12 research outputs found

    A hőkezelés hatása duplex acél hegesztési varratainak szövetszerkezetére

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    A duplex acélok szövetszerkezete általában 50% ferritből, a fennmaradó rész pedig ausztenitből épül fel. A ferrit fázisban 700 °C alatt jelentősen csökken az ötvözőként használt nitrogén oldhatósága, ami króm-nitrid-kiválásokat okoz. Kutatásaink során azt találtuk, hogy elektrokémiai maratással kimutathatók a króm-nitrid-kiválások. További eredményként azt kaptuk, hogy a nitridkiválások a szekunder ausztenit nukleációs helyeiként működnek

    Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure of Duplex Stainless Steel Welds

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    Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are gaining in popularity due to their characteristic features, excellent mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance. The microstructure of DSSs consists of ferrite up to 50 %, and the rest is built up from austenite. The ferritic microstructure can cause chromium-nitride precipitation because the nitrogen solubility in the ferrite phase is very low below 700 °C. Our research showed that electrochemical etching is an acceptable process for revealing chromium-nitrides. Additionally, our research points out that chromium-nitride acts as a secondary austenite nucleation site

    A Scoping Review of Energy Load Disaggregation

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    Energy load disaggregation can contribute to balancing power grids by enhancing the effectiveness of demand-side management and promoting electricity-saving behavior through increased consumer awareness. However, the field currently lacks a comprehensive overview. To address this gap, this paper con-ducts a scoping review of load disaggregation domains, data types, and methods, by assessing 72 full-text journal articles. The findings reveal that domestic electricity consumption is the most researched area, while others, such as industrial load disaggregation, are rarely discussed. The majority of research uses relatively low-frequency data, sampled between 1 and 60 seconds. A wide variety of methods are used, and artificial neural networks are the most common, followed by optimization strategies, Hidden Markov Models, and Graph Signal Processing approaches

    Cellulose, nanocellulose, and antimicrobial materials for the manufacture of disposable face masks : a review

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    Cellulose is among the most promising renewable and biodegradable materials that can help meet the challenge of replacing synthetic fibers currently used in disposable N95 respirators and medical face masks. Cellulose also offers key functionalities that can be valued in filtration applications using approaches such as nanofiltration, membrane technologies, and composite structures, either through the use of nanocellulose or the design of functional composite filters. This paper presents a review of the structures and compositions of N95 respirators and medical face masks, their properties, and regulatory standards. It also reviews the use of cellulose and nanocellulose materials for mask manufacturing, along with other (nano)materials and composites that can add antimicrobial functionality to the material. A discussion of the most recent technologies providing antimicrobial properties to protective masks (by the introduction of natural bioactive compounds, metal-containing materials, metal-organic frameworks, inorganic salts, synthetic polymers, and carbon-based 2D nanomaterials) is presented. This review demonstrates that cellulose can be a solution for producing biodegradable masks from local resources in response to the high demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic and for producing antimicrobial filters to provide greater protection to the wearer and the environment, reducing cross-contamination risks during use and handling, and environmental concerns regarding disposal after use