42 research outputs found

    Feasibility of using the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer antiemesis tool for assessment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting at Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia and palliative care team

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    Introduction: Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) has been shown to adversely impact patient anxiety, quality of life, treatment adherence, and use of health care resources. The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) has developed a tool (MASCC Antiemesis Tool (MAT)) to improve assessment and subsequent management of CINV by enhancing communication between patients and their clinicians. This study assessed the feasibility of using the MAT in patients at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. The secondary objective was to describe the incidence of CINV as identified by the tool. Methods and materials: This study involved a prospective survey using the MAT in patients receiving intravenous chemotherapy. Subjects completed the MAT twice post-chemotherapy regarding CINV symptoms and returned it at their next clinic appointment. Participants were also surveyed to evaluate feasibility with regard to using the MAT. Results: Of the 35 patients recruited, 57% returned surveys. The majority of patients reported that the MAT facilitated communication with their clinician, particularly those who had experienced CINV 70% of patients who returned the MAT reported CINV; however, less than half of them had received antiemetic drugs according to the recommendations contained in international guidelines. Only four patients with CINV had antiemetic changes made for subsequent cycles. Conclusion: The MAT is a feasible tool which can improve communication of CINV symptoms between patients and clinicians, a foundational step toward improving CINV management

    Fracture mechanics analysis of damaged turbine rotor discs using finite element method

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    This paper presents evaluation fracture mechanics parameters in low pressure turbine components. Critical locations such as keyway and dovetail area are experiencing stress concentration leading to crack initiation. Stress intensity factors were evaluated using the J-Integral approach available within ANSYS software code. The finite element method allowed the prediction of the point of crack initiation and the crack propagation using the orientations of the maximum principal stresses. Special attention in this investigation is focused to develop analytic expressions for stress intensity factors at critical location of low pres-sure steam turbine disc. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. I-174001 i br. TR-35045

    Material characterization of the main steam gate valve made of X20CrMoV 12.1 steel after long term service

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    Martensitic steel X20CrMo12.1 has been extensively used within the last few decades as a material for tubing systems and pipelines in thermal power plants (TPP). Long term behavior of this steel is very well known and understood and because of that was found to be reliable material for prolonged service at elevated temperatures. It is well known that during operation TPP components are subject to microstructural changes that inevitably reflect decrease in their mechanical properties that lead to the loss of structural integrity and serviceability of component. This paper deals with the comprehensive investigation carried out on the main steam gate valve parent material of welded joint, as a part of main steam pipeline, after 170.000 h of service (545 degrees C and 19MPa). The obtained results showed that the microstructural degradation caused by long term operation had little effects on the hardness and strength of material, while the changes in impact toughness were observed. Comprehensive microstructural analysis included the examination of the microstructure on the surface and trough the wall thickness

    Review of the Research on the Turbulence in the Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy

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    Paper gives a review of the most important results of turbulence research achieved by the Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy at the Vinca Insitute of Nuclear Sciences. Paper presents detailed overview of the history of the scientific research provided in the laboratory, from the beginning in the mid-60s to today, pointing out the main reasons initiating the investigations in this field. After the first period, which was mainly devoted to the research of the structure of the turbulence, since the beginning of the 80s, research is mainly oriented to the flows at high temperatures including chemical reactions and to the development and improvement of differential mathematical models as a modern and very efficient tool in the technological development. This research significantly contributed to the development of pulverized coal burners, plasma-chemical reactors, and optimization of pulverized coal fired boilers operating parameters and prediction of the greenhouse gases emissions. Most recent period includes experimental and numerical studies of the coherent structures in turbulent fluid jets, mathematical modeling of various turbulent thermal flow processes including two-phase turbulent flow in the multiphase heat exchangers and mathematical modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer.Turbulence Workshop, Aug 31-Sep 02, 2015, Univ Belgrade, Fac Mech Engn, Belgrade, Serbi

    Material characterization of the main steam gate valve made of X20CrMoV 12.1 steel after long term service

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    Martensitic steel X20CrMo12.1 has been extensively used within the last few decades as a material for tubing systems and pipelines in thermal power plants (TPP). Long term behavior of this steel is very well known and understood and because of that was found to be reliable material for prolonged service at elevated temperatures. It is well known that during operation TPP components are subject to microstructural changes that inevitably reflect decrease in their mechanical properties that lead to the loss of structural integrity and serviceability of component. This paper deals with the comprehensive investigation carried out on the main steam gate valve parent material of welded joint, as a part of main steam pipeline, after 170.000 h of service (545 degrees C and 19MPa). The obtained results showed that the microstructural degradation caused by long term operation had little effects on the hardness and strength of material, while the changes in impact toughness were observed. Comprehensive microstructural analysis included the examination of the microstructure on the surface and trough the wall thickness

    Diskriminacija po osnovu verskih karakteristika u oblasti rada

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    Predmetno istraživanje rada koncipirano je na ispitivanju potrebe da se zaštiti ispoljavanje slobode veroispovesti na mestima rada, kao i da se spreči diskriminacija po osnovu verskih karakteristika zaposlenih. Cilj pravnog i sociološkog sagledavanja slobode veroispovesti u radnopravnom domenu i njegovog uticaja na unapređenje nacionalnih pozitivnopravnih rešenja, te harmonizacije sa uporednim pravom i praksom, ima svoje naučno i praktično opravdanje i utemeljenje jer je reč o promovisanju jednog šireg koncepta - dostojanstvenog rada. U središtu rada se kao esencijalno prožima sledeće pitanje: Da li je većinsko, deklarativno, garantovanje slobode veroispovesti odredbama Ustava, kao i pozitivnim zakonskim tekstovima, dovoljno za zaštitu od verske diskriminacije u oblasti rada, kao i na koji način je moguće povećati obim i stepen zaštite prava pojedinaca na slobodu verskog izražavanja, na način da se ne ugroze interesi poslodavca u uslovima dominacije ekonomskih principa u poslovanju, kao i na tržištu rada i uspostavljanja ravnoteže sa socijalnim ciljevima u kontekstu održivog razvoja

    Entrainment of cold gas into turbulent premixed acetylene flame

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    Entrainment of surrounding air into premixed acetylene flame leads to a change in velocity and temperature fields. In this paper the mixing process between the premixed acetylene flame and surrounding air, in different regions of the flame, has been analyzed. Conditional and unconditional statistics of the LDA signals were performed using jet and/or air seed. Compared to commonly used unconditional statistics, conditional statistics of velocity fluctuations can give us more data about intensity of turbulent mixing in the flame. Mean velocity, turbulence intensity and probability density function of instantaneous velocities have been measured at different cross-sections of the flame, for premixed acetylene/air mixture with stoichiometric ratio. The velocity field measurements were performed with the laser-Doppler anemometer, while for the temperature field measurements Pt-PtRh10% thermocouple was used. Relations between mean velocities and probability density functions have been established in cases of conditional and unconditional seeding. Mixing factor has been defined as a measure of mixing intensity

    Scaling sets and orthonormal wavelets with dilations induced by expanding matrices

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    The paper studies orthonormal wavelets in L2(Rn) with dilations induced by expanding integer matrices of arbitrary determinant. We provide a method for construction of all scaling sets and, hence, of all orthonormal MSF wavelets with the additional property that the core space of the underlying multiresolution structure is singly generated. Several examples on the real line and in R2 are included. We also prove that all MSF orthonormal wavelets whose dimension function is essentially bounded by 1 are obtained by our construction method. Finally, we derive a description of all wavelets (not necessarily MSF ones) that arise from a single scaling function in terms of the underlying multiresolution structure

    Disproportions in literacy of Serbian population, by age and sex

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    Секция 2. Демографические тренды и риски развития стран и регионов мир