724 research outputs found

    Effect of short time captopril administration on spatial memory in aging rats

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    Introduction: The brain renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has been reported having a pathological role in age-related impairment in learning and memory. Therefore, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) are expected to have positive ef fects on memory. Longtime treatment with captopril (an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) significantly attenuates the age-related impairment in learning and memory. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 24 month old male Wistar rats were divided into four experimental groups (n=8). Captopril treated groups received daily ip injections of captopril at doses of 5, 10, 15 mg/kg/day for one week, the forth group served as control and remained untreated. Learning process was assessed by the reference memory task in the Morris water maze. All rats received water maze training (4 trials/day for 5 days) to assess hippocampal dependent spatial learning and then received a 60-s probe test of spatial memory retention 24 h after the 20th trial. Results: Over 5 days of training, captopril 5, 10, 15 mg/kg/day treatment signi ficantly reduced the latency and path length to finding the escape platform. In probe trails (without platform), on the last day of training, the captopril -treated group spent significantly longer time in the platform quadrant than control animals. Among treated group, 10 /mg/Kg dosage of captopril induced the best rehearsals memory. Conclusion: These results confirm the previous studies that ACEi have a positive influence on memory and it was noticeable that even short time treatment by captopril can improve spatial memory in the aged rats. © 2015, Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology. All rights reserved

    Molecular epidemiology of high-risk types of Human Papillomaviruses (16, 18) in pap-smear, the North East of Iran

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    Background: Cervical Cancer is one of the most important and commonly diagnosed types of cancer in females. There are different causes of cervical cancer, amongst which recurrent and persistent infection with HPV types 16 and 18 are the most renowned ones. These genotypes are the main factors in 99% of cases in developed countries and 70% in developing ones. Due to the importance of these viruses in cervical cancer, molecular detection of HPV and its high risk genotypes in Gorgan was designed. Methods: Pap smears and swabs specimens were taken from 308 women. Papanicola staining method and cytology were used. Nucleic acid was extracted by proteinase K phenol-chloroform standard method and then assessed by using beta-globin primer. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was then performed for papilomaviruses on all patients and positive cases from both types, including HPV 16 and 18 genotypes, were detected. Results: Three hundred and eight women (15-75 years old) with mean age of 37.54±10.6 were recruited. Seventy six cases (20.1%) of whom were infected with HPV and 48.6% with HPV16 or 18 positive. Normal cytology was seen in 226 cases and 41 patients (18.1%) were HPV positive. Amongst those 152 cases with inflammation or abnormal cytology, 35 cases (23%) were HPV positive. No significant relation was reported between different variables and HPV infections. Conclusions: Due to high rate of HPV infection, as well as its high risk genotypes in different studies, more careful screening of women by Pap smear is recommended
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