110 research outputs found

    How do Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Apply When Teaching Abroad?

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    In this chapter, seven intercultural teaching experiences are contextualised by using the Hofstede (2011) model on cultural dimensions. The experiences are from Australia, China, France, Germany, Russia, India and Thailand. They are analysed using Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions of Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, and Uncertainty Avoidance. The results show that stereotypical behaviour in the teacher-student interaction is confirmed, but is also refuted in numerous instances and across the dimensions. The described cases also cover interactions between the guest lecturer and staff of the hosting universities in the seven countries. This anecdotal evidence shows more commonality with the Hofstede model than the teacher-student relationships do. Using Hofstede’s model to prepare for and carry out international guest lectures remains a useful tool. It is advised to keep an open mind and not take stereotypical behaviour for grante

    The Startup Ecosystem of the Ems-Dollart-Region

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    In the Ems-Dollart-region in the North of the Netherlands and North-West Germany, startups are contributing to the region’s economy. In principal, well-developed startup and entrepreneurship ecosystems are an important factor for prosperity. Such ecosystems consist of companies, regional policy institutions, universities and other private or public organisations. In a functioning entrepreneurship ecosystem, these players optimally interact with each other. In January 2019, the project “Startup Perspectives” (Bakker et al., 2019) explored the opportunities and possibilities that a cross-border startup scene would bring to the Ems-Dollart-region. Based on this research, the Startup Ems-Dollart-region project emerged. Within the Interreg V A scheme, the project is funded by Interreg/EDR and runs from June 1st 2019-June 30th 2022. The aim of the Startup Ems-Dollart-region project is to facilitate a cross-border startup ecosystem between the three provinces of Drenthe, Friesland and Groningen on the Dutch side and the WeserEms region in Germany. This will entail the formation of a (digital) network for the startup scene, tailored mentoring programs for young entrepreneurs and the development of entrepreneurship education programs with a cross-border focus. Overall, a sustainable and long-lasting entrepreneurship ecosystem shall facilitate cross-border activities among young entrepreneurs and startups.To gain an understanding of the current entrepreneurship environment in all the regions, a mapping of the relevant stakeholders took place at the beginning of the project. This report will summarize the key findings of this mapping exercise

    400 startups per year –:how the entrepreneurship education at Hanzehogeschool makes an impact in Groningen, the Netherlands

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    This contribution will describe how the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen, the Netherlands has implemented its entrepreneurship education throughout the entire institution resulting in entrepreneurial awareness among many students and great impact in the regional innovation ecosyste

    The Startup Ecosystem of the Ems-Dollart-Region

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    The internationalisation of SMEs - Perspectives for the Northern Netherlands

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    Inaugural Vision Professorship International Busines

    The internationalisation of SMEs - Perspectives for the Northern Netherlands

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