7 research outputs found

    Экономический потенциал Республики Беларусь после присоединения к ШОС: преимущества и возможности

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    In the era of globalization, integration groupings have become an important tool for the development of many countries in the world economy. They contribute to the formation of close economic ties and coordination of foreign trade between the participants, which in turn has a favorable effect on the development of the national economy of the country. Participation in integration associations is of great importance for the development of Belarus’ economy and increasing its role in the international arena. Membership in the SCO opens up new prospects for the country and provides an opportunity to expand cooperation with other countries of the Asian region. Once Belarus becomes a full-fledged member of the association, the country will have new ways to develop its potential in various areas, including the economy, logistics, transport, security, culture, education, healthcare, tourism, industrial and agricultural sector, science, as well as experience in international multilateral cooperation. The article is devoted to the topic of assessing the potential of joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization integration association of the Republic of Belarus. In order to assess the prospects of economic cooperation more accurately, the authors conducted an econometric analysis using a modified version of the traditional gravity model of Belarus’ foreign trade with the member countries. As a result, the authors have identified the most significant factors influencing the volume of trade with the member countries. By analyzing the ratio of calculated indicators to the actual level of exports and imports, the authors made a conclusion about the level of realization of trade potential with the SCO countries. As a consequence, the authors proposed possible ways to implement trade by analyzing the commodity structure of foreign trade flows of the Republic of Belarus with the members of the integration association.В эпоху глобализации интеграционные группировки стали важным инструментом для развития множества стран в мировом хозяйстве. Они способствуют формированию тесных экономических связей и координации внешней торговли между участниками, что, в свою очередь, благоприятно сказывается на развитии национальной экономики страны. Участие в интеграционных объединениях имеет большое значение для развития экономики Беларуси и увеличения ее роли на международной арене. Вступление в ШОС открывает новые перспективы для страны и дает возможность расширять кооперацию с другими странами Азиатского региона. После становления Беларуси полноправным участником объединения перед страной откроются новые пути развития потенциала в различных сферах, включая экономику, логистику, транспорт, безопасность, культуру, образование, здравоохранение, туризм, промышленный и сельскохозяйственный сектор, науку, а также опыт международного многостороннего сотрудничества. Исследование посвящено оценке потенциала вступления Республики Беларусь в интеграционное объединение Шанхайской организации сотрудничества. Для более точной оценки перспектив экономического сотрудничества, авторами был проведен эконометрический анализ с использованием модифицированной версии традиционной гравитационной модели внешней торговли Беларуси со странами-участницами. В результате авторами были выявлены самые значимые факторы влияния на объем торговли со странами-участницами. В результате анализа отношения расчетных показателей к фактическому уровню экспорта и импорта авторы сделали вывод об уровне реализации торгового потенциала со странами ШОС, вследствие чего предложены возможные пути реализации торговли с помощью анализа товарной структуры потоков внешней торговли Республики Беларусь с участницами интеграционного объединения

    Smart City as the Basic Construct of the Socio-economic Development of Territories

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    The relevance of this topic is that any self-respecting city needs a development strategy that develops on the basis of the ideal representations of the future and opportunities. All of the city strive to achieve two fundamental goals. The first is to create a high-quality living environment, which is dictated by growing competition for investment and brains. The second objective - to ensure sustainable development, i.e. the search for the integrated (economic, social, transport, energy, environmental, etc.) model, which would guarantee a dignified existence for at least several generations of citizens. Currently in addressing the challenges of economic modernization and innovative development of Russia a key role to be played by information, knowledge, the widespread use of information and communication technologies, the problems of optimum use of natural resources and ecology, as well as the formation of the social environment, designed to provide optimal conditions for the work of participants the innovation process (Shkurkin, Shestopal, Gurieva, Blaginin and Gurianov 2016). In this context, the problem of creating smart cities is today one of the most pressing. Background of the idea of “smart” city and its development: increase in workload infrastructures. Keywords: Economic development, regional development, smart city, infrastructure, resources JEL Classifications: О13, R1

    The linkage between innovation and labour market performance: some empirical evidence from the Nordic region

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    It is common knowledge that innovations are the drivers of economic growth. However, the direct relationship between innovation and socio-economic performance is questionable. In the article, we examine the linkage between innovation performance, measured by the Summary innovation index, and labour market indicators in Nordic countries, being the leaders of innovation performance and welfare states at the same time. The study shows that employment is growing among people with higher education with the improvement of innovation performance. At the same time, there is a large share of unemployed among low-skilled workers, which also tends to grow. The causality test analysis between Summary Innovation Index and labour statistics by Granger test for panel data does not reveal the causal relationships

    The Efficiency of National Innovation Systems in Post-Soviet Countries: DEA-Based Approach

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    The efficiency of the national innovation system (NIS) is widely considered to be the most important factor of innovation-based economic growth. Using the wide spectrum of different metrics for measuring the efficiency of NIS, modern studies focus mainly on high-income or upper-middle-income countries, while the effectiveness of the NIS in post-Soviet countries has not been studied enough. The post-socialist transformation has led to different models of economic development in these countries, which can be divided into three groups: a group with developed European institutions, a group with a focus on the European path of development, and, finally, a group of countries with an economic model of “state capitalism”. These models formed the trajectory of innovative development. The main purpose of this study is to compare the performance of NIS in post-Soviet countries and to find out whether differences between development institutions can help explain differences in the performance of NIS. The study applies the DEA methodology and considers NISs as homogeneous economic agents, which transform the same types of inputs (knowledge gained using human and financial resources) into the same types of positive outcomes (innovative products and services). The results of a study conducted on data for the period 2011–2018 show that there is no evidence to support the hypothesis that EU institutions or the type of economic model of the country directly relate to the effectiveness of the NIS. The example of Kazakhstan shows that NIS can be effective, even with strong state intervention in the economy. Taken together, the results of the paper suggest that the structure of R&D expenditures by sources of funding and types of research plays an important role in the formation of effective NIS

    Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 5,6-Disubstituted Benzimidazole Ribo- and 2 '-Deoxyribonucleosides

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    A number of new 5,6-disubstituted benzimidazoles have been prepared and their substrate properties for recombinant E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP; the product of the deoD gene) in the transglycosylation reaction were investigated. The heterocyclic bases showed good substrate activity for PNP and the ribo- and 2-deoxyribonucleosides were synthesized. The predominant (OMe and OEt) or exclusive (Oi-Pr, morpholino, and N-methylpiperazino) formation of the 5-substituted 6-fluoro-1-(β-d- ribofuranosyl)benzimidazoles was observed. The formation of the regioisomeric 6- methoxy-, 6-ethoxy-, or 6-isopropoxy-substituted 1-(2-deoxy-β-d- ribofuranosyl)-5-fluorobenzimidazoles was observed in the trans-2- deoxyribosylation reaction of the corresponding bases. The predominant or exclusive formation of the regioisomeric N1-nucleosides with bulky 5-substituents of 6-fluorobenzimidazole points to a large hydrophobic pocket in the E. coli PNP active site that can accommodate these groups. The biological activity of the synthesized nucleosides was studied and revealed no inhibitory activity against a broad variety of DNA and RNA viruses. The compounds also lacked significant cytotoxicity. © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart New York.status: publishe

    La France et les Français en Russie

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    De Pierre le Grand à la seconde guerre mondiale, les relations de la France et de la Russie, tour à tour alliées ou opposées, ont toujours été importantes pour l’histoire de l’Europe, dans tous les domaines, tant politiques, diplomatiques, militaires, culturels, commerciaux ou industriels. Toutefois, l’historiographie française s’est principalement intéressé aux relations réciproques de ces deux états et des hommes au siècle des Lumières et, à l’opposé, d’autres chercheurs, avec des optiques diverses, ont travaillé sur la Russie depuis la révolution d’Octobre. En revanche, la période qui s’étend entre les révolutions de 1789 et de 1917, mis à part l’épisode napoléonien, était presque une terra incognita, tant du point de vue des sources conservées dans les deux pays que des recherches effectuées. C’est cette lacune que l’ouvrage publié ici comble largement. Un tableau des sources existantes, tant aux Archives nationales qu’au ministère des Affaires étrangère, est présenté en même temps qu’un aperçu sur les ressources des archives bancaires. Comment connaître la communauté française en Russie, conduire une recherche prosopographique ? Quels regards portaient les voyageurs français civils et militaires ? La culture française en Russie à travers l’édition, les bibliothèques et l’enseignement, mais aussi la formation de collections sont explorés, sans oublier le développement des études slaves en France. Les échanges économiques prennent un essor remarquable à partir du milieu du XIXᵉ siècle, l’industrie précède la finance qui précède l’assurance. L’implantation des industriels, leurs réalisations sont remarquables ainsi que le rôle des industriels français dans le développement de l’industrie russe à la veille de la révolution d’Octobre. Dont le regard des assureurs nous donne une vision objective