86 research outputs found

    Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ca-resistant Spodoptera exigua lacks expression of one of four Aminopeptidase N genes

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    BACKGROUND: Insecticidal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis bind to receptors on midgut epithelial cells of susceptible insect larvae. Aminopeptidases N (APNs) from several insect species have been shown to be putative receptors for these toxins. Here we report the cloning and expression analysis of four APN cDNAs from Spodoptera exigua. RESULTS: Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) was used to construct cDNA libraries of genes that are up-and down-regulated in the midgut of last instar larvae of beet armyworm, S. exigua exposed to B. thuringiensis Cry1Ca toxin. Among the clones from the SSH libraries, cDNA fragments coding for two different APNs were obtained (APN2 and APN4). A similar procedure was employed to compare mRNA differences between susceptible and Cry1Ca resistant S. exigua. Among the clones from this last comparison, cDNA fragments belonging to a third APN (APN1) were detected. Using sequences obtained from the three APN cDNA fragments and degenerate primers for a fourth APN (APN3), the full length sequences of four S. exigua APN cDNAs were obtained. Northern blot analysis of expression of the four APNs showed complete absence of APN1 expression in the resistant insects, while the other three APNs showed similar expression levels in the resistant and susceptible insects. CONCLUSION: We have cloned and characterized four different midgut APN cDNAs from S. exigua. Expression analysis revealed the lack of expression of one of these APNs in the larvae of a Cry1Ca-resistant colony. Combined with previous evidence that shows the importance of APN in the mode of action of B. thuringiensis toxins, these results suggest that the lack of APN1 expression plays a role in the resistance to Cry1Ca in this S. exigua colony

    Mutations in the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ca toxin demonstrate the role of domains II and III in specificity towards Spodoptera exigua larvae

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    Several mutants of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ca toxin affected with regard to specific activity towards Spodoptera exigua were studied. Alanine was used to replace single residues in loops 2 and 3 of domain II (mutant pPB19) and to replace residues 541– 544 in domain III (mutant pPB20). Additionally, a Cry1Ca mutant combining all mutations was constructed (mutant pPB21). Toxicity assays showed a marked decrease in toxicity against S. exigua for all mutants, while they retained their activity against Manduca sexta, confirming the importance of these residues in determining insect specificity. Parameters for binding to the specific receptors in BBMV (brush border membrane vesicles) of S. exigua were determined for all toxins. Compared with Cry1Ca, the affinity of mutant pPB19 was slightly affected (2-fold lower), whereas the affinity of the mutants with an altered domain III (pPB20 and pPB21) was approx. 8-fold lower. Activation of Cry1Ca protoxin by incubation with S. exigua or M. sexta BBMV revealed the transient formation of an oligomeric form of Cry1Ca. The presence of this oligomeric form was tested in the activation of the different Cry1Ca mutants, and we found that those mutated in domain II (pPB19 and pPB21) could not generate the oligomeric form when activated by S. exigua BBMV. In contrast, when oligomerization was tested using BBMV prepared from M. sexta, all of the Cry1Ca mutants showed the formation of a similar oligomeric form as did the wild-type toxin. Our results show how modification of insect specificity can be achieved by manipulation of different parts of the toxin structure involved in different steps of the mode of action of B. thuringiensis [email protected]; [email protected]

    Acute systemic loss of Mad2 leads to intestinal atrophy in adult mice

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    Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a hallmark of cancer, leading to aneuploid cells. To study the role that CIN plays in tumor evolution, several mouse models have been engineered over the last 2 decades. These models have unequivocally shown that systemic high-grade CIN is embryonic lethal. We and others have previously shown that embryonic lethality can be circumvented by provoking CIN in a tissue-specific fashion. In this study, we provoke systemic high-grade CIN in adult mice as an alternative to circumvent embryonic lethality. For this, we disrupt the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) by alleviating Mad2 or truncating Mps1, both essential genes for SAC functioning, with or without p53 inactivation. We find that disruption of the SAC leads to rapid villous atrophy, atypia and apoptosis of the epithelia of the jejunum and ileum, substantial weight loss, and death within 2-3 weeks after the start of the CIN insult. Despite this severe intestinal phenotype, most other tissues are unaffected, except for minor abnormalities in spleen, presumably due to the lower proliferation rate in these tissues. We conclude that high-grade CIN in vivo in adult mice is most toxic to the high cell turnover intestinal epithelia

    Diet quality and incident chronic kidney disease in the general population:The Lifelines Cohort Study

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    RATIONALE & AIMS: Healthy dietary patterns have been associated with a lower risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We aimed to investigate the association of a fully food-based diet quality score assessed by the Lifelines Diet Score (LLDS) with either incident CKD or eGFR decline in the general population. METHODS: For this study, data from a prospective general population-based Lifelines cohort in the Northern Netherlands was used. Diet was assessed with a 110-item food frequency questionnaire at baseline. The LLDS, based on international evidence for diet-disease relations at the food group level, was calculated to assess diet quality. For the analysis, the score was divided into tertiles. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate the association of the LLDS at baseline with either incident CKD (eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2) or a ≥20% eGFR decline at the second study visit, adjusted for relevant confounders. RESULTS: A total of 78 346 participants free of CKD at baseline were included. During a mean (SD) follow-up of 3.6 ± 0.9 years, 2071 (2.6%) participants developed CKD and 7611 (9.7%) had a ≥20% eGFR decline. Participants in the highest tertile of LLDS had a lower risk of incident CKD (fully adjusted OR 0.83, [95% CI: 0.72-0.96]) and ≥20% eGFR decline (fully adjusted OR 0.80, [95% CI: 0.75-0.86]), compared with those in the lowest tertile. Similar dose-response associations were observed in continuous LLDS. CONCLUSIONS: Higher adherence to a high-quality diet was associated with a lower risk of incident CKD or ≥20% eGFR decline in the general population

    Expression of muscle anabolic and metabolic factors in mechanically loaded MLO-Y4 osteocytes

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    Lack of physical activity results in muscle atrophy and bone loss, which can be counteracted by mechanical loading. Similar molecular signaling pathways are involved in the adaptation of muscle and bone mass to mechanical loading. Whether anabolic and metabolic factors regulating muscle mass, i.e., insulin-like growth factor-I isoforms (IGF-I Ea), mechano growth factor (MGF), myostatin, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), or hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), are also produced by osteocytes in bone in response to mechanical loading is largely unknown. Therefore, we investigated whether mechanical loading by pulsating fluid flow (PFF) modulates the mRNA and/or protein levels of muscle anabolic and metabolic factors in MLO-Y4 osteocytes. Unloaded MLO-Y4 osteocytes expressed mRNA of VEGF, HGF, IGF-I Ea, and MGF, but not myostatin. PFF increased mRNA levels of IGF-I Ea (2.1-fold) and MGF (2.0-fold) at a peak shear stress rate of 44Pa/s, but not at 22Pa/s. PFF at 22 Pa/s increased VEGF mRNA levels (1.8- to 2.5-fold) and VEGF protein release (2.0- to 2.9-fold). Inhibition of nitric oxide production decreased (2.0-fold) PFF-induced VEGF protein release. PFF at 22 Pa/s decreased HGF mRNA levels (1.5-fold) but increased HGF protein release (2.3-fold). PFF-induced HGF protein release was nitric oxide dependent. Our data show that mechanically loaded MLO-Y4 osteocytes differentially express anabolic and metabolic factors involved in the adaptive response of muscle to mechanical loading (i.e., IGF-I Ea, MGF, VEGF, and HGF). Similarly to muscle fibers, mechanical loading enhanced expression levels of these growth factors in MLO-Y4 osteocytes. Although in MLO-Y4 osteocytes expression levels of IGF-I Ea and MGF of myostatin were very low or absent, it is known that the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts is strongly affected by them. The abundant expression levels of these factors in muscle cells, in combination with low expression in MLO-Y4 osteocytes, provide a possibility that growth factors expressed in muscle could affect signaling in bone cells

    A synthetic lethal screen identifies HDAC4 as a potential target in MELK overexpressing cancers

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    Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) is frequently overexpressed in cancer, but the role of MELK in cancer is still poorly understood. MELK was shown to have roles in many cancer-associated processes including tumor growth, chemotherapy resistance, and tumor recurrence. To determine whether the frequent overexpression of MELK can be exploited in therapy, we performed a high-throughput screen using a library of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants to identify genes whose functions become essential when MELK is overexpressed. We identified two such genes: LAG2 and HDA3. LAG2 encodes an inhibitor of the SCF ubiquitin-ligase complex, while HDA3 encodes a subunit of the HDA1 histone deacetylase complex. We find that one of these synthetic lethal interactions is conserved in mammalian cells, as inhibition of a human homolog of HDA3 (HDAC4) is synthetically toxic in MELK overexpression cells. Altogether, our work identified a novel potential drug target for tumors that overexpress MELK

    HIV-1 dual infection is associated with faster CD4+T cell decline in a cohort of men with primary HIV infection

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    Background. In vitro, animal, and mathematical models suggest that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co- or superinfection would result in increased fitness of the pathogen and, possibly, increased virulence. However, in patients, the impact of dual HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection on disease progression is unclear, because parameters relevant for disease progression have not been strictly analyzed. The objective of the present study is to analyze the effect of dual HIV-1 infections on disease progression in a well-defined cohort of men who have sex with men. Methods. Between 2000 and 2009, 37 men who had primary infection with HIV-1 subtype B, no indication for immediate need of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), and sufficient follow-up were characterized with regard to dual infection or single infection and to coreceptor use. Patients were followed to estimate the effect of these parameters on clinical disease progression, as defined by the rate of CD4(+) T-cell decline and the time to initiation of cART. Results. Four patients presented with HIV-1 coinfection; 6 patients acquired HIV-1 superinfection, on average 8.5 months from their primary infection; and 27 patients remained infected with a single strain. Slopes of longitudinal CD4(+) T-cell counts and time-weighted changes from baseline were significantly steeper for patients with dual infection compared with patients with single infection. Multivariate analysis showed that the most important parameter associated with CD4(+) T-cell decline over time was dual infection (P = .001). Additionally, patients with HIV-1 coinfection had a significantly earlier start of cART (P <.0001). Conclusions. Dual HIV-1 infection is the main factor associated with CD4(+) T-cell decline in men who have untreated primary infection with HIV-1 subtype

    IFNγ protects motor neurons from oxidative stress via enhanced global protein synthesis in FUS-associated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 6 (ALS6) is a familial subtype of ALS linked to Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) gene mutation. FUS mutations lead to decreased global protein synthesis, but the mechanism that drives this has not been established. Here, we used ALS6 patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (hIPSCs) to study the effect of the ALS6 FUSR521H mutation on the translation machinery in motor neurons (MNs). We find, in agreement with findings of others, that protein synthesis is decreased in FUSR521H MNs. Furthermore, FUSR521H MNs are more sensitive to oxidative stress and display reduced expression of TGF-β and mTORC gene pathways when stressed. Finally, we show that IFNγ treatment reduces apoptosis of FUSR521H MNs exposed to oxidative stress and partially restores the translation rates in FUSR521H MNs. Overall, these findings suggest that a functional IFNγ response is important for FUS-mediated protein synthesis, possibly by FUS nuclear translocation in ALS6.</p

    Chromosomal Instability Characterizes Pediatric Medulloblastoma but Is Not Tolerated in the Developing Cerebellum

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    Medulloblastoma is a pediatric brain malignancy that consists of four transcriptional subgroups. Structural and numerical aneuploidy are common in all subgroups, although they are particularly profound in Group 3 and Group 4 medulloblastoma and in a subtype of SHH medulloblastoma termed SHH alpha. This suggests that chromosomal instability (CIN), the process leading to aneuploidy, is an important player in medulloblastoma pathophysiology. However, it is not known if there is ongoing CIN in medulloblastoma or if CIN affects the developing cerebellum and promotes tumor formation. To investigate this, we performed karyotyping of single medulloblastoma cells and demonstrated the presence of distinct tumor cell clones harboring unique copy number alterations, which is suggestive of ongoing CIN. We also found enrichment for processes related to DNA replication, repair, and mitosis in both SHH medulloblastoma and in the highly proliferative compartment of the presumed tumor cell lineage-of-origin, the latter also being sensitive to genotoxic stress. However, when challenging these tumor cells-of-origin with genetic lesions inducing CIN using transgenic mouse modeling, we found no evidence for large chromosomal aberrations in the cerebellum or for medulloblastoma formation. We therefore conclude that without a background of specific genetic mutations, CIN is not tolerated in the developing cerebellum in vivo and, thus, by itself is not sufficient to initiate medulloblastoma

    The H3.3K27M oncohistone affects replication stress outcome and provokes genomic instability in pediatric glioma

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    While comprehensive molecular profiling of histone H3.3 mutant pediatric high-grade glioma has revealed extensive dysregulation of the chromatin landscape, the exact mechanisms driving tumor formation remain poorly understood. Since H3.3 mutant gliomas also exhibit high levels of copy number alterations, we set out to address if the H3.3K27M oncohistone leads to destabilization of the genome. Hereto, we established a cell culture model allowing inducible H3.3K27M expression and observed an increase in mitotic abnormalities. We also found enhanced interaction of DNA replication factors with H3.3K27M during mitosis, indicating replication defects. Further functional analyses revealed increased genomic instability upon replication stress, as represented by mitotic bulky and ultrafine DNA bridges. This co-occurred with suboptimal 53BP1 nuclear body formation after mitosis in vitro, and in human glioma. Finally, we observed a decrease in ultrafine DNA bridges following deletion of the K27M mutant H3F3A allele in primary high-grade glioma cells. Together, our data uncover a role for H3.3 in DNA replication under stress conditions that is altered by the K27M mutation, promoting genomic instability and potentially glioma development