103 research outputs found

    Q-Markov random probability measures and their posterior distributions

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    In this paper, we use the Markov property introduced in Balan and Ivanoff (J. Theor. Probab. 15, 2002, 553-588) for set-indexed processes and we prove that a Markov prior distribution leads to a Markov posterior distribution. In particular, by proving that a neutral to the right prior distribution leads to a neutral to the right posterior distribution, we extend a fundamental result of Doksum (Ann. Probab. 2,1974, 183-201) to arbitrary sample spaces.Comment: 22 page

    A strong invariance principle for associated random fields

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    In this paper we generalize Yu's [Ann. Probab. 24 (1996) 2079-2097] strong invariance principle for associated sequences to the multi-parameter case, under the assumption that the covariance coefficient u(n) decays exponentially as n\to \infty. The main tools that we use are the following: the Berkes and Morrow [Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete 57 (1981) 15-37] multi-parameter blocking technique, the Csorgo and Revesz [Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete 31 (1975) 255-260] quantile transform method and the Bulinski [Theory Probab. Appl. 40 (1995) 136-144] rate of convergence in the CLT.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117904000001071 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Linear SPDEs with harmonizable noise

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    Using tools from the theory of random fields with stationary increments, we introduce a new class of processes which can be used as a model for the noise perturbing an SPDE. This type of noise (called harmonizable) is not necessarily Gaussian, but it includes the spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise introduced in Dalang (1999), and the fractional noise considered in Balan and Tudor (2010). We derive some general conditions for the existence of a random field solution of a linear SPDE with harmonizable noise, under some mild conditions imposed on the Green function of the differential operator which appears in this equation. This methodology is applied to the study of the heat and wave equations (possibly replacing the Laplacian by one of its fractional powers), extending in this manner the results of Balan and Tudor (2010) to the case H<1/2H<1/2.Comment: 31 page

    Self-Normalized Weak Invariance Principle for Mixing Sequences

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    In this article we give a necessary and su±cient condition for a selfnormalized weak invariance principle, in the case of a strictly stationary Á-mixing sequence fXjgj¸1. This is obtained under the assumptions that the function L(x) = EX2 1 1fjX1·xg is slowly varying at 1 and the mixing coe±cients satisfy Á1=2(n)Self-normalized, weak invariance principle, mixing sequences.

    The Stochastic Heat Equation Driven by a Gaussian Noise: germ Markov Property

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    Let u={u(t,x);t[0,T],xRd}u=\{u(t,x);t \in [0,T], x \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}\} be the process solution of the stochastic heat equation ut=Δu+F˙,u(0,)=0u_{t}=\Delta u+ \dot F, u(0,\cdot)=0 driven by a Gaussian noise F˙\dot F, which is white in time and has spatial covariance induced by the kernel ff. In this paper we prove that the process uu is locally germ Markov, if ff is the Bessel kernel of order \alpha=2k,k \in \bN_{+}, or ff is the Riesz kernel of order \alpha=4k,k \in \bN_{+}.Comment: 20 page

    A Cluster Limit Theorem for Infinitely Divisible Point Processes

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    In this article, we consider a sequence (Nn)n1(N_n)_{n \geq 1} of point processes, whose points lie in a subset EE of \bR \verb2\2 \{0\}, and satisfy an asymptotic independence condition. Our main result gives some necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence in distribution of (Nn)n1(N_n)_{n \geq 1} to an infinitely divisible point process NN. As applications, we discuss the exceedance processes and point processes based on regularly varying sequences