128 research outputs found

    Analisis Restrukturisasi Birokrasi dalam Pengembangan Good Governance pada Sekertariat Daerah Kabupaten Konawe Utara

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    The problem of this research is : (1) How to restructure of bureaucracy supports good governance at secretary of local government North konawe regency. (2) How restructure of bureaucracy that implemented by secretary of local government north konawe regency creates good governance.The aim of this research is : (1) To analyze how restructure of bureaucracy at secretary of local government north konawe regency supports good governance. (2) To know how restructure that carried out by secretary of local government north konawe regency in supporting good governance.This research is a study case, the population of this research is all head of division , at secretary of local government north konawe regency and taking totally sampling, data is collected by interview, observation, and documentation to all respondents and inform men . data is processed by descriptive qualitative.The result of the research shows that (1) Implementation of restructure of bureaucracy in supporting good governance at secretary of local government north konawe regency has generally been carried out and met their needs to organization dynamic. (2) Implementation of restructure of bureaucracy toward good governance at secretary of local government north konawe regency.Based on the result of research can be concluded that restructure of bureaucracy at secretary of local government north konawe regency has been better carried our, because of all resources potency has been optimally maximize

    Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kota Kendari

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    Thus, this research aims to: (1) To know the leadership style of the Head of Department to improve the employee motivation in Kendari Public Works Department. (2) To know the work motivation of employees at the Kendari Public Works Department.This research is qualitative research, which is research procedure that produces an analytical description of the written word and the behaviour of the object being observed. In this research, the determination of the informant set intentionally. Data was collected using three techniques, namely, observation, interviews and document analysis.The results showed that: 1) the dominant leadership style adopted by the Head of Department of Kendari Public Works is democratic leadership. This is based on interviews and analysis according to each indicator - free leadership style, autocratic, bureaucratic and undemocratic. All informants stated that the Head of the Kendari Public Works Department divides the tasks to subordinates in a fair and equitable, and using collaboration and discussion within the team to discuss the work and decision-making, this is in accordance with democratic leadership style indicator. While other leadership styles, there are several indicators that are not met. 2) Democratic leadership style adopted by the Kendari Head of the Public Works Department has not fully improved employee motivation. This is according to the results of the analysis and interviews on each indicator. As; still lack some office facilities and field facility at the sub-variable leadership attention on employee work environment; still, a lack of employees who follow the Structural Training, take formal education (bachelor and master) on the sub-variable provide opportunities for advanced. This is an indicator that can reduce the work motivation of employees of the Kendari City Public Works Department

    Akibat Hukum Pernyataan Kepailitan terhadap Perseroan Terbatas

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    Pada dasarnya Perusahaan dapat dinyatakan pailit oleh Pengadilan yang berwenang atas permintaan dari debitur Perusahaan yang bersangkutan berdasarkan undang-undang kepaitan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalag bagaimanakah akibat hukum dari pernyataan pailit terhadap perseroan terbatas menurut undang-undang kepailitan? Pendekatan masalah yang digunakan adalah pendekatan normatif yang dilakukan dengan cara mengkaji peraturan-peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan masalah, buku-buku/literatur dan karya ilmiah lainnya. Pendekatan empiris dilakukan sebagai penunjang untuk kelengkapan data normatif. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa, akibat hukum dari pernyataan pailit yang dilakukan pengadilan dengan mengucapkan putusan kepailitan dalam sidang yang terbuka untuk umum terhadap debitur, maka hak dan kewajiban si pailit beralih kepada kuratornya untuk mengurus dan menguasai boedelnya, sepanjang tindakan itu membawa manfaat tindakan-tindakan atas harta kekayaannya, sepanjang tindakan itu membawa manfaat bagi boedelnya. Sedangkan bagi para kreditur hanya dapat melaksanakan hak mereka selaku kreditur separatis dengan persetujuan kurator atau hakim pengawas

    Implementation of Innovative Learning Method of Business Practice Teaching Firms to Grow Entrepreneurship Characters

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    The research aim to implement innovative learning methods of business practice teaching firm's to cultivate students entrepreneurial character. Intellectual unemployment in 2016 has increased significantly compared to the previous year. Intellectual unemployment is unemployment delivered by college graduates. Therefore, universities should be able to organize innovative learning to be able to deliver their graduates with entrepreneurship character. This is a development research applying a learning method rather than proving a theory. The subjects of the study were Mathematics Education students who take entrepreneurship courses amounting to 38 students. The innovative learning method used is Business Practice Teaching Firms (BPTF) that emphasizes learning on learning by doing process with entrepreneurship practices that are made as closely as possible with real companies. By using descriptive analysis, it is found that entrepreneurship characters is initiative, self-confidence, being able to take risks and turn to behave, being able to control situation, innovative and creative, and having leadership spirit that may increase after BPTF has been applied in the learning process


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    Abstract. In order to control Antibacterial Resistance at the hospital in Indonesia, the Government of Indonesia established an Antibiotics Resistance Control Committee and issued a Regulation from the Ministry of Health, regulation no 8/2015 on an antibiotics resistance control program at the hospital. This is an investigation on the Antibacterial Resistance Control Program (ARCP) at the Hospital, which compares its implementation at a government hospital and a private hospital, Persahabatan Central General Hospital (CGH) and Bogor Indonesian Red Cross Hospital (BIRCH). This was a descriptive study with a qualitative analysis obtained through indepth interviews and documentary research. We discovered that the ARCP was implemented better at Persahabatan CGH compared to BIRCH. Problems include ineffective communication, limited resources, lack of an antibiotic guideline (at BIRCH), lack of coordination between organizations, lack of supervision from the government, and the lack of motivation to implement the policy. These issues can be solved by intensifying the socialization of the policy, conducting more workshops and trainings for private and government hospitals that has not received any, providing an incentive for them to implement the program, such as including ARC into hospital accreditation indicators, and clarifying the benefits of the program to the stakeholders. Abstrak. Salah satu upaya pengendalian resistensi antibiotika di Indonesia adalah pembentukan pembentukan Komite Pengendalian Resisten Antibiotika (KPRA) dan diterbitkannya Permenkes no. 8 Tahun 2015 tentang program pengendalian resistensi antibiotika (PPRA) di rumah sakit (RS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali lebih dalam terhadap implementasi kebijakan PPRA di RS dibandingkan antara RS pemerintah dengan RS swasta yaitu RS Persahabatan dan RS PMI. Metode penelitian merupakan studi deskriptif dengan analisis kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan PPRA di RS Pemerintah lebih baik dari RS Swasta. Saran yang diajukan adalah mempercepat peningkatan kesadaran akan pentingnya PPRA, terutama bagi RS