6,393 research outputs found

    Live stranding of Dolphins at Tuticorin-Rescue and release operation

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    On 23.04.2000 two dolphins were found swimming in the shallow waters of Karapad (Tuticorin) bay situated near CMFRI fish culture pond and parallel to the harbour link road by few fishermen during the early hours of the day

    Live stranding of sei whale Balaenoptera borealis Lesson at Tuticorin

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    On receipt of a message about the stranding of a whale In live condition, on 1-6-2000 a team from CMFRI visited the place to collect information on the stranding of whale

    Modifications of craft and gear in diversified tuna fishery undertaken at Tharuvaikulam. Gulf of Mannar, India

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    At present nearly 30 shrimp trawlers have been converted for drift gill net fishing at Tharuvalkulam. In the years to come perhaps more and more trawlers may be converted for tuna fishery employing drift gill net. The day may not be far away even, to introduce the mechanical hauling system which is no longer in use. It has been reported that seven species of tuna such as E. qfflnis. A. thazard, A. rochei, T. albacares, T. tonggol. S. orientalis and K. pelamis occur during tuna season (June-Oct) and in the rest of period only a few species of tuna would support the fishery. However, due to recent development during the off season also one can encounter seven species of tuna. Diversification in the small scale fishing sector with greater use of drift gillnets and crafts may play a vital role in augmenting the production of tunas along the Gulf of Mannar coast

    Spacetime and the Holographic Renormalization Group

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    Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space can be foliated by a family of nested surfaces homeomorphic to the boundary of the space. We propose a holographic correspondence between theories living on each surface in the foliation and quantum gravity in the enclosed volume. The flow of observables between our ``interior'' theories is described by a renormalization group equation. The dependence of these flows on the foliation of space encodes bulk geometry.Comment: 12 page

    Manta birostris landed at Tuticorin

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    On 31.03.2006 one female Manta birostris measuring 370 cm in total length 620 cm in breadth and weighing 1550 kg was caught by "singi valai" (a type of bottom set gill net) from a depth of 40 m off Tuticorin and brought to Tuticorin north landing centre

    Occurrence of the deep sea crab, Thalamita crenata in shallow water gillnet (mural valai) operation at Tharuvaikulam, north of Tuticorin

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    The deep sea crab, Thalamita crenata mostly inhabit only deeper waters (>100 m) and occur in deep sea gillnet operations along with fishes like hemiramphids, belonids and Exocetus spp. as stray catches. It never formed a fishery and did not gain any economical importance

    Whale shark, Rhinocodon typus (Smith) landed at Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar

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    Paper is reporting the morphometric measurements of a male whale shark Rhinocodon typus measuring 4.45 m and weighing approximately 1.5 t got entangled in a nylon net at a depth of 90-100 m,operated for tuna and allied species

    Innovative method of processing crabs at landing centre

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    A sizable number of fisherfolk diverted theirfishing effort for crab fishery. Better catch of crabs urged the processors to adopt indigenous processing technology. The crabs are first sorted out species-wise and quality-wise for processing

    An account on the disposal of deep sea sharks and skates at Tuticorin

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    Roughly 6.9 tonnes of sharks were auctioned for Rs. 97,242/- during the five months period. The elasmobranch catch comprised of 6 species of sharks such as 1. Carcharhinus sorrah (Spot tail shark), 2. Carcharhinus longimanus (Oceanic while tip shark), 3. Carcharhinus brivipinna, (Spinner shark), 4. Carcharhinus limbatus (Black tip shark), 5. Carcharhinus melanoptenis (Black tip rear shark) and 6. Sphyma lewini (Scallopped hammer head shark) and one species of Skate Rhina anchylostoma. The flesh was salted and sent to Kerala. The liver was utilized for extracting oil and the fins were dried for export

    On a large Devil ray Manta birostris landed at Tuticorin

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    Two of Devil ray measuring 2.17 and 2.11m in total length and 5.54 and 5.25 min breadth respectively were caught from the inshore waters of Tuticorin at a depth of 50 m by gill net operated from Tuticorin type of boat. It was identified as Mania birostis locally known as ' Kotnbu thirukai'.While the former was a female weighing 1,200 kg. The latter was a male weighing 1,150 kg. Both the specimens were auctioned for Rs. 400/- at the landing centre
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