31,769 research outputs found

    Large-scale erosional and depositional features of the Channeled Scabland

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    The channeled scabland is a great anastomosing complex of highly overfit stand channels eroded into the basalt bedrock and overlying sediments of the Columbia Plateau. Both the erosional and depositional bed forms in these channels are described according to a simple hierarchical classification. The catastrophic flood flows produced macroforms (scale controlled by channel width) through the erosion of rock and sediment and by deposition (bars). Mesoforms (scale controlled by channel depth) are also erosional and depositional

    The Spokane flood controversy

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    An enormous plexus of proglacial channels that eroded into the loess and basalt of the Columbia Plateau, eastern Washington is studied. This channeled scabland contained erosional and depositional features that were unique among fluvial phenomena. Documentation of the field relationships of the region explains the landforms as the product of a relatively brief, but enormous flood, then so-called the Spokane flood

    Paleohydraulics and hydrodynamics of Scabland floods

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    The last major episode of scabland flooding (approx. 18,000-13,000 years B.P.) left considerable high-water mark evidence in the form of: (1) eroded channel margins; (2) depositional features; (3) ice-rafter erratics; and (4) divide crossings. These were used to reconstruct maximum flood stages and water-surface gradients. Engineering hydraulic calculation procedures allowed the analyses of flood discharges and mean velocities from these data. Secondary flow phenomena, including various forms of vortices and flow separations, are considered to have been the principal erosive processes. The intense pressure and velocity gradients of vortices along the irregular channel boundaries produced the plucking-type erosion

    A New Global Geomorphology?

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    Geomorphology is entering a new era of discovery and scientific excitement centered on expanding scales of concern in both time and space. The catalysts for this development include technological advances in global remote sensing systems, mathematical modeling, and the dating of geomorphic surfaces and processes. Even more important are new scientific questions centered on comparative planetary geomorphology, the interaction of tectonism with landscapes, the dynamics of late Cenozoic climatic changes, the influence of cataclysmic processes, the recognition of extremely ancient landforms, and the history of the world's hydrologic systems. These questions all involve feedback relationships with allied sciences that have recently yielded profound developments

    Venusian sinuous rilles

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    After a preliminary assessment of venusian channels, it now seems to be clear that the channels have distinctive classes, which imply a wide range of formation parameters and formation mechanisms. They include outflow channels mainly formed by mechanical erosion from very high discharge flow, and canali-type channels requiring either constructional process or mechanical erosion by rather exotic low-viscosity lava such as carbonatite or sulfur. Here we focus on venusian sinuous rilles. Venusian sinuous rilles are generally simple, and originate from a collapsed source. They are shallow and narrow downstream. The venusian sinuous rilles are distinct from canali-type channels, which exhibit almost constant morphologies throughout their entire length, and from outflow channels, which are characterized by wide anastomosing reaches. The lunar sinuous rilles could have been formed initially as constructional channels. However, incision was caused by the long flow duration and high temperatures of eruption, along with relatively large discharge rates, possibly assisted by a low viscosity of the channel-forming lava. Channel narrowing and levee formation suggest relatively fast cooling. The venusian channels could have had a similar sequence of formation including rapid cooling. Assuming the substrate is typical tholeiitic lava, the flowing lavas' temperatures have to be higher than the melting temperature of the substrate. The flow should have a low viscosity to cause turbulence and keep a high Reynolds number to sustain efficient thermal erosion. Determining eruption conditions also provide insights to estimate lava composition. Assuming a channel is formed mostly by thermal erosion, the channel's length and longitudinal profile are functions of lava properties. The depth profiles of the channel are measured by radar foreshortening methods and stereo images. Eruption conditions of channel forming lava can be estimated by the methods developed by Hulme

    The Channeled Scabland

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    The geomorphology and hydrodynamics of high velocity flood erosion in the channeled scabland of the Columbia Basin are discussed

    The influence of receptor-mediated interactions on reaction-diffusion mechanisms of cellular self-organisation

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    Understanding the mechanisms governing and regulating self-organisation in the developing embryo is a key challenge that has puzzled and fascinated scientists for decades. Since its conception in 1952 the Turing model has been a paradigm for pattern formation, motivating numerous theoretical and experimental studies, though its verification at the molecular level in biological systems has remained elusive. In this work, we consider the influence of receptor-mediated dynamics within the framework of Turing models, showing how non-diffusing species impact the conditions for the emergence of self-organisation. We illustrate our results within the framework of hair follicle pre-patterning, showing how receptor interaction structures can be constrained by the requirement for patterning, without the need for detailed knowledge of the network dynamics. Finally, in the light of our results, we discuss the ability of such systems to pattern outside the classical limits of the Turing model, and the inherent dangers involved in model reduction

    Is Consonant Perception Linked to Within-Category Dispersion or Across-Category Distance?

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    This study investigated the relation between the internal structure of phonetic categories and consonant intelligibility. For two phonetic contrasts (/s/-/S/ and /b/-/p/), 32 iterations per category were elicited for each of 40 talkers from a same accent group and age range, and measures of cross-category distance and within-category dispersion were obtained. These measures varied substantially across talkers but were not correlated across both contrasts suggesting that degree of cross-category distance or within-category dispersion is not consistent within-speaker. For each contrast, consonant identification tests in mild babble noise, that presented the complete set of iterations for eight talkers showing extreme values in these two measures, revealed some talker effects on reaction time. However, these did not appear to be correlated with either cross-category distance or within-category dispersion for those talkers

    Competence, specification and induction of Pax-3 in the trigeminal placode

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    Placodes are discrete regions of thickened ectoderm that contribute extensively to the peripheral nervous system in the vertebrate head. The paired-domain transcription factor Pax-3 is an early molecular marker for the avian ophthalmic trigeminal (opV) placode, which forms sensory neurons in the ophthalmic lobe of the trigeminal ganglion. Here, we use collagen gel cultures and heterotopic quail-chick grafts to examine the competence, specification and induction of Pax-3 in the opV placode. At the 3-somite stage, the whole head ectoderm rostral to the first somite is competent to express Pax-3 when grafted to the opV placode region, though competence is rapidly lost thereafter in otic-level ectoderm. Pax-3 specification in presumptive opV placode ectoderm occurs by the 8-somite stage, concomitant with robust Pax-3 expression. From the 8-somite stage onwards, significant numbers of cells are committed to express Pax-3. The entire length of the neural tube has the ability to induce Pax-3 expression in competent head ectoderm and the inductive interaction is direct. We propose a detailed model for Pax-3 induction in the opV placode