148 research outputs found
Theoretical approach and practical analysis on employment measures- case study on Romania, 2010
The active measures are the main strategies that have the effect of reducing the unemployment, on short, medium and long term. An active measure has the effect of employment growth, by creating new jobs or by facilitating the access to vacancies.
This paper aims to inform about the active measures taken in Romania in 2010, through the Employment Program’s previsions. Also, the paper offer a short analyses concerning the number of persons included in these measures, by Romania’s regions and by categories of ages
Theoretical approach and practical analysis on employment measures- case study on Romania, 2010
The active measures are the main strategies that have the effect of reducing the unemployment, on short, medium and long term. An active measure has the effect of employment growth, by creating new jobs or by facilitating the access to vacancies. This paper aims to inform about the active measures taken in Romania in 2010, through the Employment Program’s previsions. Also, the paper offer a short analyses concerning the number of persons included in these measures, by Romania’s regions and by categories of ages.Employment, active measures, Employment Program, labor, policies
Does a Museum Facilitate Social Inclusion and Diversity by Accessing National and European Non-reimbursable Funds?
Romania's investment in culture is very low compared to the budget allocated by other neighbouring European countries to the cultural sector. Against this background, museums in Romania are constantly seeking additional sources of funding for various cultural projects as part of their efforts to catch up with European trends and strengthen the museum's image as a social agent, facilitating social inclusion and diversity. In this sense, a significant source of extra-budgetary funding for museums is mainly national and European-funded projects. These follow several general principles, such as sustainability, diversity, and social inclusion. Other sources of funding, such as funding from large companies that have an inclusive culture for diverse groups of people, such as people with disabilities, are also important for museums. Currently, museums are implementing several projects on different funding axes, such as research projects (e.g., Interreg), adult education (Erasmus +), volunteering, solidarity projects (European Solidarity Corps, ESC), and cultural diversity (Creative Europe program). This article will be based on a dual approach, namely a comprehensive literature review and an analysis of AFCN funding sources from 2019-2023 and the Creative Europe funding axis. This research is extremely relevant because museums in Romania are increasingly active in project management and the absorption of non-reimbursable funds
Does a Museum Facilitate Social Inclusion and Diversity by Accessing National and European Non-reimbursable Funds?
Romania’s investment in culture is very low compared to the budget allocated by other neighbouring European countries to the cultural sector. Against this background, museums in Romania are constantly seeking additional sources of funding for various cultural projects as part of their efforts to catch up with European trends and strengthen the museum’s image as a social agent, facilitating social inclusion and diversity. In this sense, a significant source of extra-budgetary funding for museums is mainly national and European-funded projects. These follow several general principles, such as sustainability, diversity, and social inclusion. Other sources of funding, such as funding from large companies that have an inclusive culture for diverse groups of people, such as people with disabilities, are also important for museums.
Currently, museums are implementing several projects on different funding axes, such as research projects (e.g., Interreg), adult education (Erasmus +), volunteering, solidarity projects (European Solidarity Corps, ESC), and cultural diversity (Creative Europe program).
This article will be based on a dual approach, namely a comprehensive literature review and an analysis of AFCN funding sources from 2019–2023 and the Creative Europe funding axis. This research is extremely relevant because museums in Romania are increasingly active in project management and the absorption of non-reimbursable funds
Business Intelligence Systems in the business strategy - an approach to the Romanian reality
The Economics doesn’t mean an accumulation of disparate sciences, is a coherent set of related theories in the support of certain ideas from the schools of thought or arising from different research areas. In the Economics, the complementarities between practice and theory are potentiated first by utilitarian reasons and highlighted through the correlation between static systems with dynamic ones. The dynamism of the market today, the volatility given by the competitive environment, the disappearance or weakening of the entry barriers in a sector of activity, make the information to become the most important asset of a company. The access to information, especially analysis, reporting and forecasting in real time (management information) represent the condition and the scaffolding in the competitive environment from our days
Evidence based medicines – practical application on community and hospital pharmacies
Catedra de farmacie socială “Vasile Procopişin”,
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae
Testemiţanu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Profesia de farmacist este una dinamică, iar
rolul farmacistului se îmbunătăţeşte odată cu extinderea
domeniului de aplicare a serviciilor. în prezent, farmacistul
de la funcţia de intermediar dintre pacient şi medic trece la o
funcţie mult mai avansată, cu o responsabilitate şi un
angajament de a îmbunătăţi starea de sănătate a pacientului
apelând la date informaţionale ce au studii bazate pe dovezi.
Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea posibilităţilor de implementăre
în practica farmaceutică a Medicinei Bazate pe Dovezi
Material şi metode. Studiu descriptive prospectiv,
evaluarea listei de medicamente compensate, rezultatelor
achiziţiilor publice centralizate, chestionarea farmaciştilor.
Rezultate. Rezultatele studiului au demonstrat că circa
91% din farmacişti au o atitudine pozitivă faţă de medicina
bazată pe dovezi. Din care 85% au relatat că dovezile sunt
bine venite în practica de zi cu zi. Aceste rezultate reflectă
conştientizarea farmaciştilor a MBD şi dorinţa lor de a-şi
extinde rolul ca cercetători şi utilizatori a datelor relevante cu
privire la eficacitate şi siguranţa medicamentelor. Cu toate
acestea există o serie de bariere care apar ca rezultat al
utilizării practice a MBD: bariera limbajului necunoscut,
majoritatea datelor sunt publicate în limba engleză;
farmaciştii nu pot utiliza şi citi rezultatele MBD. La nivel de
sistem de sănătate MBD este utilizată în următoarele
domenii: elaborarea Formularului Farmacoterapeutic, Listei
de Medicamente Esenţiale, Protocoalelor Naţionale de
tratament, Listei de Medicamente Compensate, formarea
necesarului de medicamente în cadrul IMSP. Utilizarea MBD
în cadrul farmaciilor de acces public a prezentat bariere mai
pronunţate decât în farmaciile de tip închis.
Concluzii. MBD deţine un rol esenţial în promovarea
utilizării raţionale a medicamentelor. Prin intermediul MBD
se facilitează detectarea reacţiilor adverse şi interacţiunilor
medicamentoase. MBD este un pilon în valorificare
cheltuielilor sistemului de sănătate pentru asistenţa
farmaceutică.Introduction. Pharmacist is a dynamic profession and the
roles of pharmacist are improving with the expansion of the
service sector. At present, the pharmacist, from the
middleman function between patient and physician goes to a
function more advanced, with a responsibility and a
commitment to improve the health status of the patient by
appealing to informational data which have studies based on
The aim of the study. Assess the possibilities of
implementation in pharmaceutical common practice
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM).
Material and methods. Prospective descriptive
study about evaluation of reimbursed medicines list, the
results of public medicines procurement and pharmacists’ survey.
Results. The results of study had showed that about 91%
of pharmacists have a positive attitude on the Evidence-
Based Medicine. From which 85% reported that it is even
welcome in every day practice. These results show the
pharmacists awareness about EBM, and their desire to extend
the role of pharmacist as researchers and users of relevant
data on medicine efficiency and safety. However, there are
some barriers arising from the EBM practice use: unknown
language barrier; the majority of the data are published in
English, pharmacist can’t read and use the EBM results. At
the health system level, EBM it is used in the following
areas: development of Pharmacotherapeutic Formulary,
Essential Medicines List, National treatment guidelines,
Reimbursed Medicines List, formulating the requirement
medicines in public health facilities. The EBM use showed
more pronounced barriers in public pharmacy than in closed
type pharmacies.
Conclusions. EBM has an essential role in rational drug
use promotion. EBM facilitates the detection of adverse
reactions and drug-drug interaction. EBM is an essential
pillar that esteems expenditure of the health system for
pharmaceutical assistance
Patient-Centric Decentralized Applications for Secure Personalized Medicine
The evolution of technology research has yielded solutions that resolve the longstanding challenge of sharing sensitive medical data while ensuring data security and privacy. Blockchain-based technologies, particularly openDSU, play a pivotal role by enhancing transparency and security in transmitting confidential information. These innovations transcend traditional data-sharing barriers, achieving a harmonious balance between secure transmission and privacy. A noteworthy manifestation of this evolution is the PL project—a groundbreaking initiative that harnesses openDSU to develop a suite of decentralized applications (DApps). These DApps prove instrumental in simplifying the management of patient consent within clinical trials and facilitating the seamless exchange of medical data for diverse research endeavors. By streamlining consent processes and securely orchestrating data sharing, these applications underscore the potential of blockchain to revolutionize medical research methodologies.
The integration of Internet of Things (IoT)-type devices further amplifies the transformative impact of these advancements. These interconnected devices bring forth an era of personalized medicine automation, where real-time patient data can be harnessed to inform tailored treatment strategies. This convergence heralds an era of precision medicine, where patient care is optimized through data-driven insights and interventions. A salient aspect of these novel solutions lies in their universal applicability. The systems and methodologies developed through the PL project can seamlessly integrate into any medical framework, offering a versatile blueprint for secure medical data sharing. The implications of this research are far-reaching, fostering collaborative research ecosystems, improving patient outcomes, and catalyzing advancements in medical science
The use of labor in Romania: present and perspective
For the efficient running of activities in the labor market it is required a rational use of working age people. This article analyzes theoretically and then in terms of its evolution, the use of labor in terms of employment, taking out the values which people actually occupied, so used, have recorded during 2002 - 2010 , on the ownership of the job: public, private, mixed or cooperative. Also, I made a forecast of the occupancy rate for 2020, based on the values of this index during the same period-from 2002 to 2010.
We note therefore that the purpose of this paper is to inform the reader how the use of labor evolved in Romania and also its evolutionary possible perspectives
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Prevalența și incidența anemiei feriprive (AF) au fost și rămân cele mai înalte dintre bolile sângelui. Grupele de risc pentru AF o constituie sugarii, adolescentele, gravidele și femeile de vârste fertilă. În anii precedenți, activitatea medicilor de familie a fost marcată de pandemia COVID-19, limitând realizarea profilaxiilor primare și secundare. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea răspândirii anemiei feriprive la populația din Asociația Medicală Teritorială (AMT) Botanica în ultimii 4 ani. Material și metode. În calitate de material de cercetare ne-au servit rapoartele statistice anuale (F-12) din cadrul Centrelor Medicilor de Familie (CMF) din sectorul Botanica, centralizate apoi la nivelul AMT Botanica, pentru perioada anilor 2019-2022. Rezultate. Prevalența bolilor sângelui în anul 2019 a fost de 97,3%, cu o înjumătățire în anul pandemic 2020 până la 49.2%, urmată de o creștere ușoară ajungând în 2022 – 59,3%. Aceeași tendință s-a observat analizând dinamica incidenței: în 2019 –39,1%, cu scădere în anul 2020 – 19,1%, cu o elevare în 2021 – 23,0% și în 2022- 32,1%. Relevanțe se constată la evaluarea cifrelor absolute, astfel în anul 2019 din totalul de 1125 de cazuri de boli ale sângelui și organelor hematopoietice, 1104 – i-au revenit AF, inclusiv 573 la copii și adolescenți. Anul 2020 a evidențiat o reducere cu 1/2, constituind 650, dintre care AF – 630, inclusiv copii și adolescenți 227 cazuri. În ultimii 2 ani s-a observat o ascensiune lentă, 2021- 668 de cazuri (AF – 617, inclusiv 266 copii), iar în 2022 – 758 cazuri la evidență (AF – 711, inclusiv copii 297). Concluzii. AF rămâne pe primul loc în structura morbidității hematologice în AMT Botanica. Pandemia COVID-19 a influențat atât adresabilitatea, cât și depistarea activă a anemiei feriprive în grupele de risc, care necesită în continuare eforturi comune a echipei medicilor de familie.Background. The prevalence and incidence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) have been and remain the highest among blood diseases. Risk groups for IDA are infants, teenagers, pregnant women and women of childbearing age. In previous years, the activity of family doctors was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, limiting the primary and secondary prophylaxis. Objective of the study. Evaluation of the spread of iron deficiency anemia in the population of the Territorial Medical Association (TMA) Botanica during the last 4 years. Material and methods. As research material, the annual statistical reports (F-12) from the Family Physician Centers (FPC) of the Botanica region then centralized at the TMA Botanica level, for the period of 2019-2022 served us. Results. The prevalence of blood diseases in 2019 was 97.3%, with a halving in the pandemic year 2020 to 49.2%, followed by a slight increase reaching in 2022 – 59.3%. The same trend was observed analyzing the incidence dynamics: in 2019 – 39.1%, with a decrease in 2020 – 19.1%, with an increase in 2021 – 23.0% and in 2022- 32.1%. Relevance is found when evaluating the absolute numbers, such that in 2019, out of a total of 1125 cases of diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, 1104 – were due IDA, including 573 in children and adolescents. The year 2020 showed a 1/2 reduction, constituting 650, of which IDA – 630, including children and adolescents 227 cases. In the last 2 years, a slow rise has been observed, 2021 – 668 cases of blood diseases (IDA – 617, including 266 children), and in 2022 – 758 cases on record (IDA – 711, including 297 children). Conclusions. Iron deficiency anemia remains in first place in the structure of hematological morbidity in TMA Botanica. The COVID-19 pandemic influenced both the addressability and the active detection of iron deficiency anemia, which further requires joint efforts of the family physician team
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