80 research outputs found

    Новий погляд на проблему української бідності

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    Статья посвящена формированию нового взгляда на проблему украинской бедности через призму современных социально-экономических реалий в Украине и в мировом сообществе. В роботе рассматриваются различные определения бедности по монетарным и немонетарным признакам и их пригодность для оценки ситуации в Украине.The article is devoted to forming of the new look to the problem of Ukrainian poverty through the prism of modern socio-economic realities in Ukraine and in the world. Different criteria of poverty determination by monetary and nonmonetary signs and their fitness to the estimation of situation in Ukraine are examined

    Модель системы стратегического управления оператором сотовой связи и алгоритм её проектирования

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    Розроблено модель системи стратегічного управління операторів стільникового зв’язку на підставі запропонованої стратегії як випереджальної дії щодо поточного і прогнозного впливу середовища підприємства. Обґрунтовано зміст основних блоків цілей, функцій, завдань, управління і ресурсів системи. Ключові слова: управління оператором стільникового зв'язку, модель системи, підприємство. ----------Разработана модель системы стратегического управления оператором сотовой связи на основе предложенной трактовки стратегии как упреждающего воздействия на текущее и прогнозное влияние среды предприятия. Обоснована содержательная сторона основных блоков целей, функций, задач, управления и ресурсов системы. Ключевые слова: управление оператором сотовой связи, модель системы, предприятие. -----------The model of the strategic management system for a cellular mobile operator was developed on the basis of suggested treatment of the strategy as a warning impact on current and forecasted influence of the enterprise’s environment. The content of such main blocks as goals, functions, tasks, control and resources is motivated. Key words: managing a cellular mobile operator, system model, enterprise. ---------

    Combining fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. strains to enhance suppression of fusarium wilt of radish

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    Fusarium wilt diseases, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum, lead to significant yield losses of crops. One strategy to control fusarium wilt is the use of antagonistic, root-colonizing Pseudomonas spp. It has been demonstrated that different strains of these bacteria suppress disease by different mechanisms. Therefore, application of a mixture of these biocontrol strains, and thus of several suppressive mechanisms, may represent a viable control strategy. A prerequisite for biocontrol by combinations of biocontrol agents can be the compatibility of the co-inoculated micro-organisms. Hence, compatibility between several Pseudomonas spp. strains, that have the ability to suppress fusarium wilt of radish, was tested in vitro on KB agar plates. Growth of P. fluorescens strain RS111 was strongly inhibited by Pseudomonas spp. strains RE8, RS13, RS56 and RS158, whereas a mutant of strain RS111 (RS111-a) was insensitive to inhibition by these strains. Strains RS111 and RS111-a only slightly inhibited some other strains. Suppression of fusarium wilt of radish in a potting soil bioassay by the incompatible combination of RE8 and RS111 was comparable to the effects of the single strains. However, disease suppression by the compatible combination of RE8 and RS111-a was significantly better as compared to the single strains. In contrast, the incompatible combination of RS56 with RS111 resulted in enhanced disease suppression as compared to the single strains. Increased disease suppression by combinations of RS13 or RS158 with RS111 or RS111-a was not observed. This indicates that specific interactions between biocontrol strains influence disease suppression by combinations of these strains

    Microbial Antagonism at the Root Level Is Involved in the Suppression of Fusarium Wilt by the Combination of Nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum Fo47 and Pseudomonas putida WCS358

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    Two biological control agents, nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum Fo47 and Pseudomonas putida WCS358, were evaluated for suppression of Fusarium wilt of flax grown in nutrient solution and for suppression of the population density and metabolic activity of the causal organism F. oxysporum f. sp. lini strain Foln3GUS on root surfaces. Due to the presence of an introduced gusA reporter gene construct in Foln3GUS, the pathogen expressed b-glucuronidase activity that was related to its carbon metabolism. At a Fo47 to Foln3GUS inoculum ratio of 100:1, both the population density of the pathogen and the b-glucuronidase activity on and in flax roots were reduced by the nonpathogenic strain, and Fusarium wilt was suppressed. At a Fo47 to Foln3GUS inoculum ratio of 10:1, Fo47 decreased the severity of Fusarium wilt to a smaller extent and it also reduced b-glucuronidase activity without reducing the density of Foln3GUS on flax roots. At a nonpathogenic to pathogenic Fusarium strains ratio of 10:1, the addition of P. putida WCS358 further suppressed Fusarium wilt and the density of the pathogen at the root level, whereas a mutant of WCS358 deficient in pseudobactin production had no significant effect. Iron availability to WCS358 on flax roots, assessed by ice-nucleation activity conferred from a transcriptional fusion (pvd-inaZ) of an ice-nucleation reporter gene to an iron-regulated promoter, was sufficiently low to allow pseudobactin production. P. putida WCS358 did not reduce the severity of Fusarium wilt of flax when inoculated without Fo47, and it did not improve disease suppression achieved by high inoculum doses of Fo47 (a Fo47 to Foln3GUS ratio of 100:1). Together, these data provide evidence that (i) suppression of Fusarium wilt of flax by Fo47 is related to reductions in the population density and metabolic activity of the pathogen on the root surface; (ii) WCS358 can enhance the biological control activity of Fo47, but this enhancement depends on the population of Fo47 relative to the pathogen; and (iii) pseudobactin contributes to suppression of Fusarium wilt by the combination of Fo47 and WCS358 on roots in which conditions are conducive to pseudobactin production by the bacterium

    Развитие ионизационного монитора поперечного сечения протонного пучка линейного ускорителя ИЯИ РАН

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    Для обеспечения прозрачных измерений поперечного сечения и профилей токовых импульсов в широком диапазоне энергий и амплитуд разработан и установлен на ускорителе специальный ионизационный монитор поперечного сечения (ИМПС) на остаточном газе. ИМПС оборудован зеркально-линзовым трактом для транспортировки изображения пучка от детектора до ТВ-камеры и защиты ПЗС-матрицы и электроники ТВ-камеры от бомбардировки нейтронами и γ-квантами. В работе приводится схема и описание датчика, а также некоторые детали программного и аппаратного обеспечения системы съема и обработки изображений. Представлены полученные результаты измерений импульсного тока протонов.Для забезпечення прозорих вимірів поперечного переріза й профілів струмових імпульсів у широкому діапазоні енергій і амплітуд розроблений і встановлений на прискорювачі спеціальний іонізаційний монітор поперечного переріза (ІМПС) на залишковому газі. ІМПС обладнаний дзеркально-лінзовим трактом для транспортування зображення пучка від детектора до ТВ-камери і захисту Пзс-матриці й електроніки ТВ-камеры від бомбардування нейтронами і γ-квантами. У роботі приводиться схема й опис датчика, а також деякі деталі програмного й апаратного забезпечення системи знімання й обробки зображень. Представлено отримані результати вимірів імпульсного струму протонів.To provide non-intercepting measurements of beam pulse transverse section and profile the special residual gas ion transverse section monitor (ITSM) for wide energy and amplitude range is developed and installed on the accelerator. ITSM is provided by lens-mirror line for transport beam image from the detector to TV camera and saving CCD and electronics of TV camera from neutron and γ hitting. The ITSM functioning details and image processing system are described. The available results of beam pulse measurements are presented

    Induced systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana elicited by bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) rhizobacteria and their volatiles against Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae.

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    INDUCED SYSTEMIC RESISTANCE IN ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA ELICITED BY BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) RHIZOBACTERIA AND THEIR VOLATILES AGAINST XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ARMORACIAE A. Giorgio1, P.A.H.M. Bakker2, N.S. Iacobellis1 1Scuola di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari ed Ambientali, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano 10, 85100, Potenza, Italy. 2Plant-Microbe Interactions, Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected] Bacteria that are naturally associated to the rhizosphere of Phaseolus vulgaris were isolated and evaluated for the production of diffusible and volatile antimicrobial metabolites and hydrolytic enzymes. Six strains of rhizobacteria that inhibited the growth of bean pathogens, were identified as Pseudomonas and Bacillus spp.. When applied to bean seeds, these stains reduced the disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans inoculated by injection in the leaves, suggesting the involvement of induced systemic resistance (ISR). Arabidopsis thaliana is a model plant for which ISR has been well documented, including signal transduction pathways involved, and we assessed whether three selected rhizobacteria were able to elicit ISR in the pathosystem A. thaliana / X.c.pv. armoraciae. Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS417 was used as a positive control for ISR in A. thaliana. Inducing plants by root colonization or exposing A. thaliana to volatiles produced by three selected rhizobacteria reduced X.c.s pv. armoraciae growth in plant tissues and disease symptoms after inoculation of the leaves by dipping. Expression analysis of the defense marker genes PR1, ERF1, PDF1.2, and VSP2 in A. thaliana Col-0 after pathogen infection showed that exposure to the volatiles resulted in priming. The involvement of specific defense-related pathways in ISR was investigated using A. thaliana mutants affected in salicylic acid, ethylene, or jasmonic acid signaling. These results provide new insights on plant defense responses through different signal transduction pathways, depending on the rhizobacterium used and on the involvement of rhizobacterial volatiles in eliciting ISR

    The rhizosphere microbiome and plant health

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    The diversity of microbes associated with plant roots is enormous, in the order of tens of thousands of species. This complex plant-associated microbial community, also referred to as the second genome of the plant, is crucial for plant health. Recent advances in plant–microbe interactions research revealed that plants are able to shape their rhizosphere microbiome, as evidenced by the fact that different plant species host specific microbial communities when grown on the same soil. In this review, we discuss evidence that upon pathogen or insect attack, plants are able to recruit protective microorganisms, and enhance microbial activity to suppress pathogens in the rhizosphere. A comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that govern selection and activity of microbial communities by plant roots will provide new opportunities to increase crop production

    Mechanisms of PGPR-induced resistance against pathogens

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    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria can suppress diseases through antagonism between the bacteria and soilborne pathogens, as well as by inducing a systemic resistance in the plant against both root and foliar pathogens. Specific Pseudomonas strains induce systemic resistance in carnation, cucumber, radish, tobacco and Arabidopsis, as evidenced by an enhanced defensive capacity upon challenge inoculation. In carnation, radish and Arabidopsis, the O-antigeni c side chain of the bacterial outer membrane lipopolysaccharide acts as an inducing determinant, but other bacterial traits are also involved. Siderophores have been implicated in the induction of resistance in tobacco and Arabidopsis, and a novel type of siderophore, fluorebactin, may explain induction of resistance associated with salicylic acid (SA) in radish. Although SA induces phenotypically similar systemic acquired resistance, it is not necessary for the systemic resistance induced by most rhizobacterial strains, because this induced resistance is not associated with the accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins and is fully expressed in Arabidopsis transformants unable to accumulate SA. Although some bacterial strains are equally effective in inducing resistance in different plant species, others show specificity, indicating specific recognition between bacteria and plants at the root surface

    Induction and expression of PGPR-mediated induced resistance against pathogens

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    Treatment of plants with selected strains of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can induce systemic resistance in carnation, cucumber, radish, tobacco, and Arabidopsis as evidenced by an enhanced defensive capacity upon challenge inoculation with a pathogen. In the induction of resistance by Pseudomonas spp. in carnation, radish, and Arabidopsis, the O-antigenic side chain of the bacterial outer membrane lipopolysaccharide acts as an inducing determinant, but other bacterial traits are also involved. Siderophores have been implicated in the induction of resistance in tobacco and Arabidopsis, and a novel type of sideophore, fluorebactin, may explain induction of resistance associated with salicylic acid (SA) in radish. Although some bacterial strains are equally effective in inducing resistance in different plant species, others show specificity which suggests specific recognition between bacteria and plants at the root surface. Moreover, genetic variation for inducibility by specific PGPR strains is present in carnation and Arabidopsis. In contrast to the phenotypically similar systemic acquired resistance (SAR) induced by pathogens, PGPR-mediated induced systemic resistance (ISR) does not always require SA. SAR-associated SA production induces pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs), but no accumulation of PRs was detectable in radish and Arabidopsis expressing ISR. In addition, ISR is fully expressed in Arabidopsis plants transformed with the NahG gene and unable to accumulate SA. In contrast, Arabidopsis mutated in the Etrl gene and insensitive to ethylene, or in the jarl gene and insensitive to jasmonic acid, were no longer inducible. These results demonstrate that compared to pathogens inducing SAR, non-pathogenic rhizobacteria inducing ISR trigger a different signal-transduction pathway not dependent on the accumulation of SA and activation of PR-genes, but dependent on perception of ethylene and jasmonic acid