3 research outputs found

    Calculation of release time of water in soil layer

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    This article discusses the importance and principles of drainage system design in irrigated land. Weather and the type of cultivated crop are analyzed as the main factors for the drainage system. Also, since there is no single empirical formula for determining the duration of groundwater discharge through ditches for designing efficient and sustainable drainage systems in areas where water-saving irrigation technologies are introduced, a certain new method for determining this time is presented as a recommendation

    Assessment of wind effect on reservoir

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    This article presents the research results on assessing the strength of the reservoir slope under the influence of different wind speeds. Calculating the parameters of the wave effect on the dam of the Rezaksoi reservoir was carried out. The average wave height was determined using existing calculation methods for the Rezaksoy Reservoir. Stones of different sizes are used to strengthen the slope of the dam and protect it from the effects of wind waves, and stones with an average diameter are selected for calculations. Based on the determined stone dimensionsKΔ; KNP values were determined. The diameter of the stone D1 and D2 for the conditions of Rezaksoi was determined

    A new technology in cleaning irrigation systems from turbid sediments

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    The current article considers a method of improvement based on the laws of flow motion in developing resource-saving devices based on the analytical analysis of research on using air ejectors in the national economy. The hydraulic parameters of the jet lift and air ejector are theoretically based, and the connections obtained are tested experimentally. Based on the experiments, the economical parameters of the inlet water lift and air ejector were determined. It was determined that the working pressure of the laboratory water intake device for taking water from a well at a depth of 1 m to a height of 2 m is Hi = 1 m, working flow consumption Q=29.52·10-5 m3/s. Based on theoretical research and experimental data, the consumption characteristics of the structured water lift and air ejector were constructed