18 research outputs found

    Communicative competence

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    This article explains the concept of communicative competence, discusses the process and stages of its development, and performance criteria. Particular attention is paid to the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process as an important factor in successful communication between student and teacherВ данной статье раскрывается понятие коммуникативной компетентности, рассматривается процесс и этапы её развития, критерии эффективности. Особое внимание уделено использованию информационно-коммуникационных технологий в образовательном процессе как важного фактора успешности коммуникации между студентом и преподавателе

    Возделывание фестулолиума в смеси с люцерной на кормовые цели в лесостепи Западной Сибири

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    Festulolium is a promising but little-studied fodder crop. The authors found that in the year of laying the herbage of Festulolium in mixtures, the height of plants increased by 6–11% compared with singlespecies sowing. However, the number of shoots per plant decreased from 3 to 2, and the root length decreased by 20%. The survival rate of plants was 84.9–97.4% after winter, depending on the year of sowing. Survival decreased to 46–92% for alfalfa in mixtures, and it was as low as 46–84% when sown with mixture seeds. This was affected by a decrease in reserve nutrients - sugars in the roots of plants. The sugar content decreased by 26%, from 5.14% to 3.77%. No positive effect was observed when sowing with alternating 1–3 rows of festulolium and 1 row of alfalfa. The introduction of nitrogen at a dose of 30 kg a.i. (active ingredient)/ha increased the efficiency of skip-row planting and sowing with a mixture of seeds by 21% due to the positive responsiveness of the components to fertiliser. An increase in the nitrogen dose to 60 kg/ha harmed alfalfa, reducing its share in the herbage to 7% by the third year of use. This decrease was due to the displacement of the more nitrogen-responsive festulolium. The efficiency of crops increases with a reduction in the share of the cereal component and an increase in the percentage of legumes with an alternation of rows of 1:3. The yield was 35.7–42.7 t/ha of green mass, which is higher than that of the single-species sowing of festulolium by 19–53%. The increase is due to an increase in the leaf coverage of alfalfa plants up to 46–49% (against 44% in control) due to the optimisation of layering in the herbage. The introduction of nitrogen at a dose of 30 kg/ha contributes to an increase in yield by 14% (0.43–5.0 t/ ha) due to the increased share of the cereal component in the mixture, an increase in the number of shoots on the plant by 11.1% and their mass by 12.5–17.8%. The introduction of N60 in the joint crops of festulolium and alfalfa is not advisable since it does not give a significant increase in yield and does not pay off the costs incurred.Фестулолиум – перспективная, но малоизученная кормовая культура. Установлено, что в год закладки травостоя у фестулолиума в смесях по сравнению с одновидовым посевом увеличилась на 6–11% высота растений, но уменьшилось с 3 до 2 количество побегов на растении и на 20% длина корня. Выживаемость растений после зимовки в зависимости от года посева составила 84,9–97,4%. У люцерны в смесях выживаемость снизилась до 46–92% и была минимальна при посеве смесью семян – 46–84%. На это повлияло снижение запасных питательных веществ – сахаров в корнях растений, содержание которых уменьшилось на 26% с – 5,14 до 3,77%. При посеве с чередованием 1–3 рядов фестулолиума и 1 ряда люцерны не наблюдалось положительного эффекта. Внесение азота в дозе 30 кг д.в/га повысило эффективность черезрядного посева и посева смесью семян на 21% за счёт положительной отзывчивости компонентов на удобрение. Увеличение дозы азота до 60 кг/га отрицательно подействовало на люцерну, снижая её долю в травостое к третьему году пользования до 7% за счёт вытеснения более отзывчивым на азот фестулолиумом. При уменьшении доли злакового компонента и увеличении доли бобового с чередованием рядов 1 : 3 эффективность посевов возрастает. Урожайность составила 35,7–42,7 т/га зелёной массы, что выше, чем у одновидового посева фестулолиума, на 19–53%. Прибавка обусловлена увеличением облиственности растений люцерны до 46–49% (при 44% в контроле) за счёт оптимизации ярусности в травостое. Внесение азота в дозе 30 кг д.в /га способствует увеличению урожайности на 14% (0,43–5,0 т/ га) за счёт возросшей доли злакового компонента в смеси, увеличения количества побегов на растении на 11,1% и их массы на 12,5–17,8%. Внесение N60 в совместных посевах фестулолиума и люцерны нецелесообразно, поскольку не даёт существенной прибавки урожая и не окупает понесённые затраты

    Deuterated fibre Z-pinch on the S-300 generator

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    Dense Z-pinch experiments were carried out on the S-300 generator (3.5 MA, 100 ns, 0.15 Omega) at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow. The experiments were performed at a peak current of 2 MA with a rise time of about 100 ns. The Z-pinch was formed from a deuterated polyethylene fibre of 100 mu m diameter and 1 cm length. The optical emission began early in the discharge and the coronal plasma expanded with a radial velocity of about 2 x 10(6) cm s(-1). The optical and XUV emission continued for several hundreds of nanoseconds. The peak power of sub-keV radiation reached 30 GW near the maximum current. The total emitted energy exceeded 5 kJ. The neutron yield from the D-D reaction reached 2 x 10(7) per shot. The mean energy of neutrons obtained from time-of-flight analysis in the axial (downstream) direction was near 2.45 MeV

    Neutron emission parameters from the collapse of the condensed Z-pinch

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    The parameters of neutron emission from the neck of the condensed Z-pinch, were measured at an S-300 installation (2 MA, 100 ns). Profiled loads with central parts made from microporous deuterated polyethylene (with a density of 100 mg/cm3) were used in the experiments. Neutron emission parameters were measured by the time-of-flight (TOF) method. Neutrons were registered using four flight bases with 10 scintillation detectors which were placed at two axial and two radial directions. It was found that the mean neutron energy, determined by the TOF method, turned out to be anisotropic. The average energy of neutrons emitted along the axis towards the cathode, was shifted to higher energy (2.6-2.8 MeV) and the average energy of neutrons emitted towards the anode, was shifted to lower energy (2.1-2.3 MeV) compared to the d-d reaction neutron energy 2.45 MeV. The average energy of neutrons, emitted in two opposite radial directions, was close to 2.45 MeV. The half-width of the energy distributions reconstructed for all directions was 400-500 keV. The analysis of the experimental results demonstrated that the found phenomena could be explained by a slowly decaying high energy tail in the energy distribution of colliding deuterons. The maximal neutron yield was of 6 x 109

    Stabilizing of Z-pinch and Plasma Focus discharges due to thick wires

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    This paper presents the results of the diagnostics observing the impact of the plasma sheath imploded in megaamper Z-pinch or plasma focus devices onto the Al or C wires of 30-300 mi m in diameter fixed in the center axis. The discharges were operated with a maximum current of 1.5-3 MA at two devices, PF 1000 at IPFLM in Warsaw, and Stand 300 at RRC Kurchatov Institute in Moscow. At the plasma impact the 10-50 ns XUV pulse was emitted in K-shell lines from the ring or helical-like forms on the surface of the wire corona. The scenario of the production of the non-equilibrium intensities of the C and Al H-like and He-like lines is discussed considering fast transformation of magnetic field, electron beams acceleration, total ionization of the ions and fast recombination in dense and magnetized wire corona

    Measuring of spatio-temporal characteristics Z-pinch from deuterated polyethylene

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    On the S-300 installation at currents up to 2 MA with rise time 100 ns, the investigation of the formation process of high-temperature plasma in fast Z-pinch was carried out. The central part of the loads was made from agar-agar and represented a deuterated polyethylene cylinder with small density 50 and 75 mg/sm3 and 1–2 mm diameter. On the ICT images, obtained in optical and soft X-ray range of a spectrum with 3–5 ns exposition, it is visible that on the axis of the polyethylene cylinder at the current`s rise time a cord is formed and it is separated into bright formations. They were observed on a background of a luminous area which occupied the initial neck volume. On time-integrated pinhole pictures obtained in SXR range (E > 1–4 keV), hot points with minimal size of 50 microns were registered. From the chronograms results, obtained by means of the optical high-speed-streak camera mount along the neck axis with time resolution 1 keV with short duration of 2–4 ns. Simultaneously with X-ray radiation neutrons with the maximal yield of 4.5×109 were registered. The average energy measured in 4 directions under angles with an axis of: 0○ (above the anode), 90○, 180○ (under the cathode) and 270○, were accordingly: 2.4±0.2, 2.5±0.1, 2.5±0.1, 2.5±0.1 MeV