy" was in the different periods of our history
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