777 research outputs found

    New technologies developed for conventional growing systems: possibilities for application in organic systems

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    Innovatie in glastuinbouw succes dankzij ondernemerschap en onderzoek

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    De glastuinbouw is de agrarische sector bij uitstek als het gaat om vernieuwing. Mede dankzij onderzoek van Wageningen UR vraagt de productie van kasgroente bijvoorbeeld veertig procent minder energie dan twintig jaar geleden

    Integrating management control and operational control

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    The do's and don'ts of realising a greenhouse project

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    For a hard copy: [email protected] of +31 (0) 297 34 40 3

    Model application for energy efficient greenhouses in the Netherlands: Greenhouse design, operational control and decision support systems

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    The development of energy conservative greenhouse systems is the overall result of improvement of greenhouse construction, cladding materials and insulating techniques, innovative climate control equipment and implementation of physical and physiological knowledge in the operational climate control systems. The development of these systems represents an optimisation problem and the use of both physical as well as physiological information and models has shown to be a most powerful tool in dealing with this. In this paper some recent examples of relevant application of models in the design, operational control and evaluation of energy conservative greenhouse systems are presented, based on recent results and research in The Netherlands
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