8 research outputs found

    The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP): A Review

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    The Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) consists of basic rocks emplaced as shallow intrusions and erupted in large lava flow fields over a land surface area in excess of 10 million km2 on the supercontinent Pangaea at about 201 Ma. The peak activity of the CAMP straddled the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and probably lasted less than 1 million years, while late activity went on for several Ma more into the Sinemurian. Emission of carbon and sulfur from the CAMP magmas and from intruded sediments probably caused extinctions at the end-Triassic. Intrusive rocks are represented by isolated dykes up to 800 km-long, by dense dyke swarms and by extremely voluminous sills and a few layered intrusions. Lava fields were erupted as short-lived pulses and can be traced over distances of several hundred km within sedimentary basins. They consist of either compound or simple pahoehoe flows. Globally, the intrusive and effusive rocks are estimated to represent an original magmatic volume of at least 3 million km3. Herein we subdivide the CAMP basalts for the first time into six main geochemical groups, five represented by low-Ti and one by high-Ti rocks. Except for one low-Ti group, which is ubiquitous throughout the entire province, all other groups occur in relatively restricted areas and their compositions probably reflect contamination from the local continental lithosphere. Major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb-Os isotopic compositions indicate that the basaltic magmas had an enriched composition compared to Mid-Ocean Ridge basalts and different from Atlantic Ocean Island basalts. The enriched composition of CAMP basalts is only in part attributable to crustal contamination. It also probably requires subducted upper and lower continental crust material that enriched the shallow upper mantle from which CAMP basalts were generated. A contribution from a deep mantle-plume is not required by geochemical and thermometric data, but it remains unclear what other possible heat source caused mantle melting on the scale required to form CAMP

    Technology and uses of cell cultures from the tissues and organs of bony fish

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    Enzyme Handbook

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