136 research outputs found
Wittgenstein and Diamond on meaning and experience: from groundlessness to creativity
© Maria Balaska 2016.The chapter deals with what is here called ‘an experience of limitation’. I introduce this term as a combination of what Wittgenstein describes, in ‘A Lecture on Ethics’, as the ‘running-up-against paradox’, on the one hand, and, on the other, what Cora Diamond describes as the ‘difficulty of reality’ when she speaks of experiences which are painful and difficult or awesome and astonishing in their inexplicability (Diamond, 2008, pp.45–6). I argue that what Wittgenstein’s and Diamond’s kinds of experience have in common (and what the above-introduced term designates) is that they appear to have an absolute value, which looks as if it cannot be expressed in words, at least not without leading to our dissatisfaction with meaning.1Final Accepted Versio
Coulomb-Gas Approach For Percolation Theory
The aim of this work is to present a non trivial confirmation of the powerful
of the Coulomb gas-techniques for Boundary Conformal Field Theory (BCFT). We
show that we can re-derive the known Cardy result of percolation problem via
the technics developed by S. Kawai in the Coulomb-Gas formalism.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. The title and the abstract were changed and the
introduction was modifie
Remarks on ``Coloring Random Triangulation''
We transform the two-matrix model, studied by P.Di Francesco and al., into a
normal one-matrix model by identifying a ``formal'' integral used by these
authors as a proper integral. We show also, using their method, that the
results obtained for the resolvent and the density are not reliable.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, LaTe
On the critical behaviour of hermitean f-matrix models in the double scaling limit with f >= 3
An algorithm for the isolation of any singularity of f-matrix models in the
double scaling limit is presented. In particular it is proved by construction
that only those universality classes exist that are known from 2-matrix models.Comment: 24 pages, LaTex, correction of some notation errors and addition of
four reference
Excitation Spectrum at the Yang-Lee Edge Singularity of 2D Ising Model on the Strip
At the Yang-Lee edge singularity, finite-size scaling behavior is used to
measure the low-lying excitation spectrum of the Ising quantum spin chain for
free boundary conditions. The measured spectrum is used to identify the CFT
that describes the Yang-Lee edge singularity of the 2D Ising model for free
boundary conditions.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
The Continuous Series of Critical Points of the Two-Matrix Model at N -> infinity in the Double Scaling Limit
The critical points of the continuous series are characterized by two complex
numbers l_1,l_2 (Re(l_1,l_2)=3) which enters
the string susceptibility constant through gamma = -2/(n-1). The critical
potentials are analytic functions with a convergence radius depending on l_1 or
l_2. We use the orthogonal polynomial method and solve the Schwinger-Dyson
equations with a technique borrowed from conformal field theory.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe
Family language policy in Italian transnational families in the UK: Influence of language ideologies on heritage language management
This study investigates how parental language ideologies and attitudes shape Family Language Policy (FLP) in Italian transnational families in the UK. There has been an increasing interest in FLP research in recent years; however, the Italian community in the UK is under-studied. This exploratory study aimed at investigating how language ideologies in Italian transnational families affect language practices and management. The findings suggest that language ideologies such as the ‘bilingual advantage’ have a significant impact on language practices and management in the family domain. However, language ideologies are not always in line with language practices with conflicting language ideologies being more common in mixed marriage families. Additionally, the study offers new insights into the complexities of emotions surrounding FLP and bilingual upbringing as well as how parental future aspirations can shape FLP. Further research is suggested with regards to the role that siblings' dynamics can play on the negotiation of FLP as well as longitudinal research which will offer insights into the constantly evolving linguistic environment of transnational families
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